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  May 2015 Dark n Beautiful
every other line, underlined;
a life preserver sewn together with words,
ink circling my wrists like it could
anchor me here in existence, even if
it's nothing short of a distracting illusion.
in them, i saw my own struggle resurrect
itself, still a burden from my past
haunting me relentlessly since i was

isn't that a terrifying thing?
that kids of this generation
swallow pills like candy, cut wrists
like ribbons, drink liquor like
sweet-and-sour medicine? they give us
a bad reputation for hyperbole and
self-diagnosis, like the things we see
in ourselves are any less valid,
like the science and drugs they "cure" us
with have any meaning when our
mental mortality is broken and sick.

they say it's for attention, but
breaking news: it isn't.

why would you want to fake this
disease? it's a miserable, dead end cave
that collapses around you daily and suffocates,
squeezing until your insides are a barren wasteland, until
time ceases meaning anything and the clock ticks, ticks,
ticks, until we feel
the ticks of time teetering towering above
our heads, and we wait for the minute hand
to come slicing down like a

i remember that summer night vividly,
in muted colors and looming black screens
three a.m., weighed down by
self-loathing, wishing for an escape route.
they don't tell you about it; there's something
taboo about the slithering double s slipping
through your lips.
but every year, people succumb to this battle
they can't win, because they're so unaware,
frighteningly ill-prepared.

it's twisted how "i have a headache"
can be an acceptable reason to stop
trying for a day, but yet
"i can't get up today
i can't get up at all everything is
pointless and my body won't obey won't
perform basic survival functions and i
haven't eaten haven't slept right in days
i don't care why should i care
i don't care i don't care i don't
why do i keep going on like this like
a dead man walking like nothing
is wrong like this smile isn't badly mixed
plaster like it isn't chipping away
cracking breaking the ice around me
drowning me in the never ending black hole"
isn't quite good enough.

i never knew it affected anyone besides
adults. adults never realized
we kids could get totaled, too,
that we could be hopeless and
hollowed out, walking infinitely
in darkness and dissolving each
second. so yes,
when i found quentin, i wanted
to change his end. i wanted
to make things better, because i remember
finally finding a name for the churning beast
in me and crying with relief, no longer
alone or empty, even if the feeling was the fleeting
shooting star in a the vast dark cosmos.
i want to save him from the violent end
because i have to, because i owe
every kid like me an ear to listen, an
understanding smile, and some battle tips
from someone with invisible scars.
i'm healed, now, but quentin and so many
others have already lost, and
god forbid we lose another
to the parasite in our brains.
in his words, i hope someone
can find a steel lifeline,
and that they learn to let go
of tricky ticking time.
A personal poem inspired by Quentin Compson of "The Sound and The Fury" by William Faulkner.
Dark n Beautiful May 2015
Silence is the night
so is counting sheep
Into the wean hours of the morning
my heart beats down the loneliness
When I am missing you?

The sparrows nestled under the branches
as the rain goes pita, pata, pita, pata
The cricket compose its last four-note tune to me
sorry my baby, that you can't sleep
The jackal, the wolf and the herdsman
Slept soundly

Nevertheless, here I am counting headless sheep
That’s life you always say,
My life my lonely life,

Without my poetry to keep me sane
My jukebox music to keep me cheerful and lively:
a glass of red wine  blended with the silence
So why am I missing you:
Because this is my way of tricking my heart into loving you more
“Missing you is flashes of our past and fantasies of our future
with the hard irony of the absence of our present as present occur.”
Quote:― Zhi
Missing you is flashes of our past and fantasies of our future
with the hard irony of the absence of our present as present occur.”
Quote:― Zhi
  May 2015 Dark n Beautiful

Its dark outside
the roads are wet
Within my thoughts
I can’t forget
The love that shines
upon my heart
As this new day
hastens to start

A skyline wakes
of street light glare
In silence that
the dawn does share
For soon the sunrise
I shall see
When your sweet love
*appears to me
Good morning
Dark n Beautiful May 2015
When you kiss me yesterday
You said to make it last until we meet again
That was seven years ago
  I watched as we exchange that kiss on VHS

Today it made me squirm
Your kiss was an act.
Without the green lighting of  a sequel

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

― Thomas A. Edison
VHS, Green lighting. sequel, kissing , time fly
Dark n Beautiful May 2015
Your kind of love cripples me
I am weak,
I am sad,
I feel hopeless
You turned my life into a contest
Two for the price of one, plus a dollar:
You make me feel like raggedy Ann
Red braids and strips stocking
Cherry lips with white and blue smocking
A fabulous smile with twinkly eyes
am I the next Ms. Amy Winehouse?
I have let my mind become one with my thoughts
like an overpower incoming tide,
I am dying on the inside
I am flawless today
Eventually, tomorrow I will feel worthless
I am emotional abuse by
the master of deception and that’s you
I was your candy, yet you withdraw the cane
Leaving the flavor all sticky- icky
My long distant Lover
“Long distance relationships do not rely on physical love, long distance relationships are driven by the love that inspires your heart, mind and soul.”
― Anonymous
Dark n Beautiful May 2015
Long distance relationships do not rely on physical love, long distance relationships are driven by the love that inspires your heart, mind and soul.”
― Anonymous
Dark n Beautiful May 2015
The last time I saw you
You brought Toffee
Purple daisy, red lilies
Stinky Missy and daffodils’
You put them in the vase,

I panic and said “who die?

We were stunned
and asked each other: Why now?
After all these years

Love has not any pride
Ten years together
We never spoke
For goodness sake!
Can’t you see I am trying my best:
Stop you *******,
you had *** with my sister!
I hoped that my viewers understand what's going on here in this piece
sometimes in life its hard to forgive certain things... enjoy the poem.. Quote:
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