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 Dec 2014
Why is it so hard to find and keep love?
And why is the pain of the heart so much worse than the pain of the body?
And why does it seem that a death is more bearable than accepting that someone left you -
because in death they had no choice.

You walk away from each other with so many memories not yet created;
so much remaining unsaid,
so many dreams unshared,
because suddenly it doesn’t seem safe to share.
One moment that person is the closest soul to you;
and the next moment,
before even a full breath is taken,
that person is almost a stranger.

And the unsaid words consume you.

wanting to ask: if you love me,
why did you leave me?
wanting to tell you how much I miss you,
but knowing that I shouldn’t.
wanting to ask you to re-consider,
but knowing that I wouldn’t.

Thoughts dominate your every waking moment;
you sleep less yet you cannot stand being awake
because the pain is too much.
You try to occupy your mind with other things, other people – movies, reading, work, travel -
but nothing else exists.
A phantom of you carries you on with life, a shell gliding through the motions;
smiling in response to a smile,
laughing on cue…
When all you want is be away from it all,
lulled in the cocoon of your own thoughts,
wrapped in the blanket of the dark recesses of a place where you can finally break down,
surprised to find that sometimes the healing is worse than the break.

But fighting it takes too much effort,
Strangely, you find peace in giving in to the pain.
Because beneath the facade,
your soul is dissecting every word previously said.
His words run like a coiled fuse
across your mind and around your heart:
I can’t believe you’re mine“.

Behind the mirror of your eyes you are replaying every encounter;
trying so desperately to understand why;
wondering if you said something wrong,
did something wrong..
if maybe you had done things differently…
trying to make sense of what can never make sense.
needing answers you know you will never get.
You go through so many emotions,
so many conflicting feelings..
torn between anger and pain,
confusion and denial,
love and hate,
blame and understanding -

wanting to forget and wanting to hold on to the memories..
wanting to delete those pictures and wanting to save them forever.
and the cycle repeats.
.. and repeats..

Every moment, every memory, becomes so much clearer,
so much sharper -
like a razor blade in your mind;
more deeply engraved into the psyche of your soul.

And the reminders are everywhere..
because he was a part of your life, every part
and you thought it was forever.

You try so hard to forget..
But it ended too soon, and seems so senseless
like throwing away a bouquet of flowers before it even begins to wilt.

You tell yourself that people are who they are.
We cannot change them or ask them to want or be something they don’t want.
That no matter what they do to us, we have to accept that they are on their own personal journey.
And it is their right to seek their path as they see fit.

Perhaps that is how we grow, how we learn.
Perhaps their purpose in our life was simply to light that spark– and the rest is up to us.
Perhaps the purpose of Love is to always seek it, sometimes find it..
but never keep it.
perhaps Love is not ours for the keeping..

Your friends try to be there for you,
Offering an understanding ear to unburden your soul,
but your soul wants to hold on to its burden.
Offering a shoulder to cry on,
but no shoulder has enough strength for the load you carry.
Offering arms to embrace you,
but no arms will suffice when the only arms you want to fall into are those of the one who left you.
Offering sympathetic words that only serve to bring forth more of the tears you’re trying so hard to keep at bay..
You cannot risk letting anyone into the fragile sanctum of your Being as the wound is still precariously tender,
and the slightest quiver may open up floodgates you feel may never close again.

But Time passes by,
slowly but inevitably.
And, mercifully, the pain lessens a little each time you sleep and awaken.
The days alone become tolerable,
The nights that were once filled with loneliness become tranquil in solitude.
The once constant agony becomes the occasional twinge
when you smell a certain scent,
when you pass by the restaurant where you once shared a booth and enjoyed a meal,
when you see a happy couple holding hands as they walk by,
when you pass the place he first asked to hold your hand, and you shared your first kiss,
when you see the commercial for the television show you used to watch together that you can not bear to watch again
when you see a mildly familiar silhouette,
or in the hint of a smile that is almost like the one you remember,
or in the intense gaze of a passing stranger that is reminiscent of the one that haunts your dreams.

…and you can finally smile though the tears because the memories,
while once only painful -
are now painfully beautiful.

The pain passes but the beauty remains..

..and one day you realize you no longer count your growth in years,
but in the number of times your heart had been broken,
then scarred and healed again ~
like the growth rings of a tree,
growing stronger in the process.

“It is a curious sensation: the sort of pain that goes mercifully beyond our powers of feeling. When your heart is broken, your boats are burned: nothing matters any more. It is the end of happiness and the beginning of peace.” ~George Bernard Shaw
 Dec 2014
Beebz The Queen
I hope that when you read this,
you think of me and smile.
Cause every moment spent with you,
was 10x worth my while.

