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dan hinton Nov 2017
" Каменное дно - фундамент, на котором я построил свой успех"
Дж.К. Роулинг
Я просыпаюсь утром, и, слава Богу, я - русский. Как и все, (нет, я говорю о  большинстве россиян, живущих за границей), когда я живу на Родине, то не могу дождаться отъезда, а как только уезжаю, жду своего возращения.
Каждое утро похоже на предыдущее: я встаю, я иду к святой иконе и благодарю  Бога за то,  что я жив. Как и многие современные россияне, я благодарю моего собственного Бога, как метросексуалный мужчина, мужчина мира. Будучи русским, чувствую себя самим собой,  горжусь своей верой, своей душой, своей жизнью. Я думаю, что так было всегда.
Я встаю с постели. «Борис», - говорю, (потому что Борис – это я), «Смотри на этот прекрасный мир снаружи, холмистую африканскую саванну. «Борис»,  - говорю я, большинство россиян всегда обещают себе, что они уедут из России навсегда в поисках лучшей жизни, и никогда этого не делают. Может быть, это говорит что-то об этой великой стране, которую я люблю. Или, может быть, это говорит что-то о русской душе. Оба ответа приемлемы.
Встаю в моем жилете и трусах, стою на веранде. Я смотрю на Божьи творения: холмы, пение попугаев, тропических животных, кружащих высоко надо мной. Это далеко от России: высокие бетонные здания, города, лишенные своей истории. Здесь история идет прямо к вашим ногам.
Я делаю глоток кофе и потягиваюсь в лучах утреннего солнца. Моя кожа, белая, как сибирский снег, до сих пор горит от вчерашнего приключения в джунглях. Моя кожа никогда не приспособится к такой жаре здесь, в самом сердце Африки. Здесь в стране третьего мира.
Я прислонился к белому дверному косяку, облезшему от жары. Я наклоняюсь и играю несколько тактов Бетховена на пианино. Мои пальцы бегут по клавишам. Здесь все устали, все здесь утрачено. Все, что здесь живет - в прошлом. О, как я скучаю по русской душе!
Но как ни странно, это все, о чем я скучаю. Я не чувствую, как чувствовал когда-то, когда я, побывав в Киеве, скучал по матушке России. Это не то же самое. Вот это новая жизнь. Я - русский мужчина, живущая в Африке. Я с тоской думаю о разнице между русской и африканской душой. Я выхожу на улицу, чтобы накормить жирафов и попугайчиков, я выхожу, чтобы оставить несколько крошек для обезьяны, которая всегда появляется у моей двери. Когда существует столь много различий между нашими душами, одно остается неизменным: лелеять небогатую, но драгоценную еду.
Тем не менее, это не рассказ о былых днях. Золотой век. Сегодня Золотой век, как золотое солнце, которое заходит. Я, наконец, взял прыжок - прыжок веры; в отличие от многих передо мной. Я чувствую себя хорошо. Я заканчиваю играть Бетховена, и я позволил звенящим нотам исчезнуть в четырех коричневых стенах; стены из грязи - не стали и бетона.
Бонголэнд, как и любая другая африканская страна, страдала от бедности и деспотизма. Это продолжалось до тех пор, пока в один прекрасный день все африканские люди, уставшие от нищеты и убожества, не пришли в себя и убежали. Они бежали куда угодно - в море, в джунгли; как персонажи из стихотворения Маяковского. Это оставило верховного правителя наедине со своим богатством. Он владел своим богатством, но вернулся к вечной проблеме: у него не было над кем властвовать и впечатлить таким богатством. Таким образом, он стал действовать рационально. Он продал с аукциона освободившиеся земли и острова, и пусть белые европейцы и евразийцы живут здесь. И вот я здесь. Белый и русский, насколько это возможно.
Я живу на моем собственном острове, первые цены  "для продажи"  были очень разумными. Так, ухватившись за возможность, я использовал свои финансы, чтобы купить этот остров и уехать из России. Я не совсем один. Я живу здесь с верховным правителем. Он живет на острове Черепа. Мы живем в гармонии до тех пор, пока я белый и имею столько денег, сколько и он; у него нет надо мной власти.
Да, и как у всех русских, у меня есть таинственный кот, который приходит ко мне в гости. Его зовут Гоголь.
Я беру газету с имперских времен, когда Британия управляла колониями и этими водами. Вижу черно-белый комикс на центральной странице. "Кот в шляпе". Я смеюсь над ее простотой и откровенной «английскостью». Ниже картинки эта надпись:
"Иногда вопросы сложны и ответы легки".
Доктор Сьюз.
Совершенно верно. Простота очень важна. Я считаю, что мы усложняем жизнь слишком много. Моя комната, например, четыре неукрашенные стены. Есть журнальный столик со старой газетой и книгой Воннегута, голая кровать, фото моей бывшей жены и видом на джунгли. Вот и все. Это очень монашеская жизнь. Но я люблю это. Я думаю о том, как моя жена ушла от меня. В те дни, простота была бы очень полезна, как понятие. Например, я должен был знать, когда замолчать и когда уйти. Мне также следовало знать, что когда женщина уходит - она редко возвращается.
«Что сделано, то сделано», - писал Шекспир. Я умываюсь в раковине. Я позволяю холодной воде струиться по моим щекам. Дорогая… ты не выключила воду, когда оставила меня. Он идет из моих глаз. Я вытираю лицо и выхожу на веранду и делаю растяжку.
Юлия. Что за девушка! Я никогда не забуду тот день. когда ушла с другим парнем. Затем началась паника. Вы отключаете телефон. Я не могу контролировать слезы, которые бегут из моих глаз. Я закрываю глаза и впитываю солнечный свет.
Я снова открыл глаза и сделал глубокий вдох. Дорогая ... Ты заперла дверь и оставила меня на улице, и выбросила ключ прочь. Я выпил стакан сока и потер живот. Вздох. Воспоминания.
Я беру саксофон в углу комнаты, и играю на нем. Я был полумузыкантом еще в России. Я научился играть на саксофоне, и  получил хорошую оценку за фортепиано. Почему нет? Творчество является ключом к жизни. Каждый из нас должен найти свой собственный в ней путь.
Oct 2017 · 902
Travel Diary
dan hinton Oct 2017
60,3913  N, 5,3221 E, Bergen, 22.05.17

The Germans wear you down spiritually. They look through you with eyes of ice. It hurts when you see your friends turn their back on you. When you see the girl you loved, kissed in the canteen by a *****.  Your heart burns. What has he got that I haven’t? Apart from the muscle that pads out his boiler suit. No-one wants an intelligent man. I sit here sipping coffee in a fishing village café in Bergen. The coffee is hot and my heart aches. Soon we will be making our way up through the fjords to Geiranger. The beautiful fjords that embrace you. There is not so much to bear witness to here. The Gravlax is poor and overrated. Everything is shut. The dreary rain comes down on * A colleague drove me all the way to Hardanger Bridge. The bridge that connects Oslo and Bergen is truly breath-taking. I have seen the Milau Bridge in the South of France, the Somerset Bridge, Clifton Suspension Bridge. However, this is really the highlight of Bergen; unless you are drunk.
17.00 - we leave for G.
62,1008 N, 72059, E, Geiranger, 23.05.17

I wrote to Nan last night. I asked for her guidance. I want everything to be okay with Aline. 05.00 hours I got up to see the Geiranger fjords. They were breathtaking; we passed the Rock God in the cliff face. Or rather; he let us pass. Norway is really a paradise. I think how people only think with their bellies. Helen the nurse abandons us half way up the waterfall. I turn back. The Germans have an acute interest only in themselves. One wonders where love lies. I have found Ole’s café – at the base camp of the waterfall. It is here I feel at home. At this coffee shop I must remember everything properly. I must also forget Helen and how angry she makes me feel.  Mr. Edin said: “It’s the system that makes them so. Everyone is born the same.”

