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David Hall Jun 2014
Little hands with tiny fingers
reach out like they can see,
over the top off coffee tables
and behind her daddy’s knee.

Little hands with tiny fingers
seem to always find a mystery.
They can slip almost anywhere
little hands should never be.

always grasping always searching
always reaching always learning

Little hands with tiny fingers
touch my heart and set me free.
When the little girl they belong to,
gives her little hands to me.
David Hall Jun 2014
Thunder troubles a darkening sky.
Wind rustles the sun dappled grass
as miles of meadows wander by.

Shadows dance on a distant hill
of monsters meeting in the air,
tired of merely standing still.

The sun it tries to stand and fight
piercing the monsters with beams of light.

The light if fades from a shattered sky.
The monsters merge with all their might
and the evening darkness begins to cry.

The very air it begins to howl
stirring every branch and blade.
It regards the monsters with a scowl.

The monsters throw their streaks of light
a raucous symphony of sound and sight.
A false dawn drives back the encroaching night.

But the wind is a force that won’t be denied.
It vows an oath to take back the sky
and drives the monsters upon the tide.

The moon and stars are all that remain
to comfort the tears of a war torn sky
and remind the monsters they fought in vain.
David Hall Jun 2014
I can almost hear her laughter
Her face almost makes me smile
But I know our time together
Is just a sweet short while

All the music notes fall flat
The colors start to fade
There is nothing left but sadness
In the games that we once played

The sky keeps getting darker
I can’t seem to find the light
As I slowly forget the sunshine
All I am left with is the night

I am drowning in my sorrow  
As I lose my fight to be
And I am not sure if tomorrow
Will find anything left of me
David Hall Nov 2013
As a child I searched for shelter
Safe behind my mother’s arms
Only time revealed the truth
There are many kinds of harm

Adolescence brought my search
To find what constitutes the self
I found we are all made up of parts
We assembled off the shelf

Perhaps my greatest search
Was to find my one true love
I discovered love must be built
It's not just a gift from up above

Now all I seek is forgiveness
In the depths of someone’s eyes
After revealing all my secrets
And surrendering my lies
David Hall Nov 2013
Time, the only place that we’re together.
Not here, not now and certainly not then.
It’s in the passing of time.
It’s in the promise of time.
Time is where we find our place.

Time, where we can go to be alone.
I was never there, but I visit often.
It’s in the memory of time.
It’s in the imagining of time.
Time is nothing more than space.

Time, a never ending river.
Anything is possible in the shadow of time.
It’s just a matter of time.
It’s just the fullness of time.
Time will win in every race.
David Hall Nov 2013
Life should come with a disclaimer
“This **** doesn’t get any easier”
Stamped on the back of every hand
as babies exit their mother’s womb.

There are some things in life,
everyone should be told up front.

Life isn’t fair, so don’t expect it to be.

Love changes, so don’t hold onto it too tightly.

People are dishonest, be careful who you trust.

Never go to the DMV on a Monday.

Unfortunately life doesn’t come with a disclaimer.
When you are 40 you look back and realize
how much time you could have saved
if someone had just told you about the DMV and Monday’s
David Hall Jan 2013
I come to you.
Unable to lie to myself another moment,
confessing my desires
and you turn me away.

It eats at you.
Thinking you may never see my smile again.
Fighting your demons,
you call out to me.

You run to me.
Passion and doubt tearing down your insides,
goodbye burns in your mouth.
I turn away from you.

I look back to you.
Desperate for one last glance at my hearts true desire
breaking my spirit.
I cry out for you.

You give in to me.
Your world inverts itself as you release your propriety
and abandon all reason.
You give in to  me.

I kiss your lips.
Reality melts and we are carried away in a storm
lost in a fierce embrace
I give in  to you.
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