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Dec 2024 · 40
Courtlyn Quay Dec 2024
I know we'll never speak again.
And maybe this is me writing like a journal.
In all reality only a handful of people know you existed in my life.
And maybe its been for the better, for you.

When I think of you. I find myself full of regret.
Some of the choices I made were influences by family.
Some of the choices were out of fear of complacency.
All of the choices were mine.

Before I met you, I was a *******. I did awful stupid things as an adolescent.

Broke hearts, hurt, and manipulated people because I was played with.
It's no excuse.

It's no excuse for devaluing the people around you,
It's no excuse for taking the easy way out.

There was one thing you reminded me of.
You reminded me of a knight.

You reminded me of honor.
I was once taught the principal by a woman who twisted my brain.

"Honor is doing the right thing when no one is watching."
which is true.
Honor is also being yourself, despite what the world throws at you.

If you find this.
Know that I'm sorry I didn't give you the closure you deserved.
Sep 2024 · 76
Courtlyn Quay Sep 2024
Let me make this perfectly clear for everyone from my past.

You won, you got the better of me by just being yourself.

Now, lets move on.

It's kind of hard to when you leave a piece of you behind any time you feel the need to burn a bridge.

That there's something you forgot to take with you or you left there because maybe it was to much baggage.

We've been there, am'i'right?

I broke off pieces of me at a time and left them there for better or worse

And I've done that for every person I can think of.
Some larger, some smaller.
Don't feel lucky that it was minimal or you weren't given your fair share

I broke off pieces of myself until there was nothing left, and I didn't think of what those pieces meant

I couldn't because it was too "rough" to think about.

But like tomorrow always comes, I had to think about it at some point.

And I hated the hell out of myself too, with good reason.

Wasn't a felon, but I wasn't a great person.

I demonized and hated myself with good reason.

Didn't save my foster brother and I ***** about my past.

But then I realized something about me not being a good person but actually caring about how people felt and the fact I want to change.

Out of all the things I went through and every piece of shell shock or excitement I created.

You were all amazing people despite what you did.

I didn't idolize you. I just knew that I couldn't ever judge you for being you.

And I thought you were awesome for one reason or another.

Today, like many other days.

I left a piece of me behind

I had to move on,

But I want you to know

I will think about those pieces of myself I left behind

For your sake.

and mine
Mar 2024 · 225
Courtlyn Quay Mar 2024
My words have always been reserved for the people that mean the most to me.
Mar 2024 · 103
Courtlyn Quay Mar 2024
I've burnt my bridge,
I've delved my dives
I broke my word
I died so many times.

I hoped you'd see
I thought you'd think
I wrought my self
I scared myself.

There's no need
thesis fed
broken found
thoughtfulness made bound.

I'm scared to care for others
I'm aware of fair play
at least I thought about your heart
But we were better off from finish to start.
Mar 2024 · 241
Troy Sebastian Rosenbaum
Courtlyn Quay Mar 2024
You do realize, you haven't had the hardest life. Steve Bushime and Leonard Nemoy can out weigh family crisis. especially car crash's and morality aside.
You were endowed with more opportunity than most around.
After all,
we were taught to walk in your shadows.
you were in that category.
Because we were considered the faulty programing of your adopted sister.
So our only opportunity was to adapt from the predecessors our grandparents Aspired us to
CH to DA
TR to JA
CO to carbon dioxide.
If you were worried about making an impact. trust me. you only fell like a shooting star.
the crater is nothing.
With your lessons
I want to do what D did.
But I wont, because of two reasons

if you_cared = true
we wouldnt be where we are
Feb 2024 · 96
What day's today
Courtlyn Quay Feb 2024
Hunting without friends, is meager and meaningless.
Dire is the contract in my heart, fearless and seamless.
Internal is my engine infernal is my heart.
I'll tear away at the skin of this mask to reveal what hides behind it.
I'll tear up at the thought of us cheering at a year well done.
I am only human made thought.
brought not gods eyes but the lack of made in someone's thought.
Discussing idea's without friends is thoughtless.
Pyre is the thought that comes to mindfulness.
Hands curled up on shoulders too cold to consider.
The match box flickers only once more
Feb 2024 · 178
Pacts without dealers
Courtlyn Quay Feb 2024
I could bare a thousand screams, A thousand wounds, scars and burns.