62,0861, N, 6,8687 E, Hellesylt, 23.05.17

I hate my life. I hate my inability to fall in love with anyone and anyone to fall in love with me. These days I can’t stand to look at the face that I see in the mirror. Parts of me crumble away to dust. I feel more and more bitterness, in port, towards couples that have found love – to the point of absurdity. Ice-skating; I drift slowly around the rink. It is the only real time I feel complete when I am alone. I see a couple kissing and happy in love. I feel anger and a bitterness burning up within me.  Why can’t I find someone that loves me simply? Why do I have to do all this **** – the garbage of personal relationships. Hellesylt is truly beautiful. At least I feel at one with nature; even if I don’t fit in anywhere else.

59,4136 N, 5,2680, E, Haugesund, 24.05.17

The war against fat, like finding love, is ongoing. I always feel I am the loser. I am a loser. I am sat in a coffee shop overlooking the red and yellow houses. I try and chat up the waitress;  a beautiful Norwegian blonde. I try and embody the image of a sailor. It works to some extent, but actually only reflects back on myself as a person. The aching has grown less. The coffee helps to balm the dissatisfaction I feel with life; as does the view across the river. There is an English couple opposite. How can you complain with that view out across the river? Twenty-five degrees, surely we must be able to leave our pain behind? I feel myself become more and more alive; back to life. The wounds are healing again. The pain passes.

5,89700 N, 57331, E, Stavanger, 25.05.17
We are going to sit and hammer this out. This book, this journal, bears witness to life. That is its meaning.  Why is it so hard to find love and to be loved? I am only an anatomical structure – corruptible, breakable flesh. Stavanger is quite simply a boring town. You can walk from one end to the other in thirty minutes. There is a church; a freedom monument and slated, wooden houses. Yuliana the Belarusian pushes her body onto mine, beneath the Northern Lights like a teddy bear; she hugs me again and again, never letting me go. I kiss her delicately on the ear. She giggles. I can still hear her voice now and the smell of her sweet perfume. Oh, how I burn inside. How many thoughts and feelings wheel in an instant. How capricious this heart is. I must drink another coffee.

59,9139 N, 10,7522,E, Oslo, 26.05.17
I am on the hunt for a Durian fruit in Oslo. My hunt for Hardanger Beer with the appropriate label also continues. We dock right in the centre of Oslo. The sun warms me. Trust me to fall in love with the only lesbian on board. In Oslo’s most popular café, Kaffebereint,  I think how I get myself into such situations. Maybe it’s because I love long nails on a woman. She has forgotten her scarf. I should really do more sit up and visit the gym. My feet are too busy wandering. Sauna Night takes place onboard – a reward for all those who helped out at the party below the mooring deck. I serve punch and party the night away. For a while I forget the disappointment of people and the strangeness of my body. Oslo is beautifully serene. I walk in the footsteps of Ibsen. I try and make my writing smaller and smaller so that it is almost like Chinese ideograms. I close the gap. I try to be neater; to be better. I walk along the boulevards of coffee shops, wondering how I can be better.
53,35 N, 8,35 E, Bremerhaven, 28.05.17
I am back home (in home port) from the Nordic Voyage. I need to rest up in Hamburg before embarking on the next adventure to the Northern Cape. 21.06.17 at 1700 hours – Bergen. What else is there to report on as we approach the quaint fishing port of Bremerhaven? Home. Only that my ex-girlfriend from Algiers has given birth to a baby girl; she wrote to me. Two years old. Name: Eline. Letters are wonderful. The waves lap gently at the boat. If you ever thinking about writing a letter, you should; we haven’t spoken for two years and she writes to me, out of the blue, because of a Christmas card she picked up in Dar Es Salaam. That is life; life on a boat; life at sea; life on the breadline. A sailor’s life is a funny thing; full of unpredictability.  Even as an enthusiastic merchant sailor I can see the draw of this life. – as tough as I am, what else is there to say? Only that another adventure waits me in Hamburg –

