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 Apr 2014 cursed
Daniel Magner
there are times
I wish phones
never existed
so people that
stepped out of my life
weren't inches
from my
Daniel Magner 2014

cell phones are a double edged sword
 Apr 2014 cursed
Sophie Foster
Are you my springtime,
Here to drive away the cold hands
That envelop my heart?
Warm the earth
So I can blossom.
I promise this time
I will grow towards the sun.
Just ten minutes after I'd revved the engine
I was only nine miles away from the love of my life
Day dreaming of when we’d met just eight short months ago
Soaring at seventy down that country road
Only six more miles until she’d be in my arms again
Five years ago thoughts of love would have seemed so far out of sight
Yet four times I've already proposed, “too soon,” she’d always say
Amazing how in three seconds your entire life can change
With just two tires there’s little room for error
When one blew out I hit the asphalt, hard
In a wreck like that there’s zero chance I’d survive
One hour later the ambulance arrived at last
EMTs pressed two paddles against my chest
Shocks were delivered three times
At the hospital doctors performed four operations
Five months I spent in a coma
Followed by six months of physical therapy relearning to walk
In time all seventeen broken bones had set and healed
It cost me eight grand to buy a new bike
Now nine years later I’m still riding, fearless, wife on the back
The tenth time I asked, she finally said yes
There's an echo that can be heard,
When the sun's blue sky is rising,
It most definitely sounds like a bird,
But what else you can hear is surprising.

I hear a hum from a girl of long past,
Her perky lips saying there's flowers,
The air around her is sweet, her heart fast,
She admires the plants, they look like towers.

I hear a lover's tears as she hears her life end,
I can hear her texts back and fourth through the web,
She reads "No more, none of this, you aren't my girlfriend,"
So sad. Too bad. That's life. The flow and ebb.

I can hear a stomach growl and another missed a meal,
She never eats. When she does, it's reversed.
This secret of hers is dark and scattered, she may never heal,
I hear her fake the sounds of eating, I hear fake her thirst.

I hear another poem written,
About someone who cuts,
She thinks it will help her fit in,
But she's only losing trust.

I hear a father sobbing upstairs,
His daughter has run away.
He knew she was having affairs,
He knew it would come to this day.

I hear regrets being made,
I hear the lies they whisper,
I hear both of them say
Our love will never wither.

I hear
the ignorance.
Recorded words of times ago,
Recorded words that hurt,
I remember when we fell in love,
When it wasn’t just a flirt.

I remember every day,
Every word you said,
I remember every photo,
Especially that one in bed.

I don’t want to go back,
Nothing good comes from the past,
But if I had one wish,
It’d be that it wasn’t the past.

If I had three wishes,
I would wish for three things,
Your health,
Your heart,
Our life.
Nearing one year.
I am a temporary settlement
Of a heartbroken soul
They'd seek shelter by my side
When their world got cold
I'd provide the warm heat
To fix what has been frozen
Though it will take time
To mend the pieces which are broken
I'd keep you safe like you were mine
Under the roof when it's stormy
Though I'm starting to creek
This temporary settlement will end
Temporary love is not what i seek
I've fix the broken parts in a long time
But you left me in a few seconds
Thought that you would be mine
You left me like a hotel or an inn
You checked in when it's bad
You checked out when it's better
You'd just try to stay the night
And left me searching the next day
Forgetting you is what I've tried
This settlement walls seems to shatter
The temporary settlement shall close
I'd move on and do something better
 Mar 2014 cursed
I heard you blister
You swarmed as the daylight broke
Cross distant lands, tattered
Tumultuous, flayed
Burrowing deep into rot

You’ve beaten the broken
You’ve flayed the dead silence
Into a gutter-mouthed cry
Of humanities darkest

Raging a storm
So long
You’ve swallowed hell and heaven whole

Nothing is left anymore

When you spit out the darkness
You bare your soul
And I can see
Hate has swallowed you whole
3:49pm, February 27th 2014

Some people just will not forgive. They become bitter, cruel beings, forming closed-minded prejudices. They do not learn from their own mistakes, but blame others for their pains.
It's distressing.
 Feb 2014 cursed
Take my hand
 Feb 2014 cursed
Take my hand,
and let's hop on every stars we've seen,
dance with me on the moons of Jupiter,
waltz around the milky way,
tango with me on that rock up there.
Let's float with fairy dusts
stuck on our icy cold lashes.
Take my hand
and let's form a constellation
of two lovers holding hands.
Let's be the falling stars
that they wished upon.
Take my hand
and let's travel together.
With every book we've read,
our journey starts there.
From Wonderland to Neverland.
**Close your eyes,we're heading somewhere.
 Feb 2014 cursed
I am not ready for commitment, or to know
that I am loved, loved in a way
that will lead to spilling of brains
and hearts out of ribcages
opened weak, vulnerable
resulting in hurt and tears

I am not enough at peace with my heart
nor my ability to trust and open up
to have such a permanent placement in my life
I want red lipstick smeared on wine glasses
filled with ***** and whiskey
late nights in warm rooms, too warm
with something funny to smoke
to feel slightly relieved when the boy I kissed
for 3 hours last night, knew I meant nothing to him
as he meant nothing to me
I am not prepared to part
with the "one night only" lovers
and the fun that comes
with being young

to be free, to stay free
a soul that is not ready to be locked away
in exchange of an open cage
for a brittle heart that cracks
under the slightest pressure
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