I could **** a thousand men for a moment in the eyes of god.

What I wouldn't do just to carve a crevice out of the world

Just to show the mark of a mad man craving truth.

Put a knife straight to gods eye if it meant the blood I shed made one less person cry.

I've beg for forgiveness and broken every bond looking for an out.

I've come again trading my soul for a chance for others to hear my shout.

You'll be ok.
Doubt is a strong feeling. It grips us everyday. Sometimes we make deals with unnatural things. like platypuses.
Courtlyn Quay Feb 2024
I think, for a matter of fact.
I feel, I project, I confide, and of all things I hope.

With that in my mind, I reflect and coincide with these aspects so covalent.

But what about what I reject?
The matter of the individual is the gradual unequivocal repression and growth of that individual

It is required for the soul

Nothing is required.

Nothing is required beyond what existence requires.
"good" or "bad"

And just as people exist so too does existence.
We demand so much and request so much.

Existence can only provide what we provide for existence.

This is my semblance to actuality, not minimalism.

I reject what could be, for a future that's beyond me.
This is a take on one of the Taoist lessons I've read. I hope it reaches someone who can enjoy it.
Feb 2024 · 101
Hero's are just hoes
Courtlyn Quay Jan 2024
Do you remember D?
He was awesome.
I can't say I knew him.
All I can say is I wish I was there.
And an artist can romanticize the end
As much as a child cries about being born.
Was about everything in-between.
A laugh for the sake of a laugh.
He was divinity on earth encased in the flesh of a comedian before his time.
He was the moment I realized my myopic lens was shifted in a non righteous view.
He showed my that when I look at the bright side.
The shadows never compare to the landscape.
He always kicked my *** at magic.
He was a lesson and gift.
The coolest guy I knew.
My biggest regret is knowing I didn't have to make time.
I was the idiot who didn't listen to the man, who knew we always have time.
I miss you man.
Dec 2023 · 103
I'm hurt love.
Courtlyn Quay Dec 2023
In a moment
without  rational momentum
you declared,
you didn't care
and that's fair
but in regards to actuality
and physicality.
I'm sorry I've been damaged
Rearranged  to fit implementation than rationality.
I'm sorry i'm not ******
I'm sorry i'm not wanting
I'm sorry for being me.
I'm sorry for me.
I'm sorry for being me and you having to deal with it.
In perspective.
I only acted as you demanded
As I was reprimanded for my performance I saw a moment to repent.

I don't care to.
Apr 2023 · 324
Memento Mori
Courtlyn Quay Apr 2023
Remembering the death of yourself is as important as your birthday.
Do not forget the moments you spent devouring yourself for the contentment of others.
In remembrance, give memory to the times you've destroyed yourself for others.
what is more than you?
the others who've devoured themselves for you.
We've all got a cost; whether it's our plasma, body or emotions.
With this notion in mind, keeping in mind,
we ourselves are for sale.
Every transaction is not without gain and undoubtly with loss.
uncourtly as it may be. we find value in our transactions.
when we partake in putting weights on scales who's value only exists based on realities distorted by histories written by victors who don't care nor dare trace scars at two a.m.  and say.
I love you.
Because eight letter sentences don't make happy endings. actions speak louder than words so what the hell are we saying? who are we portraying  when we betray ourselves thinking eight letters can build a castle.

Memento mori  to the being who dies every day.

