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 Apr 2016
We were born to die alone in the dark
A dissected corpse, a desiccated heart
Loose limbs tightened with rigor mortis
Broken bones and emptied bawls  
Becoming a morticians doll
To be posed and paraded before
Our loved ones
 Apr 2016
I do myself great harm
seeing the long arm
of the War Department
and all the innocents bombed,

while preachers and Mary Kay moms
go about their days.
I shift the rubble and clutter
that covers the internet.
I look for things,
I won't forget.

Forcing myself to see things
that make decent human beings
weep with grief and indignation
children lined up, bodies in bags
small faces wearing the veil of death.

I take myself to the brink of tears
and cross sorrow’s sick threshold
to learn and share my despair;
Hoping that like-minded hearts
will stop
what violent people have started.
 Apr 2016
The pain splattered
silence shattered
doesn’t matter.

The dusty plaster
shaped and placed
by the hands of master
doesn’t matter.

The feel of the drill
spinning its screwy will
into white washed walls
doesn’t matter.

But the days missed
cause we were working this
sweaty ambition
chasing the highest position
in our money situation,

Those lost moments
with family and friends
making them wait
till work ends
before we can tell ‘em
that we love them,

It is that time that
will not come again
that Matters.
 Apr 2016
The obsession
takes possession
of my thoughts.

Every waking hour
intent on feeding
Said addiction,

Wasting a wonderful
day’s worth of potential
on pleasures and rewards
that are digital abstractions,

Becoming subtractions
from the quality of my mind,
and my life.
 Apr 2016
How can I live with the kind
who pillage and ****
take their mistakes
and make up our minds
concealing their crimes
behind rhetoric of hate?

How can I live with the blind
who follow such swine
drink the poisonous wine
that puts us behind the times
when we should have been,
so far ahead of them?

How can I live in such a state
waiting for this evil to abate
knowing that what I do
does not sway the populace to the truth?

If I thought that with my life
I could buy back the light
defeat the dark knights
that rush to decide
out of greed and pride
how we should ruin our lives;

I would gladly swallow a bullet
bite a pill
swipe the razor,
till there is nothing left to feel.
I’d empty my vessel
if I thought
I could save this lot.
 Apr 2016
They are always bearers words of love I will not know,
poems in the secret chamber of my heart,
each beat uneven but electrical.
Percussion playing at life's rhythm
tragedy and sorrow heartbreak and forgiveness.
Though I live in this reality
I still feel their fingers clutch the core of me.
Separately we are time and distance apart
In words we are married to such sweet shared meaning.
My veins run with their blood
unfinished photos, moving still life portraits.
I am unintentionally discarded by the hearts
I treasure most.
Still, they're always just
one page of prose and poetry away from me.
 Apr 2016
Excuse me are you
tracking all injustice
or just this
one particular issue?
Are you treating the symptoms
or the cause of the disease?
Please believe
that I admire the effort,
but you can't solve the problem
without addressing the underlying
 Apr 2016
Dear, your dainty dandelions
are dancing daringly across
the dirt path way
straight up to my driveway
and it is very creepy.
 Apr 2016
She didn’t light the fire.
She was so discerning
watching her city burning
in complete and painful chaos.

The political arsonist
was invested in destroying this
ghetto, one small city section,
didn’t give a ****
about any woman or man
who got hurt by his plan.

So, while the flames
kept getting higher
she crept with her metal wire.
That mad mass murderer
never even heard her.
He never even got
to shout out or gurgle,
as she strangled
that fat cat *******
who made a living
off the suffering
of the innocent.
 Apr 2016
There’s no rose in the winter.
The snow has buried her stem.
The ice has broken her petals.
The frosted flower won’t bloom again.
 Apr 2016
The poetry of flesh
Is porous pink skin
Needing to be touched
To find peace of mind
 Apr 2016
takes me out of the moment.
takes me out of the moment.
takes me out of the moment.
takes me out of the moment.
takes me out of the moment.
takes me out of the moment.
Everything that
takes me out of the moment
wastes the potential
of each moment
to be enlightening and inspiring.
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