The rest of this transcript, as subsequent potential voyages is lost.
excerpts from my latest book
Aug 2015 · 925
Going, Going (II)
dan hinton Aug 2015
I thought that it would last my time –
That children would always read books
There would always be fields and farms
Where whippersnappers would climb
Where they would run and play in brooks
I knew there would be false alarms
But I never thought the malaise would spread this far
Kids not knowing what it is to be out in the air
What it means to use their mind and creativity
Just plugged in to their DSs and their Ipads in the car
Kids rooted to sofas, couch potatoes in the chair
Somehow I always thought their innocence would be free
There is always another day, just
As there will always be another excuse
Why we cannot go outside to play
Just sit glued to the idiot-box if you must
Passively watch this world of abuse
As our generation becomes stupider day by day
Don’t write a poem or read a new book
Don’t go and sit out in the sun
The malaise is spreading and infecting us all
The crowd is young and beauty, but rooked
Rooked of their youth, it’s done
As they sit and stare at a screen in a stall
This really is what Orwell said, 1984
A world of computers and screens
Before I ***** it, the whole boiling will be bricked in
Nobody wants to play chess any more
A logged on generation, logging up through their teens
First cyber slum of Europe, a role it won’t be so hard to win
Facebook, VK, Kikitalk, Instagram – a world that doesn’t exist
Just a world of fast past insubstantiability
****-eyed spelling and refute of grammar
And yet we let these kids get on with their imaginary bliss
We buy them the latest gizmos just for pacivity
And when we ask what’s to be done? You stammer
We, the older generation, who knew a world better than this
A world of trees, and parks and streams
A world of old values, an idyllic pastoral
But with all pastoral, a world that can no longer exist
A world that can only reside in our dreams
Today’s world is ‘fast or nothing at all’
And I feel sorry for those kids, really
They never got to run around with a stick as a gun
They’re just getting angrier, as the malaise takes hold
Manifesting itself through boredom so easily
And then they go out and buy an AK-471
Oh well, most things are never meant, we’re told
It seems, just now,
To be happening all so very fast,
For the first time, somehow
I feel that good values aren’t going to last.
Jun 2012 · 1.3k
Locked And Loaded
dan hinton Jun 2012
I’m a country boy, girl
And I don’t usually act this way
But what have you gone and done
To make me hope you’re crying today
What have you forced me to?
Now I got nothing left to say
I’m locked and loaded baby,
So you best get out the way
I’m armed to the hilt
I’ve got lead up till the teeth
Guns cocked on the table
Rhinestone boots with high-riding heels beneath
I got my aviators on, stubbly
I tug at my neckerchief against the dust
Of that love that we destroyed
Now point-scoring replaces where once was trust
You’ve got me to the point where
I just want to see what can **** you off
How did this all get so ugly between us?
Call somebody who cares, enough is enough.
I hope you’re lying awake tonight
I pray that you’re scared to sleep
Because that’s how you made me feel
Leaving me feeling so shallow when I got so deep
I hope you don’t know where you are
I hope you don’t know how far you have to fall
I never want you back again, he can have you
You never saw this coming? It was writing on the wall
Baby, one day you’re gonna realise
It doesn’t matter who was right
Because at the end of it all
Nobody ever wins a fight.
Jun 2012 · 866
Trying To Matter
dan hinton Jun 2012
Understanding – for the first time-
Call it a willingness to grow
A case of trying to matter
And now I really know
That you were there for me all the time
You were really on my side
You let me be who I was
I knew I had nothing to hide
You could accept I was crazy
You made me fit when I was out of place
Or so it seemed to me
You managed to keep the pace
And what’s more you loved me
You gave me more than you ever had to do
You were there when I was alone
Sometimes it was just me and you
And you understood what others didn’t
You knew when I needed to be alone
And when I rang you at midnight
You knew just what to say on the phone
You gave me the pride I needed
When I was lost you showed me where to go
And when I was worn down by life
You gave me tough love, the only love you know
And now I’m understanding
Everything suddenly looks oh so new
Call it trying to matter
You really took the time when you really didn’t have to
I see everything so much clearer
You’ve really helped me see
Thank you so much Hannah
It’s meant so much to me.
dan hinton Jun 2012
...And they’re ******* playing the song
Lucinda would sing to
Right outside my window
After she failed to return my calls
Two days ago
I laugh
It’s all that stops me from crying.
I have decided one thing,
Me and fate don’t like each other.
Perhaps cos I told him I never needed him.
I know this much
If fate was a person
I’d be punching him in  the  ******* face
Right about now.
dan hinton Jun 2012
That one song
You hear with loved ones
That one moment of bliss
Of the infinite
And you never meet again
That moment you will never live again
Seconds of bliss
Before the **** hits the fan.
Hey I’ve just met you
And this maybe be crazy
But I think I love you <3
It’s like I’ve know you for years
So let’s meet up again one day
And sing this loud and carefree again
Let’s do it. Maybe?
dan hinton Jun 2012
There’s all these people singing today
“Bless me, what a wonderful life”
But I’ve been around enough
To know that isn’t right.
I’ve felt loss and I’ve seen death
I’ve stared the gun in the face
I can see the smoke coming off the barrel
Just another casualty in the rat race.
My mama and my papa
Worked hard every day of their life
Laying down to save this land
Through turmoil, blood and strife.
I know about the struggle
How it’s best to take what you can get
But just live life being happy so
That’s something I’ll never forget
Suddenly it’s not about the
Price tag on your clothes or what you wear
Who even gives a ****?
Who the hell even cares?
Because when you’re out here
Any relevance to that is gone
You’re just another average Joe
The best you can hope for is to die with your boots on
It don’t matter about a grave
You’ll be too far gone to care
Just chuck me in a ditch
Please don’t cry, please don’t despair
Cos you work every day of your life
And when it’s gone it’s gone
And if you’re a good boy then maybe
You’ll be lucky enough to die with your boots on.
dan hinton Jun 2012
To Lucinda*

There you stand in the door
And after all the fights we’ve been through
When the-you-know-what hit the you-know-where
You still can bear to look at me
I see the tears twinkle in your eyes
I see the hands on your hip
And I dread to think what you’ve got to face
They way you’re working over your top kip
You never shout, you just look disappointed
Your eyes say: ‘back down that stony road’
And now even though I hurt you
You helped pick your girlfriend up out of the road
Because there was a ****** old truck coming
She just broke down to bawl
And yet after all that
You’re a proud woman standing tall
You sit down on the bed next to me
And you speak ever so slightly
I feel your warm breath on me
In the cool of the Texas night
You say, ‘Oh Dan here we are again,
I thought we talked about this.’
She’s out there crying in the other room
You should know nothing goes amiss
And if I get caught in here you know
I’m going to be dead meat too’.
I apologise profusely, counting my blessings
You just look at me like you always do.
‘Now, you know I got to go console her
You know I’ve got to go and get supplies
Of tissues and Kleenex and toilet rolls
But please just give it time
Let everyone cool down, storms always blow over
It’s the only way a friendship can be saved
With that she left, back to the toilet a girl bereft
And as I heard the sobbing I know I’d take that to my grave.
dan hinton Jun 2012
I sit here alone with my drink at the bar
Listening to what my senses say
My heart’s telling me
You ain’t no kid at 23
If you play around
You’ll lose your friends
Play too long
And you’ll lose your life.
Mothers, oh mothers
They’ll try and protect you
But there’s a time that they gotta let go
Because it’s a cross they can’t bear
And for all your father will want to tell you
It’s a bridge he can’t cross
Not again, you have to walk it alone.
And I realise now all the things
That my father couldn’t tell me
The  boundaries you just don’t cross
The rules you just don’t break
Not at any cost;
But then, I had to find out on my own.
I had to do things the hard way
To learn what friendship meant to me
I was working on a mystery without any clues
About women and about their intricacies
Sometimes it’s worth a few false starts
A few nights of whiskey on the rocks
Trying to understand Jack
So that you realise a step in the right direction
Is worth a wasted mile behind.
Jun 2012 · 864
Hang 'Em High
dan hinton Jun 2012
Justice is one thing you should always find
And it’s something not so common today.
If you step out of line
There should be hell to pay
We need a little more retribution
And throw a rope of that tree
If we put a few more in the ground
All those bad boys would think more carefully
Before assaulting that person
Before doing somebody wrong
And once the gun smoke settles
We’ll all meet in the saloon for a victory song
Back in those days my papie said
A man had to face up to what he’d done
We’d either find a great oak tree
Hanging them high or put them to the gun
There just ain’t any deterrent any more
We have to raise our glasses up against evil forces
We got too many gangsters, too much corruption
Order whiskies all round for the men and water for the horses
Today we need to show them who’s boss
The law needs to put a few more bodies in the ground
We need to fins the tallest oak tree and a length of a rope
Let them meet their Maker, that’ll settle them down.
Jun 2012 · 656
Now I've Seen It All
dan hinton Jun 2012
Lucinda, Lucinda
Why didn’t I realise
The goodness that lay in your heart
The redemption that lay in your eyes
I feel so unworthy
All that you did for me.
In one moment of anger
I threw it away carelessly
I said somethings I didn’t mean
And I foolishly left for a while
Thinking that I could make it on my own
But I returned dejected to a smile
They way you hug me
You hug me like you really do
Mean it, god, I feel so unworthy.
I’ve never met a woman so true
With such a heart of gold
I just stand back in awe
The way you forgive what I’d rather forget
You find perfection where others see flaws
God must be a woman
No other being could hold such love
There’s not a day that doesn’t go by.
When I don’t thank the Good Man above
For bringing women like you into my life
Because I was going god knows where to this day
For all the time I spent alone
You made me feel like I wanted to stay
I know I’d be happy if I knew I was your man
You build me up when I don’t feel tall
I am just standing here in awe
Girl, now I’ve seen it all
Jun 2012 · 792
Now I've Seen It All
dan hinton Jun 2012
For Lucinda*