This is reality
It's not without burden and its not without wounds.
But the burden of living gives way to boons so flavorful and delightful.
I might die every day
Just to live once.
Courtlyn Quay Jan 2023
I don't have any more words to say.
I don't have anything wise enough to teach you something new.
I look back at the last three years and I consider what that looks like.
Is it merely two strangers that have savagely danced around our egg shells?
Merely two poker players with an understanding of each other who have no reason to hold face.
Was I merely just a tinder date you got too attached to or am I someone you recognize when you fall back on good times?
Am I merely a convenience like your disastrous inheritance.
Am I a grace and relief like your disastrous inheritance.
Either way I am the one that is disastrously here.
My value is that of a red ball to a dog who desires a single ball.
forgets about it every time its thrown.
That was cold.
But you have been too.
Apr 2022 · 196
Late Knight Ramblings
Courtlyn Quay Apr 2022
it appears to be a sickness of the soul
in truth,
it is human to be a fool.
I hope to cultivate something that grows beyond me.
I hope to see something that towers me.
like an intensity enticed by agony but it's weight lifted of its immensity on the value of its words and the promise that continuously grows.

My dreams are enshrouded in a silk of death and destruction erupting into a curtain fire that blocks off a room of its single entry.
When awake I stand as sentry, bags on my eyes heavier than my body.

And those dreams that bare no nightmare.
All I can see is open skies and full seas.
untouched forests and no one else.
I just take in the moment and stare.
I brush my hands along the bark of every tree.
I take the time to reconcile with my self.
Sep 2021 · 247
Late Night Ramble
Courtlyn Quay Sep 2021
I've written love letters, suicide notes, inspirational essays, stories,
and most of all I've written poems.

Even so the feelings come and go.
and that's what I do,
I just go.
You see Taoism has taught me some things.
Go with the flow.
I am most useful when my mind is clear.
The things I hope to keep become my fear.
so I let it go.

I let it go,
Not like rocks in a river only to be dredged up by passing currents
But like the words I've committed to parchment
that happiness and sadness are life's concurrence
Courtlyn Quay May 2021
If given the chance;
Should we not be better than our parents?
These people who live like the earth is theirs;
Like tyrants.

Patricide beneath us,
Grace taught from our disgrace
Peace made from grief,
Strength bonded through the clench in our teeth.

I thought us a different breed,
As childish as it may be to hear or read,

But I thought us different
A bloodline of heroes forgotten to times passing.
People who's sole reason was to bring out the soul in others.
That honor was doing the right thing when no one else was watching.

I know god has pried his eyes away when we needed him most.
But should we be so willing to do the same and give way to suffering and pain and just raise a glass and toast?

It was a child's dreams,
Borrowed from books on our grandmothers shelves with loose seams.
A book about us,

That we would rise above our parents and be the things they couldn't.
That we could stop history from going to the future where it shouldn't.

I thought we were different
but maybe you're right,
life is indifferent.
Courtlyn Quay Oct 2020
Little known is the thought we throw to the side.
inside insidiously we tried
to hide the being with the wish I hope to confide.

Let alone the disillusioned idea of property or love owned by the self.
let alone the thoughts we've left canned on the shelf.
Like a man with no remorse I open those cans with a thought in mind.

I hope I can find your love inside of at least one, with empathy of my task in kind
Sep 2020 · 148
You & I
Courtlyn Quay Sep 2020
A wise man once said,
"To write poetry is to capture a moment."

To tell you how I felt,
was to show you my intent.

To me,
you are Brunhild.
I wish to be Sigurd.
You are Artemis,
I wish to be your faithful hound.

You are my queen,
I only wish to see you crowned.

You receive pros,
I empty my cup.

You crinkle your toes,
I can feel my heart erupt.

You are scared of who you are,
I am brave because I know your potential.

