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 Mar 2014
Tormenting tears of unrest
Tattooed upon my soul
Even if it were possible
I could never let this go
As my nightmares
Bleed into ink stains
Vaguely explaining why
I embrace the night with blindness
'Til once again I die...
Traveler Tim
re-to 02-17
 Mar 2014
Tonight we lie alone in wait
Thoughts slowly gaining speed
Solitude breeds demons like rabbits
As blood boils to black
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/01/2014
 Mar 2014
Will suffer
Refusing to share.
The pain and disappointment
Have rusted the hinges on the exit door.
I will not fight, or scream, or break your heart in pieces.
This is my pain, my broken-hearted shattered dreams, my burden alone.
Refusing to drag you to the depths of my personal hell, is not noble.
It is not selfless or well meaning. There is a shameful part lying silently within me.
It know the truth that I have fought hard to swallow, that I continue to deny, the truth that proves I am no martyr.
There is, in fact, some comfort to be found in a pain so familiar that it has leached into the very fiber of my soul.
Written in the Prime style as created by A.Thomas Hawkins
copyright©PrttyBrd 012/07/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
 Mar 2014
the story of her life
is such that it has no real beginning
a child thrown into adulthood
still treated like a child
abandoned and reclaimed
altered and unnoticed
The words were never spoken
no one ever asked
decades pass and they forget
she carries the nightmares, alone
it is time that it unfolds for all
time for the ugly to be shared
and room to be made for better things
now that it is time, there is no telling
there is no tale
beginning where, as a child
at the tragedy, after the pain?
it must be told,
it is her story
but the words won't come
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/07/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
 Mar 2014
Stuck in a time long since passed. Heart emptied hopeless. Faces blur along with the days. Nights linger incessantly, haunting all that ever was.  Dreams tease happy.  Sun kills dreams. Time makes scars. Distance allows the fallacy to continue.  The lies turn daily mantra.  The mantra into perceived reality. Reality into dreams, the dreams into nightmares.  Sun cannot **** nightmares.

Hollow glass hearts bleed
Puddle will evaporate
To exist no more

Joy-filled memories leach all hope for future joy.  Heart crushed to powder. Powdered hearts cannot bleed.  Dead hearts cannot feel. Memories, overflow with the shadow of love's embrace. Pain jabs the senses like lightning.  Still, the heart has ceased to exist.  Calluses fill the space that scars cannot.  False emotion permeates the truth.  Future acquaintances see beauty behind dead eyes.  As they close in, icy breath freezes long enough to drain their heart to beat some life into the one lost. Walking away with minimal pulse as their heart is hollowed and bleeding.  Soon too, that puddle with cease to exist.  

**Life's casualties
Joy begets pain begets joy
Hope dies most quickly
Copyright©PrttyBrd 20\12\12
 Mar 2014
Do not let me trust your
Mouth full of lies
Kisses of saccharin-sweet hemlock
Eyes of angelic innocence
And heart of iron, forged in Hell
Set me free before you hurt me
Let me go and fair thee well
 Mar 2014
Clouds roll in and thunder roars
Tears, they fall in rage
burning rivers down the face
Of the once innocent
Humanity ripped from souls
The heartless rise
The careless linger
What was once is no longer
What should be, never was
Ineffectual words
Counting down to nothing
 Feb 2014
Tiberius Thomas
engulf me in a haze of black
veins turn hard, vision blurs
world so distant and forgotten
childhood i yearn to go back

no more than seconds time
mind alters with desolation
alone with no relation
dead, buried and back alive

reality swarms in a gasp
eyes soaking in light
fighting the evil within
sanity back in clasp
 Feb 2014
Your words,
like silken tendrils,
crept along my skin,
Passing shivers flared,
Brushed off
with an uneasy smile,
Now these diaphanous strands  
threaten to mummify,
Encase me in a cocoon
of slights,
and casual cruelty,
Liquifying my insides
to better feed you,
Bloat your predatory emptiness
with my life-force,
Your clacking mouthparts sharpen,
As does my resolve,
My innards are not for your
Skitter back to your shadowy lair,
This corpse will not play,
I rise, awakened,
The sun waits for me.
 Feb 2014
Behind closed doors they sleep
While in the night the tears are streaming
They dream of dragons and kings
Silently the shadows are creeping

Closer and closer they come
Grabbing hold of all that is good
Squeezing until the bleeding stops
Too numb for the pain to feel as it should

Never wanting to let go
Drained of all the things hope brings
Sharing dreams of yesterday
Lost in the night as the Cricket sings
copyright©PrttyBrd 03/01/2011
 Feb 2014
Jedd Ong
Oh! How hell awaits—
Open your gates, and see!
The wrath of God revealed to all,
And all revealed to me!

Within these rusted gates
Hang gallows coarse as sand,
Engrained on it, in weathered stone
My names in fine, slight hand.

"I'm sorry son, it's just too much,
"The punishment's all but done.
"And though stand you, with head held high,
"The charge has just begun."

And on their steps that beckon,
With body ******, bent,
My ears, they heard, in whispered snarls:
"To die, He never meant!"

To this, I turned, and glimpsed and smiled,
"To You, Oh Lord, my praise!"
Which he in turn, with glass-strewn eyes

Refused, utterly betrayed.
Part Light Brigade, part fear. I got lucky with the meter.
 Feb 2014
Heart beats eternal
Flowing free and warm
Changing speed
With emotion
Fleeting in fun
Standing still
In a moment
Dripping in pain
Beating while broken
Swollen with tears
Hardening edges
Darken with affect
Constraining perception
Sludge forced through
copyright©PrttyBrd 16/07/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
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