Lucinda, Lucinda
Why didn’t I realise
The goodness that lay in your heart
The redemption that lay in your eyes
I feel so unworthy
All that you did for me.
In one moment of anger
I threw it away carelessly
I said somethings I didn’t mean
And I foolishly left for a while
Thinking that I could make it on my own
But I returned dejected to a smile
They way you hug me
You hug me like you really do
Mean it, god, I feel so unworthy.
I’ve never met a woman so true
With such a heart of gold
I just stand back in awe
The way you forgive what I’d rather forget
You find perfection where others see flaws
God must be a woman
No other being could hold such love
There’s not a day that doesn’t go by.
When I don’t that the Good Man above
For bringing women like you into my life
Because I was going god knows where to this day
For all the time I spent alone
You made me feel like I wanted to stay
I know I’d be happy if I knew I was your man
You build me up when I don’t feel tall
I am just standing here in awe
Girl, now I’ve seen it all
dan hinton Jun 2012
For Lucinda*

I tightened my bandana
On my sun-kissed skin
I rubbed my three-day beard
God, I need a shave
God, I was going god knows where
I thought I was heading for old El Paso
As I picked my pack from the floor
But I stopped as I started for the door.
Life is just empty
When you’re walking alone.
So wherever you’re going, girl
I want to go there with you.
I sit there and watch you sleep
So innocent and so peaceful.
Last night’s cherry lipstick
Last night’s Vanilla *****
You gave me the freedom to stay; Lucinda
I could ramble a thousand miles
But what Good would it do?
I’d still hurt in the old familiar way
I’d just be sweating
I could go coast to coast, seaboard to seaboard
And never find the light
But the light’s right here, in your eyes,
You gave me the freedom to stay.
I sit on the bed and just look
Look at you in awe
What’s the point in chasing a falling star?
When the light’s in your heart
Why keep on running, when here you are?
I could ramble a thousand miles
And never see the light in your eyes again.
Jun 2012 · 992
She's So Good For Me
dan hinton Jun 2012
To Tory, Lucinda and Brioche. The poem you deserve.*

She’s no good at being phoney
She never tells a good lie
She knows when I got to be alone
She tells me when I’m too high
She always walks beside me
Never too far too far behind
And whatever I seem to do
She stays in that good place all the time
Because no matter what I say
And no matter what I make out to believe
She will always be a special lady
Especially special to me
She’s got that heart of gold within her
She’s got the ability to keep the pace
She doesn’t take no crap from me
She’ll **** well put me in my place
And yet at the same time she’s gentle
She understands why I am like I am
And I know there will be soft words
Whenever I need a helping hand.
I think these women are one in a million
Richer than any gold or diamond ore
And I hope in the future that
Their boyfriends won’t want any more
Because they’re good women as they are
It’s quite plain to see
They invite me round to play cards
And let me watch Eurovision on TV
I’ve never been welcomed so much
I’ve never felt less alone
When these girls are around me
I don’t need to wander cos I’m home
And when I blow a fuse over something
That’s really been driving me round the bend
They just smile and shrug their shoulders
When it’s time to start over again.
She is so good to me, it’s true.
I know I have many faults as a man
But when I see those eyes, I’m not stupid
I know how lucky I am. X
dan hinton May 2012
From If French Fries were Fat-free [and other longings]*

Well, I made a ******* mess of my life
And like usual when I realise
Where I should go
It’s too ****** late.
Ad I see the door slam
And you thunder down the corridor
I press my head against the plaster.
If only French fries were fat-free
That would be one less cause of heartache
And if the whiskey really helped me
You’d see me smiling endlessly
The more I think about it, you know
The more I realise you were right.
So I raise my glass in a toast
Over my bowl of curlies.
They taste so good and yet I know
Deep down in my heart they’re so bad for me
Can’t I have one wish at least?
You back or French fries fat-free.
May 2012 · 489
Life At Best
dan hinton May 2012
Here are my keys
Please take them
I think I’m going to need you
To hold me and
Get me back home
When I’m broken down.
I came here so you could help me
I needed a friend to help me through
I didn’t want to come here
But I didn’t know who else to turn to.
I’m not the kind to drown my sorrows
I’ll surely hate myself tomorrow
Oh well, you know tonight
I’m the designated drinker.
I need to get somewhere
Where I can’t think of her.
Thank you my friend,
Thank you for understanding
Thank you for the whiskey
Thank you for helping me stand.
You know I’d do the same for you.
When you can’t stand yourself.
So while I try and drink myself free
From the woman who twisted me
Round her little finger
I’ll have another whiskey
Why this feeling decides to linger.
May 2012 · 2.4k
Diamond In The Rough
dan hinton May 2012
I am the first to admit
I’m not God’s gift to women
It’s more like a penance when I’m involved really
And I am certainly a little rough around the edges
But there are certain things you can do
To make yourself more respectable to the fairer ***
Like: be wary of your weight and what suits
Don’t loaf onto a bus with your gut
Hanging out, wearing a stained Hawaiian t-shirt
Sweating like a hog in the midday sun.
I know ladies make allowances:
Even arrogance.
But even our fair compadres draw the line
At sheer disregard for personal hygiene.
I wonder what people think
When they go out dressed like that?
They’re either one of three things:
Very ignorant to what women want,
Or they think they got something god-**** special
No woman can resist.
May 2012 · 993
dan hinton May 2012
Jesus, lord above
We got a bus full of Christ’un girls here
They got rose perfume and windswept hair
We got blonde bombshells with **** glasses.
Jesus, why do you tempt me so?
I bet they’re all off to pray.
All off to do some good in the name
Of our lord. Raising their button noses in reverence.
But I think God was having a ***** joke
When he made girls so good looking.
Pearl white teeth, plush and kissable cherry lips, Salvation T-shirts
With the Good Lord Jesus Saves belt buckles
Man, oh man, I go to church and light candles
Praying, lord please oh please
If these girls are going to Heaven
Save me a place in the Pearly Club.
So that we can dance the night away
Watching those saintly hips swing...
Watching her play with her pinna earring
Watching her ****** with her Ichthys ring
All those lovely girls,  up from the Bible Belt
Nibbling on their pink-chipped nail polish
Driving me crazy, torturing men forever.
Just my luck, I’ll bet I’ll be in Hell
While the party’s going on.
May 2012 · 2.6k
Blue Faded Skin Tight Jeans
dan hinton May 2012
Look at that ***
Just one more look
Before you walk away.
I thank God
That we have women
With blue faded skin tight jeans
When I’ve been breaking my back
Working like a dog
When blood sweat and tears
And violence are so gratuitous
With people sinning gratuitously
Don’t we deserve to sin a little?
To indulge in a little flesh?
When there’s drugs and violence
On the streets, people dying everyday
And not even making the news
We could do with a few more
Blue faded skin-tight jean cowgirls here today
A few more cowboys showing how the West was won
A few more days of reckoning
And a lot more hell-to-pay.
People have little respect for others today
There’s nothing to threaten them, and nothing to fear.
It’s good to see the bad guys finally on the run
We could do with a few more blue-faded skin-tight jean cowgirls
Here today.
dan hinton May 2012
Girl, why don’t you kiss me like that?
Is it because I’m dirt poor?
Is it cos I love to chase white-tailed bucks
Country ain’t country any more
And it’s fast becoming that way
I can’t see anyone on the country dance floor
They all want something from the city
They all want something more
Everyone’s looking everything
They’re locking their windows, their doors
It’s a shame that a way of life is fast disappearing
Country isn’t country any more
I’m sorry if you don’t like riding up in *****
Riding with my dog up in the trailer of my GMC
Business in the front, party in the back
That’s the way it has always been
What’s going on with the world today?
They’re cutting down the trees, off go the deer
That was our livelihood not our blood sport
Old Tony’s Gut Rot has been replaced with import beer
Here comes the cheap and the easy from the city
It all just seems to be happening so very fast
And despite all the green land left free
I somehow believe that it isn’t going to last.
As the houses goes up and the trees go down
I feel that my patience is wearing thin
Don’t kiss me, I won’t miss you, baby
First slum of Europe, a role it won’t be hard to win.
dan hinton May 2012
She smells like summer
And you sir smell like smoke
She smells of butterscotch and raspberries
You smell like a man who’s broke
And can’t afford to shower too often
You’re just a filthy *******, yes you
But it’s ok when she gives you a light
This beautiful cowgirl smokes too
She hands you a Marlborough Red
(Nothing But), and helps you understand Jack
She’s stitches you up when life plays rough
She’s straightening the crick in your back
So you can walk upright again,
Wow she says You are very brave
Let’s go down to the town and fit you out
Let’s go to Bradley’s Barber and get you a shave
All warm and smooth, all lathery
And a warm flannel on your face
I’ll give you a buttery kiss on the lips
If you’ll just pick up the pace
Us cow girls are strong ya know
We bail in the fields 9 til 3
But you’re a heavy thing
Guess we ain’t as strong as we used to be
But  please don’t think that
We’re all lipstick and gloss
She begins to laugh softly
We ain’t afraid to go into the moss
And get our hands *****
No sir, it will never be that way
As long as there’s a Bud at the end
That will be the perfect sort of day
Do I have a suitor? Hahaha oh you
I think I scare them all out of town
I just like riding in old pickups
And watching the sun go down
From mama’s veranda on the porch
I will go *****-tonking all over town
But as much as I like a game of pool
I don’t need no man to hold me down
I just liking living in nature
And I like just living free
And if a guy can’t take that
Well that guy ain’t for me
There’ s a lot I want to see
There’s a lot I want to do
And do I need to be tied down?
No, said the old man, it’s true.
There’s very few women left
That think the way you do
Oh stop it she says, your flattery
It’s a nice try, but coffees are still on you.
dan hinton May 2012
He’s standing in front of me
Wearing a ten-gallon hat
And I think, take it off
You’re in the city, you look like a prat
But it’s only when you get a talking
That you really begin to understand
He may be an old cowpoke
But he’s really worked the land
Sweating in the midday sun
With a little cowgirl on the side
A smile flashes across his face
A knowing that he can’t hide
Yes I’ve drank in smoky barrooms
I’ve taken a few hotties on the lash
I’ve seen clear mountain mornings
I’ve even railed with Johnny Cash
So don’t judge me by the tatty hat
Or by my faded wrangler jeans
Because looks can be deceptive
When everything’s not as it seems
I’ve seen the world, I’ve been to town
I’ve know the love on a woman’s breath
I don’t mean to bone, but leave me alone
Now while I collect my redundancy cheque.
May 2012 · 1.8k
Time Off For Bad Behaviour
dan hinton May 2012
To Tory and Lucinda, you finally got your poem*