You are beautiful like a star
I would kneel to you, I deem quintessential

But alas,
My beloved lass,
I am not essential.
Jun 2020 · 189
Back to Work
Courtlyn Quay Jun 2020
You told me if you'd buy me a flower, you'd rather grow me a rose bush and send it to every other man you can think of. but i'd be on the end of that list. at least i'd be on the end of that list. all i've ever been is at the end of a list. It hurt more than when we kissed. let alone when i felt your hands on my wrist.
Apr 2020 · 265
25 to 30 for death
Courtlyn Quay Apr 2020
When I asked you what I should do. you told me...
"Yeah, I guess it would make sense to end it now."
I could feel a crippling cold in my lungs mid summer
my heart is no stranger to a strangers lack of care.
It's just a summer ******.

At least when left alone, let alone the thought of being lonely, I never consider taking my own life before its meant to be taken from me.

At least when I talk to you, you remind me like your reliquary for lost tears, you tear through me unraveling my armor to all my inner most fears.

Giving myself a gift of agony inside of antagonizing images of my self.
Ambition and bravery give way to craven humility. disguising howls towards the moon as laughter laughed to soon. I dug my grave today just to give prayer to the future,

I piece myself back together with my words like a surgeon who's done this a thousand times.

He who is practiced in the way of emotion suture

His hands never getting steadier operating on the child inside him with his rhymes.

It never gets any easier
it only gets worse.
After all,
how can you do your job,
when you run out of thread
and there's a thundering in your head.

When you've got twenty-five to thirty for life to become death.
You kind of want to be in control of your last breath
Self reflection
Apr 2020 · 177
The Rat and the Wren
Courtlyn Quay Apr 2020
Through moments with silent trepidation
One another was filled with accusation
The wren flew with the prestigious
The rat scurried with the gregarious

She was filled with torment and fear that she fought to quell with flesh complacent, bodies in motion, always feeling indecent.

He was bound by his wrath and fear, swallowing pride just so others could get near, trying not to lose control, always trying to steer.

little known to these two indigenous creatures of my heart
that they both formed at my elementary start.

The rat as my inner love, the wren as my auxiliary love.
A beautiful tight rope of masochistic devilry
Nov 2019 · 377
Courtlyn Quay Nov 2019
There is beauty in resolved emotions.
Storms quelled and waters without motion.

There is beauty in unresolved conflict.
the matter of misunderstanding because of instinct.

I have dined on cadavers of my broken memories.
I have whined at the intrusiveness of tragedy

My dignity denied and pulverized pride has left me thirsting inside.

Left to my own design I twist and turn into an image more stern.

In turn I can feel my match stick burn
I yearn.
I burn.
But i carry myself inside of nesting dolls that falls at the sight of you.

I can only wish you feel this way too.
Courtlyn Quay Jul 2019
Sometimes the most simplistic poems are beautiful.

I eat apples because i'm sad, and I like coke too much;

My gums hurt when I bite into the skin of it.
Reminding me that sometimes, the Pleasures of the things that are simple,
are sublimely painful.
like apples, coke in mouthfuls.
It hurts because my gums bleed from chemical burns of stimulates that are lacking opalescence experiances
Jacking my sails  that left me high and dry.
in all odible sensible seriousness,
I'm ready to cry,
hopeing by the end
that I beg
like the children forced to manufacture it,
Hopeing to die.

But I beckon for that pain
Not out of self destructive gain.
But out of recognition for what i've lost.
The identity of the man drowning in Desolate porcelein desserts and tossed into oceans named after the many emotions i'm swayed by.
Sadness leaves me floating,
Anxiety leaves me floundering, Depression has me drowning.
Not a matter of difference but for the sake of juxtaposition.
When Thoughtfulness is chosen.
Happiness lets me see my position.
Then Confidence puts my gears in motion.
Because i've seen bouys floating,
men in yahts gloating,
Survivers floating,
Kids in rags
Not clothing
But like a light house
Your smile

