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best to remain unnamed
K Balachandran
K Balachandran   Member
Kerala, India    Poetry to me is self exploration that reveals submerged landscapes, otherwise one is unaware of.I love to read fiction and poetry.As a daily news journalist …
Sacrelicious   Member
31/M/Hell    Welcome to my diary.
Tearani C
Tearani C   Member
My purpose is to discover one. I am a writer a sister, soul searcher , shadow chaser. I am A composition of scars and broken …
TD Rucker
TD Rucker   Member
I've been writing poetry for years. Nothing solves my over analytically unsound mind like writing. I also contribute articles to regularly. I have a …
Scott Howard
Scott Howard   Member
From Cincinnati, Ohio. Graduate of The Art Academy of Cincinnati, BFA in sculpture..
Debra A Baugh   Member
I write poetry under the names Goddess of Sensuality & NVMeeks...I started penning about 7 yrs ago...I have two daughters 38 & 34...I'm a grandmother …
Flawless Contradictions
50/F/Michigan    Writing is a reminder that I'm still alive. A hippie with a gypsies touch. Hollow, trying to embrace the earths saliva. Ask me anything I'm …
Saul Makabim
Saul Makabim   Member
What does it matter...
AW   Member
Samir   Member
New Jersey    Do not read. ǝʌol~love < / 3 ☺☼♂♀ ♥♠♣♦☻ ◘•◙○♫
Lindsey Miller
Lindsey Miller   Member
cellar door.
LuLu   Member
Just a woman who likes to write. Sometimes I am dark, happy and even erotic . I love music , Blue October is my favorite …
Chelsea Codrington
Chelsea Codrington   Member
I'm just a girl, in need of a place to let my mind wander...
Lily Mae
Lily Mae   Member
F/Northern Michigan    Nothing © January 2011 Lily Mae
Kingafroninjaa   Member
Bring Justice to a beautiful soul by signing and sharing this petition for my boyfriend's senseless death! His name is Jandei Cherry and he was …
Charlie Prince
Charlie Prince   Member
Taylor   Member
Just a girl trying to write poetry (trying really, really hard) Check out my devaintART profile. If you like the stuff I post on here, …
A Machele
A Machele   Member
32/F/Chattanooga    my mind is a whirlpool.
ipoet   Member
Find me at: Short Poetry - words move
Joshua X Noheart
Joshua X Noheart   Member
I'm an Aquarius. Enough said.
Janette   Member
When I'm not writing, I'm Believing again! My motto is: Fortune and love favour the brave.
Eva Encarnacion
Eva Encarnacion   Member
Making sense of my thoughts and stories of my experiences.
Lexiconical Quinn
Lexiconical Quinn   Member
Fort Collins    I don't sleep, so I write.
Amanda S
Amanda S   Member
Indiana    Everything only is because you think it is
lilah raethe
lilah raethe   Member
Kasandra Curtis
Kasandra Curtis   Member
Victoria Harris   Member
Kayla Elizabeth Cory
20. Bay Area. Taurus. Artistic all around. Loves Nature and animals. "Happiness is only real when shared." My love Gabriel is heaven <3 Please enjoy …
Joseph the Dreamer
Joseph the Dreamer   Member
clarkston ga    I am torn between dreaming and doing. I am caged by inner crisis. Left to my own devices, I have encapsulated myself in comfort,and comfortable …
Juniper Montgomery
Juniper Montgomery   Member
I'm a fiery, insightful, esoteric, lively little creature and my thoughts are both jumbled and wise. I'm much more intelligent than you think I am, …
Marcus Lane
Marcus Lane   Member
Thanet, Kent, ENGLAND    My roots are in the West of England. I write infrequently, when the mood takes me. You'll find here a collection of the romantic, the …

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