Ok honey, I’m about to go
I’m about to blow a gasket
I’ve been working all day
Like a regular dog, got up
At the crack of dawn.
I’ve been saying yes Sir
All day at work and
I’ve been saying yes
M’am all the time to
You and now I’m
Ready to go. You
Can only push a
Man so far before
He loses the will
Or the effort
To try and please
Someone who
Can never be
Pleased. I
Need to get
My things
And jus’
With Jim Beam
Because I’ve been being
Good for much too long.
Now a good boy's gone bad
I’m now taking my time off
For bad behaviour.
dan hinton May 2012
The great thing
Is being out of your mind. Emotions;
Who actually needs them? They
Do not govern me. I am my own
Master. I ask for no handouts
And I ask for no guide.  I have a lord
In heaven called the sun and I have
A hell which is that of other people.
It’s not so much that I dislike people
It’s that I just prefer it when they’re not
Around. They don’t understand me,
So what’s the point in even starting?
I have the fire in my heart to go
And see the world. I want to achieve
All the things I want to, and enrich
My eyes. People:
Did you not permit yourselves to open up
Once like you never will again?
Why not? Maybe because you
Capitulated to the mainstream.
Because in truth I am speaking now
The way you used to.

Because I am complete.
dan hinton May 2012
If we’re gonna get this out in the open
Let’s do it here and now
Let’s draw some blood
And forever hold your peace.
It all started with Sophie
When she rejected me in love
Then I ****** things up with Josy
And her memory chases me to this day.
I try and escape it but everywhere I go
It goes with me
Be loved. Be loved
I can speak so many languages
But the beast isn’t satisfied
Be loved. Be loved.
I just have to turn
And say helplessly
I don’t know how to be!
I’ve tried and I’ve tried
I’ve looked and I’ve looked
But it’s never come to me
I don’t know what more you want from me?
I don’t know what more I can do?
I can’t mistreat a woman
So she can hope to change me
I can’t be that mean
It’s a moral dilemma
Where there are no winners
Only me.
Tearing myself to pieces
The wound agape
But unable to sleep.
May 2012 · 729
I've Always Been Crazy
dan hinton May 2012
Don’t waste your life on *****
Don’t waste your life on drugs
Don’t waste your life on women
Don’t waste your time learning a language you will never use
I did because I couldn’t be loved
Not when I wanted to
Not when I was young.
And I really needed to be loved
And as I grew up
I never stuck around
For people
I just kept riding off
Into the sunset
Trying to shake of a broken heart
They say forget the past
But the past has become so convincing
And the wound so pronounced
That its something I cannot overlook.
More like it creeps up on me
When I am alone with this mind
This mind that achieved alot
But achieved so little
Kissed so few women
Was loved so little
Had so few experiences in love.
It’s best to be stupid when you are young
And not have this pessimism hardening in your soul.
Like a dry bit of flesh
Protecting the tender wound
I’ve tried *****
I’ve tried laughing
I’ve tried staring at the ceiling
I’ve tried not caring
But this mother dies hard.
I can only survive
By listening to Waylon
And Willie
And Alan
And Merle
And David Allan Coe.
dan hinton May 2012
Grew up down a back road you wouldn’t know
Grew up on an old country homestead
In a town of 20 never needed much
Just some place to lay his head

A drifter he won’t give you
Gifts of diamonds and gold
He’ll give you a good story
And he so hard to hold

Brought up alone long enough
To function without anyone else
Some family, two friends
Just the world and himself

Mamas don’t let your babies be drifters
They may know about the world so much
But they shy from daylight, shy away from people
They don’t look for another’s sympathetic touch

Drifters don’t need relationships
It’s just a tie that doth bind
They don’t need anyone much at all
Just ride off in the world see what they can find