I can't think right now because my teeth hurt. From eating apples and likeing coke too much.
But at least I feel alive
Jul 2019 · 176
Courtlyn Quay Jul 2019
Pragmatic is my virtue
Destitute is my patience.
God has much to beg for.
Much above the appeal of general man.
but most of all,
I hope it can forgive me
Because the way of Tao.
Is the way of life.
and i've acted against in self interest.
And for those out of instinct.
Some times I feel as if the beast inside is better than the man.
Because the beast destroys itself to create.
But the man preserves itself by destroying.
In order to be human
I must Obstain from what I love.
In Order to preserve what I love.
Jul 2019 · 338
The Maelstrom
Courtlyn Quay Jul 2019
In the eye of the maelstrom I found myself. As the torrent of pain surrounded me from all sides. I began to rip torrents into tradewinds and I rode on that agony to new seas. my memory is clouded by the fog, but i search for familiar seas.

I took the core of my suffering out with a pen; with shakey hands I cut with my own words.
gusts of air left my lungs.
I danced for strangers to watch my blood fall. I medicated with carnival tickets and white girls to ease out of winter into spring. I relished in working till my bones bruised, and I still felt empty from it all. because it's empty and lonely in the eye of the storm. I realized that the wind that blows through my hair is apart of me. it is me. That every wave that dares knock me topside. is just someone i've grown to hate. and as my hate grows, the waves grow higher, and as I'm consumed with wrath, the wind blows harder. but i know now. through all the pain and torment. that I am the storm. and if I make it to land, reckoning is upon it. but if i'm to sink to the bottom of the sea I hope no one is hurt for it.
Jul 2019 · 178
Requiem for the lover.
Courtlyn Quay Jul 2019
Let's throw ourselves against a wall just to watch ourselves crumble.
In the name of love...
What a wonderful way to self destruct...
Jul 2019 · 306
Requiem for the Broken
Courtlyn Quay Jul 2019
When im sitting in the back of your car
And more than god wants to create I want to look into the rear view just to see your eyes.
But I can't look,
because what if I look and your eyes and they aren't looking at mine,
on top of that,
what if you aren't looking at me, because right now I need your attention,
I crave it like blood.
but I obstain like kryptonite.
just the sight of you not keeping me in your sights,
In the car with you.
That fills me with an insignificance as insignificant as the star you passed on when you made a wish;
And I can't risk to feel that.
So I obstain from that,
out of preservation
Jul 2019 · 179
Requiem for the City
Courtlyn Quay Jul 2019
A love letter to pittsburghs river.

im sorry my love, I may not see you tonight, but know I think of you often. not always fondly. But you are never a want, I know what I need. Your cold water to numb my scars. your tongue deep inside my mouth, dareing me to gasp for breath. Your arms wrapping me completely, into a beautiful dream, i'll never have to wake from. slowly like a blanket being thrown onto the sleeper, you cover and engulf me.
Nov 2018 · 744
Courtlyn Quay Nov 2018
Pragmatic is the virtue of diligence. Always active in the common comedy, let alone the discipline desired to do what's destined to unfold before this paragon. His jaw is angled from clenching his teeth in anticipation, her breath steadily drawing in the heavy air around her. Eyes dilating in excitement. All because diligence reaps what is sows
May 2018 · 492
I dont know
Courtlyn Quay May 2018
drawtext(the cold dark)
I'm glitching.
there are parts of me where the code runs but nothing prints.
why cant I remember what I wrote.
Unknown variables,
variable undefined
variable undefined
youcare undefined
variable thoughts.self
worth does not exist could not be launched

