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Antonio Dec 2015
I would pretend not to care, because it kept you right here.
But now i know, that action is sad. Wearing a mask of ignorance, that blinds all i see. Deafen myself to the world around me. A shattered up heart, ripping apart, with every trail of light that passes the mark. Rip off the mask and now i can see, just how toxic the world, and you, are to me.
Mask your feeling, she doesn't care

Hide all your wounds, pretend your not there.
Antonio Dec 2015
Hope you don't expect from me to much.

For we both know I'm too awkward to love

Push me down, the look in your eyes makes me want to die.

Too awkward to love,
Too nice to ask

Too awkward to love,
but i sure can hold your hand.
I love making fun of myself, especially when accompanied by joyful guitar.
Antonio Dec 2015
Welcoming, and humbling, what do i see?

A lovely lady, who needs more than me.

Leave me in the morning, I'm all right, for I will be alone tonight.  

With my thoughts, in my room, used to think i needed you.

But was I right? time will reveal within it self.
Hell. An awkward hell

been writing a lot of music lately. Its comforting to laugh at myself.
  Dec 2015 Antonio
Jude kyrie
A Story From Nam

We were seventeen or eighteen in Nam
we became friends forever.
No more than friends.
Soldiers get closer than wives.
We went to sleep saying
I love you man.
We switched letters
For our girlfriends.
In case… well just in case.

The bullets rained
in the clearing that night.
I can still see the tracer lights.
Guys fell down all around me.
Crying everywhere.
Air power cleared them away.

I looked for Joe he was lay there.
I held him close
like a baby as he left us.
His last words
I love you man.
I whispered to him
Not as much
as I love you Man
I did not notice I had been hit.
After six months I returned home.
In West Virginia his beautiful girl
Opened the door of a small trailer.
She had a baby boy in her arms.
Her blue eyes welled with tears.
I passed the unopened letter to her.
I lied and said the blood
on it was mine.

She passed the baby
to me to hold
As she read the letter.
I kissed his tiny forehead.
And said see buddy
You’re not dead at all
I love you Man.
Antonio Dec 2015
Threw my last dime in a wishing well, now i sit and watch.
Standing in the water, yelling, shouting loud.
Screaming, but its muffled, i sit and hope you hear.
Me yelling at you, across the street, please just know I'm here.
Screaming but it wont come out
Antonio Dec 2015
Time, is gone, it never comes back, flies right past and knocks you on your ***, as you recover it flies by again, a vicious cycle that never ends. Falling and falling until we are dead.
What is life, its pretty pointless
Antonio Dec 2015
Like a warm summer haze

Like a loving embrace

Like a gaze that saves me, and brings me to grace

Like a tree in a car.

It never goes far.

But you hope it does.

With one dying wish, I long for a kiss, that tells me just who we are.
You are mysterious, and wonderful and everything glad, but you are dark and hurt and terribly sad.
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