Mamas don’t let your babies be drifters
People of great minds and a great love of a drink
They’re not going to try and impress you
They’ll just go ahead and let you think what you think

Drifters are free-living people
Is this really someone you want to choose?
Freedom is just another word
For nothing left to lose.
May 2012 · 647
I Like The Rain
dan hinton May 2012
Until I met you
I never understood
What was to be gained, from the rain
That ran like blood
Out of every orifice
Watching the clouds frown
Like outlaws on the run, under the gun
We run through this town
I can imagine us
Running with nothing to lose
The rain’s forever falling, we’re forever calling
And I’m falling for you
Just like the rain.
Now I understand what I had to do
That through the pain, what you had to gain
I never liked the rain til I was with you
The rain no matter how it comes
Isn’t something to be feared
It’s just like all the rest of God’s creations
It’s something that has to be adhered
Respected, for its presence
We know it will come again
So we might as well laugh, a baptism, a bath
Holding hands in the rain.
dan hinton May 2012
Honey there’s a lot of things I’ll drink to
Because a lot of things seem the same
But I know when I’m in trouble
Because you call me by my name

I’m not much of a sun bather
More a fighting man instead
And when you get on my fighting side
I’d rather stay home in bed

Staring up at the ceiling
Praying that I don’t die
Or worse you’ll catch me first
Instead of staring at the sky

And topping up your tan
Please don’t think it’s a shame
It’s the life I love to live
Drinking by other people’s names

You can call me D or Hinton
Or maybe something a little more out of choice
It’s all the same really to me
It’s only words put together by a voice

But darling when your voice gets angry
Whether we be drinking or playing cards
That’s when your voice really hits me
And the words come down oh so hard

I could deal with you never calling me
I’m just an outlaw you couldn’t tame
But this lion turns into a mouse
When I hear you call my name

I just have this inkling, that the only time
I’ll hear Daniel Stuart Hinton, per se
Is when Jesus has his glorious
Final judgement day

Because you never ever call me
And I really think I could deal with the pain
But I know I’ve done something wrong
When you call me by my name.
dan hinton May 2012
It’s been twelve years
Since I refused to sell my soul
To the devil
Not for all the wealth
Not for all the gold
He slid a piece of paper in front of me
Eyes bulging He said,
Boy if you want to make it here
You better listen to what I say
What others say matters
It’s the word on the ground
Do you need that wife
Do you need your friends around?
And I said:  no, that’s not me
I can only give so much
I am who I am
I’d never sell myself
To please someone
Who can never be pleased.
My friends have always been there
My family laid down for this land
I’m not going to be what you want
I’m not going to whiten my teeth
Or lose a couple of pounds
Because a country boy is all I’ll ever be
A rattlesnake in the grass
Saying: ‘don’t you tread on me’
dan hinton May 2012
It really is so very foolish
And we really should have let go
To things that we hold on to
Things that hurt us so

I should have let go of you by now
I should have said it’s getting old
But why do I worry so much
That you make yourself so hard to hold?

It’s because I still care for you girl,
Not in the romantic sort of way
But the undying sort where
It doesn’t matter if you’re straight or gay

It doesn’t matter for which side your batting
Or which side you butter your bread
I just want us two to talk
And put this thing to bed.

That doesn’t mean I want to go to bed with you
Believe me, that feeling went long ago
But I still look at you in awe
And think there’s a girl I’d like to know

If only she would open up a little
And let these things ride
If only she could see how sorry I am
And let those comments slide

We both should know by now
That nobody wins a fight
It’s no longer a question
Of who’s wrong, who’s right?

I am too tired to fight it
But I’m never too tired to give up on you
But when you hurt me so bad
Honey what in the world am I meant to do?

I’m no longer thinking of myself
I hope deep down you didn’t forget
That night I saw you in the club
I didn’t want it to be a night to regret

For you, as drunk as you were
For one moment you dropped your guard
It could have been so easy for some boy
But I didn’t want you getting harmed

I didn’t want some boy to take advantage of you
So I guided you to the door
Your perfumed hair slipped against me
Before you dropped to the floor
And sat on the steps
And you began a crying
And that’s when I began a dying

There must be some reasons why you don’t give forgiveness
You must be dragging round a boulder
Upon your soul, no more shackles please
No more looking over your shoulder.

I know you’ve had it tough in the past
Who you once were and what was done
But look now, you’re a beauty
Those days are long gone

I know that we can change physically but not emotionally
We cannot change the past
But looking you’ve grown
Into a fine work of art

You’re an inspiration for other women
You’re an inspiration to me
So don’t you know it hurts me when you say
You wouldn’t have liked what I used to be

That’s not for you to say
You could be black or white, rich or poor,
Skinny of fat the fact is this
As a friend I couldn’t love you any more
May 2012 · 1.2k
Sweet Nothings
dan hinton May 2012
I hadn’t seen you for quite a few days
And instead of ringing up the search party
I called you up on the phone;
Hoping you’d chased your dreams
And would come back and
Realise how much I loved you.
You whispered sweet nothings
Down the phoneline
You told me,
Quite frankly
I could go to Hell
But honey, why would you want
Me to go down to the fires down below?
With the Hell I’m living here on Earth.
I hung up the receiver
And saw shadows of your humour
Firstly on the fridge door;
A post-it read:
I’m having the house and the cat
Your favourites, lychees
Are on the top shelf.
I didn’t want them.
They’re so bitter, so sweet.
dan hinton Dec 2011
Hey girl where you going?
I’m very much a talker
Cos I can’t dance good
And I never been a stalker
Where you off to my l’il lady?
Hop in my left seat for a ride
Wind it up or slow it right down –
I can get you to the other side
I’m just a country boy
And I can take you up city streets, country roads
Just a poor l’il redneck
But I’m sure I can get you to where you want to go
I got a full tank of gas
I got an all-terrain SUV
You sure do look good
Buckled up next to me
I can take you up the fast lane
I can drive you round the cones
I can take you slow through the forests
I can take you fast through 30 zones
I got air conditioning in here
Chamois leather seats as soft as babys butts
I can take you across the smooth asphalt
I can take you through the deep ruts
Putting on my aviators
Just let me know if we’re getting close
We can slip on out
Or we can take the main roads.
Just listen to the music
And i can listen to you if you like
I can rev the V8 and take you there
Be it day or be it night
I got fully automated
And a nice little gear change
I got super beam headlights
With a three hundred foot range
I can go on the straight and narrow
I can take you down winding roads
Nothing’s a problem for us; we know where we come from
And I can get you where you need to go