if Object(self) = true,
I feel like a faulty copy ripped from someone else's script.
I have a function that lets me scream.
But it wont start.
I have a function that lets me dream.
But it wont start.
My cpu has gone cold while the processor over heats.
I don't know how to get past this last line of code.
I don't know how this code to line get past.
past know to I don't get how..
I fear its killing me.
if alone  =  true
Mar 2018 · 255
Forsaken / Found
Courtlyn Quay Mar 2018
I'm lost in a sea of my own troubles.
My family's picture grows blurry.
I lost my sense of direction.
its gone so soon like ashes in a flurry. my troubles are quadratic the weight it doubles. This life's enigmatic, the pressure it bubbles. Lost at sea without a paddle. A good god, godless, ripped from the saddle. I don't know why i put so much stock in make believe. Gee maybe i don't know, hopefully it'll be a dream That'll be conceived. Possibly ill received, because greatness is disbelieved, rarely achieved, grandma's dreams cleaved, All the children are ******* grieving. Deceiving our selves, packing the shelves, we're leaving.
I have to find my bearing.
The waters are cool. The wind is blowing softly.
Right now, just hold her hand.
Listen to the wind.
Courtlyn Quay Feb 2017
Welcome back. the tent is raised.
our town is razed,
our eyes go unfazed
Unable to escape a dream come true
Unable to expect to be left with so few.
A calculated loss, given attrition
given munition, and a lack of nutrition.
It wasn't war that we asked for, we just wanted peace.
It wasn't you that we die for, the dignity belongs to ourselves.
When you play that melody on your piano,
In your private home,
Remember me.
Feb 2017 · 436
Courtlyn Quay Feb 2017
Twisted bone towers thirty feet high.
Etched with every promise and every word the doctors said to you. Resonating with the residual chemo left inside.
You collapse.
All those words,
All of those people building you up,
All of it just to watch you fall.
Oct 2016 · 405
Courtlyn Quay Oct 2016
As I looked into the face of a young boy.
I could see the explosion inside his pupils,
Almost as bright as the grin that pierced his closed smile.
It was all too apparent.
He had an idea.
Aug 2016 · 405
Courtlyn Quay Aug 2016
nothing more than a child with a pencil
a mere morsel in an ocean of literature
not something to pay a bill
something I learned before I was mature
my words work wonderful swan songs that serenade simply bite by bite  slowly swallowing you body and soul. That my words make youforget that a poem is more than a string of words tied to a cannonball meant to make an impact. in fact is a cannon ball will explode somewhere behind the broken memories and hiding demons. That the "miracles" that flow from my mind is nothing but insidious illusions that are shrouded in deeper meanings. When in reality I just want to scream because I've been given all the pieces but I don't have the key.
Aug 2016 · 399
Courtlyn Quay Aug 2016
my hair was harvested with the fall
my skull was frozen with the winter
my body was buried with the spring
I sprouted in the summer
Aug 2016 · 523
Velveteen fur
Courtlyn Quay Aug 2016
In the midst of my depression, I have noticed omens of my past lives.
the moments left behind in old houses, My habits layed out and discarded on my bed. I've grown estranged to their music and the lyrics that parch my tongue like bread.

The same with people, Not a moment goes by and the image of her grows blurrier. Not a moment goes by and my image grows weaker. and all the while I seek no cure so I must be all the wiser

Living up to the name shouldn't be hard
That the melancholy that ails me is just fortunes card

I'm just merely a prolonged chord on deaths strings.
or maybe a bird caged who wants to spread his wings.
Truly though,
I must be a velveteen rabbit
Burnt among the playthings
Jul 2016 · 3.0k
Sleepless nights
Courtlyn Quay Jul 2016
How come when I am nearer to sleep
That my eyes should close, not even a peep
I only hope then, that my eyes do not open
Jul 2016 · 379
Courtlyn Quay Jul 2016
Ripped in two pieces at one place
At another time it could've been different
Now that the embers float in the air
Now that I know whats left standing
With the trees beginning to sprout
I'll survive
Jul 2016 · 497
Courtlyn Quay Jul 2016
The tide inside my head empties into my heart
My heart empties into my stomach
The alcohol lurches ever so slightly
That's the price I pay tonight
My poems no longer rhyme
My heart no longer speaks
My head rules with the crashing sea
A typhoon that cannot be quelled
An earthquake that ruptures the world
A beautiful mistake
Named you
Jun 2016 · 292
Angels and Demons
Courtlyn Quay Jun 2016
A fanatic devil in my bed
an acolyte to the color red

I cast my eyes upon the dirt you dragged in
I set my hands upon your horns

The tragedy shed in light is that you lived without sin
A face touched by god and a spirit that rivals hell
I take your crown off the bed post and wear your thorns

I promise to show you the mercy this world has denied you.
I promise the love that this world has showed so few
Jun 2016 · 323
2 Packs a Day
Courtlyn Quay Jun 2016
I get the text
I flash back
When you told me to quit smoking.
That every puff you caught over the phone upset you.
I remember how you told me someone close to you died because of it.

