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David Swinden Jan 2018
As I watched you slip away
I hoped we would meet again
Through all the pouring rain
There was a ***** of light
And you where shining bright
I held you in my arms once again
And I hoped this love would remain
The love I so truly cherished
Spoke of which such merit
Cradled and whispered I love you
To you I gave my heart so true
I dreamed of all the times we shared
And my heart I gave to you and bared
I wanted it to last forever this time
And together we would always remain
Then one day you left me all alone
Freezing cold like winter to the bone  
As I watched you slip away
Emotional turmoil once again

David Swinden 23/1/2018
First poem in a long time :-)
David Swinden Aug 2017
I have waited for so long
Its been a long time coming
Same old day and routines
That arrive with each morning

Same old typical weather
Nothing ever seems to change
Life still goes on around me
And in my heart you still remain

Everything seems to have stopped
But people keep running around
Who is left to pick me up
When I fall and hit the ground

Naked is my soul bared
Fragile is the hearts desires
But the devil is making my rules
And everyday he breathes fire

With poetry deep in hibernation
Poetry has been my lost in me
My outlet has seen barren times
Like a ship that’s lost at sea

David Swinden © 13/8/2017
I see the pain behind your eyes
Drowning your hopes for tomorrow
Love will wear many a disguise
To find a way through your sorrow
You feel you’re lonely everywhere
The world to you seems so unkind
All this time no one seemed to care
Your heart will show the light, you’ll find

The truth of your soul comes your way
The mind will only deceive you
Just when it seems you’ve gone astray
You know your troubles will leave you
Call my name I’ll be there somehow
Remember the love you found here
Every day when you need me now
Through the spirit, we are bound here

Falling like a star from the sky
Falling like an autumn leaf does
By your side, till the day I die
This is how falling for you was
You can hold me deep in your heart
You will remember true love’s place
When your world seems to fall apart
Think of me just stroking your face
Our true love is deeper than deep
It takes you from the burning pyre
With a little work, you can keep
The truest love you most desire
David Swinden Apr 2017
My heart is broken and it will remain the same
I will never recover through all the wind and rain
Darker times are here forever till my last breath
The tears I cry will bleed until my own death
The place called home is like a graveyard
It will always be your home, it tears me apart
Everywhere and everything is a part of us as two
I close my eyes and empty mind, but I still see you
You never leave me I want the pain to stay forever
It would never feel right anyhow now we're not together
Do not think you were not loved, just see the tears I cry
You know when you're in heaven, I will mourn for you till I die

David Swinden © 29/4/2017
My Mother is now in a home with Dementia it will never be the same in this house.
David Swinden Apr 2017
Take two brothers of Betrayal
Add them to the cooking ***
Put in some memories of mother
While they sit and watch her rot
Don’t forget her dementia
Your younger brother has to cope
Ignore his pleas for help
Just act like a couple of dopes
Add some tears of sadness
It's the only liquid to use
Youngest brother begins to break
So pour in a dose of blues
Put some salt in the ***
In wounds it makes it hurt
As I do everything for her
I will add my ****** shirt
Stir in all the ingredients
Now add a pinch of madness
Now let it simmer for six years
That's the recipe of sadness

David Swinden© 26/6/2016
You can't choose your family. :-(
I conclude that I hate the world today
Everything people are and what they say
They speak no kind words by gesture or sound
There is no common decency around
People are not nice like they were before
I hate that there's no respect anymore
We are seriously lacking dignity
To a human race no affinity
We're all offended or aggravated
Whilst we act so cold and calculated
There's very few out there who won't pretend
Everyone's an enemy to a friend
We are ultimately in regression
Forcing ourselves into an oppression
Like we've gone back to the days of the cave
Not so the Stone Age ways should we enslave
Is it all about tearing someone apart?
Does anyone have love left in their heart?
Don't mean to be unkind
But if you wouldn't mind
I'd like to step off the planet now please
We are giving such little guarantees
I will take you with me
If you would like to see
An end to this ****** scrutinising show
Time to leave ~ to somewhere *only we know
Anyone have a TARDIS laying around they're not using at all? I was told to ask for The Doctor?
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