Yeah, I don’t dance so good
But I’m a country boy,
A nice little country boy.
Dec 2011 · 707
Under Her Influence
dan hinton Dec 2011
I’m under her influence
It’s not the way I wanted it
The rain that heaves don’t seem to leave
And the pain just won’t quit
So I sit myself down in an old cafe
I order a couple of Margaritas
I don’t know what’s in it, it takes like ****
And I sit next to some senoritas.
I go and talk to a fellow Oakie
So I just say to him how’s your day?
He looked bemused, and then confused
And said can’t you see the pain won’t go away
So we sat and toasted to
The women who had done us wrong
We threw it down, be it green or brown
And laughed that it had been so, so long
Since we’d felt this good
Descending into a drunken state
It didn’t really matter; we had no one to flatter
Who cares it’s only half past eight?
I said what’s your pain my friend?
Cos our poison’s right here:-
He says I’m here to stay; I’m trying to drink away
A woman with blue eyes and long blonde hair
The good guy don’t always get the woman
Not like in the films they show
Here I’m sitting on the sand, glass in hand
An’ I got such a long, long way to go.
So I said we’re here for the long-haul
And so what’s it going to be?
He said you choose, I got nothing to lose
All I can see is a glass looking back at me
So along came the drinks
And the Oakie winced as he took his set
There’s something in the bottom, of this drink I just gotten
But I just wanna see how drunk I can get
It just seems like bad luck follows me
How I’ll ever get rid of him I don’t know
Women and drink, surely push you to the brink
But drink up; we got a long, long way to go

I say we got a long, long way to go.
Long, long way to go.
Dec 2011 · 4.5k
dan hinton Dec 2011
One good woman to give the man that loved her, a second chance. Preferably seeking the woman who he gave his heart to. Tomorrow may be too late. Contact ASAP. I’m not buying or selling anything; only one heart to give: one good-hearted woman to forgive the imperfections in the man who loved her. Wanted – just ONE chance to tell her how much he still loves her. And how much he will give just for her to talk to him, and give him a second chance.

I hope she comes back, when she reads these words.
Number: Well, she has it in that little book somewhere.
dan hinton Dec 2011
“What did you say your name was?”
“I didn’t”
“Well kiddo, I seen a lot of guys come through here... You got something’,”

Don’t ask me when it started
Don’t ask me how long it’s been
I just always wanted to be someone
I just wanted to be seen
It makes me feel good
It makes it seem right
Just telling my story
In front of that spotlight
Just wantin’ to be somebody
Just want to have a cause
Just want you to put the words
In this melodic pause
I’m just the stars
And you are the moon
You are the words
I am just the tune
Playing, playing, playing,
I always had a dream
That I would be more than a job, a car
My ma always said I loved to write
But she never thought I’d take it this far.
At the sight of a coffee cup
I just sit down and write
And I got this buzzin’
As if I was putting the world right
An’ of course I had opposition
There were times I read for free
People said you can’t write that
But I knew there were people who believed in me
And said ‘come on, you can do it,
People have to hear what you have to say’
My pa got that TV he waited thirty years for
And he said, ‘son, I know we’ll see you on here someday’
Just keep going, my boy,’
Keep sending those poems away’
You’re a natural writer my boy
And maybe someday it’ll turn out that way.’
Well I kept on writing
I believed what my guys said
I kept chasing that vision of light
I could see it in my head.
All it took was a little determination,
Daring to dream, a little courage
And each time they would hear me say
Show me the way to that stage
And so here I am,
Chasing that vision of light
I’m living the poetic dream
It all turned out just right

Like they said it would,
Like they said it would,
If I just chased that vision of light
And dared to dream.
Dec 2011 · 672
Livin’ On Love
dan hinton Dec 2011
Two young people
Living without a thing
Say their youthful vows
And they spread their wings.
A little bitty boy and a little bitty girl
She don’t care about his style
She don’t care about what he got
She just likes his smile
They aint thinking about the future
They ain’t making plans
They ain’t thinking about family
And they ain’t using their hands
But then when you’re living on love it don’t matter
And it may sound cliché, it may sound the same
But love oh love
Can walk through the fire and flames
It may sound silly
But it’s truer than you think
Love can withstand the heat
Without needing a drink.
All it takes is one little look
All it needs is a little bit of pain
And a little bit of endurance
The belief in the passin’ of the rain
That’s living on love
Like an old fairytale book
It’s possible to live on love
It just takes one look.
dan hinton Dec 2011
There’s a little place we used to go
Our second home that’s where we’d call
It was a little running of river
If you can call muddy water a river at all
We named it the Chattahoochee
Don’t know when, don’t know why
Just liked the sound of this name
Where we could give love a try
So we fogged up the windows
Of my old pickup truck and car
Turns out we learnt a little about love
Though the lesson didn’t get too far
I was willing but she wasn’t ready
So I went and bought us a burger and a snowcone
I dropped her off early
(But I didn’t go home ;)
Those were good times
Stretched out by the river on Friday nights
Watching the fireflies
Talking by pale moon light
Dreaming about love
Talking about women
Just a few cans of beer
And living for the minute.
It was at Chatahoochee
That I learned who I was
A little bit of silence
A little bit of love
Chattahoochee was a place
Was not much but it’s where I learnt to smile
Well you might as well
Life goes on for only a little while
Dec 2011 · 637
Silence Is Never Good
dan hinton Dec 2011
Sitting on a fence,
Just you and me
Holding hands
The touch of an arm,
The brush of a cheek,
As the sun goes down
And the fresh smell of corn fills our noses
And whisky fills our veins
We know:
We are so painfully close,
Yet  so tragically distant.
Dec 2011 · 853
A Branded Man
dan hinton Dec 2011
Some people say I’m sheltered
And perhaps that is so
But if that means watching slugs
To shelter I’ll happily go
That’s the way it is in Muskogee
It’s a trip to go and get the news
And the biggest scandal of all
Is when Mr. Scott blew the local fuse.
We just sit and watch the world go by
We still raise the old Union Jack
We still don’t know about foreign policy
We just think I can’t be too late getting back
Got to get the washing in
Got to put the food on the fire
Got to get in from the rain
Livin’ free is our only desire
And to go down to the freehouse
To have a tipple of ale
We know alot about the weather
What to look for in thunder and hail
We just cherish these  honest values
We just know no more can be done
When the dark sets in
And we start at the rise of the sun
It’s quiet but it’s nice
The last untapped reserve
Free to do as you wish
The Internet don’t get on your nerves
You just talk to your neighbour
When you want to know
What the sport was last week
And he’d say off to the shop I’ll go
Come back two hours later
With not much really to say
Other than about the chicken he strung
And that ‘rain stopped play’
Being an Oakie from Muskogee
That’s all you had to chew on
You sat and stewed over a brew
Until the rain was gone
Then you were back out and
Sure enough you’d get a laugh
As two old coots tried in vain
To back a tractor down a path.
I here people talking bad
Sayingthe way things ought to be
But life here is good
If they would only come and see
You don’t get no emails
You don’t get no one bossing you
The last place where you can be free
And do what you want to do.

I say do what you want to do!