I remember that night
Picking up a bottle when you texted me.
What was once an enjoyable activity
Now became a hole to dig myself into.
You called
I couldn't find the strength to pick up my phone
I'm sorry so I picked up my pack.
As I flipped it open I thought about what you would say.
Should I be angry?
Or should I be happy for you?

I lit the end.
If I was going to **** myself.
This is the way you'd want it
once again you text me.

You call me
What do I say?...
May 2016 · 396
Defeated in my own
Courtlyn Quay May 2016
I break my bones against my will
I scratch the surface of my skin to find the man beneath
I burn holes in my character to find the source of my integrity
I find no man
nothing worth saving
just broken bones
A shattered will
May 2016 · 409
Late Night Sputters #1
Courtlyn Quay May 2016
I don't know what to say about the wires I twisted into shape
Or the barricades that stand ***** seven miles high in all directions
I wouldn't know what to do if you handed me the means to this end
Loneliness has no end
It is a means in which we search and prolong
It teaches us
That every light needs a source
Even the sun cannot stay bright forever
As our world spins closer to a darkness embedded in tomorrow
I will wake
I will smile at my lack of hope
Replacing it with courage
May 2016 · 330
Atlas is falling
Courtlyn Quay May 2016
Bronze chains snap under heavy tension where the mind cant keep up.
Like atlas with too much on his mind
Let the world slip between your fingers
Wake up
Realize that your world is at terminal velocity
And as the moment it crashes into itself.
Let go
There are countless more
May 2016 · 302
Nail my head to the post
Courtlyn Quay May 2016
Take the moment now
nail my head to a post.
When my body rocks in its tattered remains it'll come to me.
When the bullets soak up my blood
blood, iron and lead are one my veins.
The ways my story comes to life
is from the flash from my barrel
from the flick of my fingers
from the tip of my hat
holster and saddle up.
Nail my head to the post
Just to see the spirit in the sky
May 2016 · 329
glass shards
Courtlyn Quay May 2016
Tendons slip and rip to the design of the glass
Your hand bleeds onto ivory countertop
Your head begins into the tunnel
Catching a grip on the mirror
The moment it goes numb
The moment my heart goes numb
Perplexed with why?
Fades to black
May 2016 · 307
Courtlyn Quay May 2016
Softly sifting through the sands
Nothing of value grips to your hands
Zooming out the hourglass seems diminutive
Zooming farther the grand scheme is visible
The speck of dust thinks it's important
How cute
Courtlyn Quay Apr 2016
Breaking the divide
Divided by loneliness
Bringing us closer
Discerning true friend as rival
Two people, two children
Purist combatants
Savage beasts dancing circles in the sand
Their actions catching the eyes of heaven
Clashing in quick succession
Just to fall in each others embrace
Chasing him the way death chases life
A few beats behind him but ready to pounce
Chasing her the way the Sun chases the moon
Patient and slow, eager to make a move

Their love
Like the kiss from unconsciousness
*It steals you
body and soul
Apr 2016 · 426
Rain dance
Courtlyn Quay Apr 2016
blast beats drop and the beasts come out to play
Don't end yet, one more chorus, one more breakdown
can you feel the beating of my heart?
It bleeds at every beat, it booms with every breath
My skin runs over my wire frame, electrified by the sound
elevated by the crowd, empowered by lights, A silence takes me.
And then thunder
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