I'm wishing I had,
maybe your hand to hold.
Wishing that you'd reach out
praying you're that bold.

You still blame me for everything,
and yet, still nothing I've done.
You're still too busy losing,
*but the battle's been won.
I will create oceans and rivers
From the tears that flow from my eyes
And they will envelop the shores
Formed in the crest of my torso,
The valleys that lay in between my *******
Will protect wildlife from the raging winds
Of my breaths, and the shaking earth
Of my heartbeat
My thoughts will form stars and planets
And I will create my own galaxies
My fingertips will be the roots of trees that will stretch ever onwards
I will grow and I will grow
And I will destroy as I please
No laws hold me
For I am my own universe
Unbidden, unbound.
 Dec 2014
If you are in a hurry,
go ahead and don't
bother to wait for me.
My life still needs me.

Some untold stories,
an unsung song,
an incomplete conversation,
an unread book.
Some bridges to build
some to burn,
wounds to heal
fences to mend
relations to tend...

In my hurry
to catch up with you,
I breathlessly ran and
I left behind
so many moments,
breathtaking moments.
Let me catch up  
with them now,

I'll catch up
wtth you later...
"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep..." Robert Frost
Dedicated to my friend Deborah, in whose words I witnessed a pause, a miracle...
 Dec 2014
Ocean Blue
Please, come closer
I wish to feel you near
So I can whisper
Something in your ear.
Three little words I call a secret,
A commitment I don't dare to say
But if you press on my heart
You'll feel it anyway.
 Dec 2014
Beth Richter
Though my lips did not move,
              you heard every single word.
 Dec 2014
Your voice sounds like
church bells and christmas
jingles. Your touch makes
me tingle. Your mustache
reminds me of the man found
on a box of Pringles. Your
sweet and sour and prettier
than the NY twin towers.
Sitting next to you in the car
never made me feel the boredom
of a rush hour. Tell me a secret
and breathe poetry down my
neck. We can go home and take
the next step. Champaign and
blood red wine  , oh darling doesn't
that sound just devine. With dim flickering
candle lights , white silk bed sheets and
tangled limbs and feet. I think we'll be just
fine* ~
 Dec 2014
One breath , one love ,
one body and soul. Two
mouths meet while two
heartbeats become one.
Your name takes me up
and down like blue ocean
waves. It echoes in the back
of my brain as it heals all
kinds of pain. If i could I
would of inked it all over
my vanilla scented skin.
At times it almost drives
me insane. But isn't that
love like they say ? Your
light is what guides me to
you. I mean it darling I swear
its true. At night I drown in
thoughts of you. Breathe me
in and out like your blue LM
cigarette smokes. Im serious
this ain't a joke. The smoke
rings your mouth forms gets
me lost in a trance while I
stare and gaze.  Making me
want to take your hand and
dance. The moment i get the
chance ill run away with you.
Not giving a **** about
what they'll do. Your my
home , my life , safe place
and high. This is why I'm
dedicating all of my poetry
to you* ~
 Dec 2014
It was time for love that never shone
A southern wind so coldly blown
In lies of madness I walked by night
So frail and jaded these ropes of life

I gave in to my whispering voice
A deed so forbidden, so staggeringly moist
By lust of madness, insanity ruled
In guilt and shame an act so lewd

How such a feeling could bewitch my soul
No biologist or mindologist could ever know
Love is such a fine line and I crossed her there
Alone in the madness of eternal despair
Traveler Tim
re to 12-17
 Dec 2014
The Moon and her stars
The Sun and his rays
In lover's pursuit
For all of their days
A Star is born
In eternal light
Flickering dreams
Strive to take flight

In proximity of
The Giver of Life
She spins in dark skies
The goddess of night
In the absence of
Her lover's smile
The howls of doom
Greet the wild

The promise of heaven
Was not his to give
Two hearts lost forever
And so shall we live...
Ode to... The Moon of course!.
 Dec 2014
Chloë Fuller
I want you to write your name with your tongue inside of my mouth so I can feel it every time I speak
 Dec 2014
Ocean Blue

I know Someone,
Who lives across the Ocean,
Whose beautiful face
In my memory slowly fades.
But after I hear her voice,
- You might say this is hopeless -
It gives me no other choice,
All night to remain sleepless.
Hey, don't go back to the Blue
My Delightful Pain,
'Cause I can't stop loving You,
Again and Again...

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