*From An Oakie
dan hinton Dec 2011
All the way down here in Wiskokee
We live like it used to be
Nothing really changes much
Not since Mr Patterson’s arrival in 1863
I wouldn’t say we’re backward folk
We just are happy with our seat
Out in the wilds of Buckinghamshire
Where there’s all the fish you can eat
We don’t do big banquets
Nah, we don’t do fancy *****
We just do bread and water
No-one goes hungry at all
We don’t think much to going out
We don’t think much to the Internet
We just live right and true
And catch what we can in a net
We don’t think much to crime
To us it’s all really the same
We just go using a gun
To go hunting us some game
We don’t think much to hygiene
Why would we want it any other way?
When we’ve lived right for years
Up to our knees in mud and hay
Perhaps I’m misunderstanding
Why you’re kissing this guy you’ll never see
We just like the quiet where I live
And a simple life is enough for me!
dan hinton Dec 2011
We don’t smoke Marijuana
We don’t take our trips of LSD
We like to just live right here
Where the air’s fresh and life is free
We don’t make lovin’ to make a party
We don’t need to get with to get some fun
We just prefer to hold each other’s hands
And go fishing in the sun
We don’t go round bare-chested
We don’t wear skimpy clothes
Roman sandals are a nada
Leather boots are still à la mode
We don’t need to go out getting drunk
Here even Squares can have a ball
Going to the shops is still an event
White lightning’s still the biggest thrill of all
Down here football’s the roughest sport
Long, shaggy hair definitely won’t be seen
A large patch of open land is our campus
And Kids down here respect the village dean
So please forgive me if I don’t understand
Forgive me if I feel a little out of place
I’m just proud to be an Oakie from
Down there we slow the pace.
Yes I’m just an Oakie from Muskogee
Yes I’m proud to be an Oakie from Muskogee
Nov 2011 · 684
Like A Hurricane
dan hinton Nov 2011
To Daphni
Αφιερωμένο στη Δάφνη

I  clearly remember now
It was the darkest night
I was half past lonely
And I hoped you’d see the light.
I’m sitting on the old greyhound bus,
I look to the girl opposite, she returns my smile.
It’s a dog’s life this travelling
But it will only be for a while.
I doze and try to tell myself that I don’t care.
My eyes roll over dead
I lean back against the frosty window
So far away from my nice warm bed.
Like a hurricane we whistle on
Through the streets beneath the night’s sky.
And I remember that evening
When I saw your eyes turn to fire
You knew just who I was
One night of pleasure, I have to defend
Within my alcohol imbued mind
I have to accept there’s not a rainbow at the end.
Not at the Greyhound Interchange
Always looking to the future in my life
When we going to stop? Where next?
When in fact all my life’s a ride
And actually you can’t get off
I wish life was like a Greyhound and I could
I realise these are all little inconveniences in life
And it’s got to be the going, not the getting there, that’s good.
Nov 2011 · 932
It Had To Be You
dan hinton Nov 2011
I sit on my own in a restaurant
And at the table next to me
A guy’s grabbing a hunny’s ****
And giving it all the googly eyes;
He smiles.
It’s a first date.
He’s done her already
And she is a stunner
Eastern European
A body built like an athlete
A body you’d **** yourself for
Just for a sip of that amber nectar
The body of a woman that puts fire in the *****
And gives way to sleepless nights.
He was grinning
And I was lost in my Vichyssoise
But as the evening wears on
The passion disintegrates
Into mindless rote
They were onto eating sandwiches
And I was onto the lobster
I know that you shouldn’t bring a sandwich
To a buffet.
The guy with the Bulgarian hunny learnt that too:
As soon as the guy looks up and begins to give his order to the waitress
The Bulgarian hunny interrupts him
“I would to order...”
“Bradley, don’t you look at another woman –
He’ll be having the salad and the tuna steak.
You know you’re not having a **** steak
I don’t want you dying of a heart attack before you’re forty.
And I’m certainly not going to be left to feed 6 kids!”
There was an awkward silence
Every time Bradley tried to get a word in the
Hot Bulgarian fluttered her big brown eyes
And shrugged  her shoulder.
“Boy, save the charm for the ******* your arm.”
God, if I were him
I would sleep with one eye open.
And I know if they had a bunny
It would be on the stove by now.
The conversation gently continued,
Poor Bradley couldn’t look at another woman
Throughout the evening
It was decided:
3 boys and 3 girls
And not one would be thought to be called
Bradley Jr.
They had to graduate
They had to work five years
And have full dental plans
All this was going on before
The salads.
I have to laugh
When one is faced with a beauty like that
That’s a maniac
I have to think:
You can’t taste the milk
And then not put a down payment on the cow.
Nov 2011 · 2.5k
Letters from Grandpa
dan hinton Nov 2011
One thing I love to do
Is write letters to Grandpapa
You never know where it’s going to take you:
Octogenarians are a real wildcard
And that makes life interesting.
For example, I was writing a letter
To Grandpapa and he likes to imagine things
Because he can’t get around much
So I give the cat meat to feed on.
I embellish a little my romantic situation
And I tell him about M; little M
How she reminds me of my little mama
And that boys tend to look
For someone who is like a mother figure
And we grow into this role
We become more dependent on the girlfriend
Til she becomes like a second mother
But it never starts out that way.
So I was telling him about little M;
And when I receive a letter back
I notice a rather odd sentence
That I cannot help but laugh at:
“Dan, you say M; is smaller than you
All the easier to back her into a corner”
And then it follows on with some
Incongruent sentence about ‘me driving a car’
Now I’m not sure if we got lost in
I don’t know whether Grandpapa is thinking
I’m going to run M; over (she’s not that small)
Or whether he’s suggesting I invest in a booster seat?
Or whether in fact, he has made an unwholesome
But wholey funny link
Between me staying up all night
And my young ****** prowess
(Which is the same thing I suppose)
But I’m not quite sure why I’d be backing her
Into a corner
That sounds like outright pressure
But I have to laugh
Ah Grandpapa
Maybe one day I’ll show M;
Or maybe not
She may develop an irrational fear
For tight spaces
Which is something
I will never have a problem with...
Nov 2011 · 946
*Uncollected IV*
dan hinton Nov 2011
I have figured out the lay of the land
I should be a god
This information is worth the price of gold
For those who know it
Are you ready?
It goes like this:
Lawus Soddus (that’s Latin) has your telephone ring
When you’re at maximum pleasure
Every fool in the neighbourhood rings
About insurance
About the cat
About you
But when you are alone
And in need of someone to talk
Will they call?
Not one.
Of the 6. Billion. *******.
dan hinton Nov 2011
Who needs to be loved?
I do.
I do.
Who’s fed up of lonely nights?
I am.
I am.
Who’s sick of TV dinners/ tears?
I am.
I am.
So who will love an honest gent?

Nov 2011 · 513
You'll Be Alright
dan hinton Nov 2011
Come and step into the room
Everything you need is here
But look, over there
Everything you fear is here
It’ll be okay just
Come and hold my hand
Squeeze it tight
I’ll help you understand.
Why I’ve brought you here
To the corners of your mind
Where the light doesn’t get in
This is what you’ll find.
It’s her isn’t it?...
She’s hurting you softly inside
It really eats away at you
Forgiveness is not forthcoming you wonder why
I brought you here tonight
Beneath the grieving moon
To let you know you can let go
Maybe not today, but soon.
You’ll be all right
Just don’t let broken promises put a tear in your eye
Travel safely through this heartbreak
You just have to go forward and know you tried
Nov 2011 · 556
Solar Flares
dan hinton Nov 2011
I found all the things
Here that hurt you
All the things you couldn’t
All the things you wanted to do.
I see them on the tip of your tongue
They are just shooting stars
Dancing through the streets
Smiling, saying who cares?
I’ve got it all now
You won’t think you’ve waited all your life
Because here she is
The woman you waited for to arrive.
So you finally made it
I was so convinced we would
She doesn’t love you for money
She loves you for what she should:
I see solar flares right across the sky
Why did you sink so low
When you had so far to fly?
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