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  Mar 2021 Siobhan
Eleanor Sinclair
Do you ever wonder
if the painter
tires of his colors?
  Mar 2021 Siobhan
My Dear Poet
Drawing little tears
I trace around lines
small oval shaped drops
I cut away from your eyes
pasting them in a scrapbook
for the hurting to see
Inviting all to look
how sorrow is set free
tear out the paper
fold into a plane
crease down the corners
and fly away the pain
  Mar 2021 Siobhan
William J Donovan
I'm ashamed of my affliction
   through no fault of my own.
   My life's been lived in parts
   watching from the dark alone.

   Afflicted. Conflicted. Addicted.
   Betrayal. Portrayal. Burial.
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