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 Feb 2014
Shadows of pain block the sun
Joy turns sour in the shade
Twisted desires nauseate
Self-hatred masquerades in smiles
Demons come out to play
Casting nets in daylight
Trapping hearts and twisting dreams
Nightmares turn beautiful in time
Charcoal and ash
Charcoal and ash
Burn memories into scars
Marking territory
Claiming all they see
Making them beg to be taken
Beg for more
Begging for the honor
To be twisted unrecognizable
Freedom in acceptance
Relinquishing all
Feasting on the beating hearts
Of the innocently depraved
Gambling souls
Playing for keeps
 Feb 2014
Cracked, depleted and downright broken
Left in the lurch by sweet, sweet lies
Knowing one can't, but must...still
Shadowed thoughts and twisted memories
Alone together and together alone
Days in shades of a bruised ego
Nights in darkened yesterdays
Remembered only in the mind's eye
By letting go, it will cease to exist
Longing to continue where the beauty is laid to rest
Copyright©PrttyBrd 07\11\13
 Feb 2014
Luminosity Cat
7:30pm - I am crying. Wars are raging. Demons are coming. My soul is dying.

8:30pm - Try to resist a knife that sits. Pick up the phone, just so alone. Try to resist the urge that pursists.

9:30pm - Urges pursist, I finally cave in. Marks on my skin, wage a war thats within. Spirits are fighting, demons are crying. A soul is dying. Tempers are rising.

10:30pm - My heart is breaking. My temper is flaring. My thoughts are rising. A God I'm denying. I'm lost, chained, and bound. I'm tired of fighting.

11:30pm - Alone in night, along in day. My friends seem to walk away. Still I am trying. Is there any reason to living?

12:30am - Sleeping comes naught to that who is crying. A God who has ceased caring. Is there any life worth giving?

1:30am - Trying to write to someone so dear, but words alas, won't come near. I cry out for help, hoping a God will hear. Hoping someone might just be there.

2:30am - I walk to the garage, a shotgun awaits. I pick up the tool, to send me to my death. I look for the bullets, none can I find. I go to the house, to look for a knife.

3:30am - I pick up a knife, to hold to my neck. I think back on the past nine years of my life. The rediculing, the name calling, the moving, the drinking, the hell that's broke loss must come to an end.
I think of a friend. Will she miss me, I wonder. I think to a dance that had not long past. A friend... I think naught, an older sister. I remember the song that she played for my ears.
I remember my mentor, the one who discovered. I remember her efforts to tell me they cared. I remembered her words that told me she would always be there.
I thought yet again to a friend who long past. I thought to her last words to my ear. "You're loved, don't forget it. Even if I'm not here."
I thought to years long past. When I layed in the grass, my brothers at hand. I told them I was running. His response, "No, don't go. I love you to much for that. I need you to pick on."

3:45am - I put down my knife. I go to my room. I continue to cry. I may not be happy, but my life I must live. My demons then flee, but my chains still bind me. An angel protects me, of this I am sure. To sleep I must drift, I'll wake in the morn.
 Jan 2014
He turned around and looked at me
And his vision made me sick
So I ****** his eyes out of his skull
And skewered them on a stick

Roasted on an open flame
Turning evenly to toast
Hoping as his pupils pass
It's me he sees the most

Tongue chewed from within his face
No screams of discontent
He tried to say, "you're beautiful"
But lies on the tongue ferment

His rancid meat is useless
So I feed it to the worms
Now, wasted words are gasps for air
And no longer my concern

He tried to write, "I'm sorry"
With fingers drenched in blood
So I chopped them into pieces
And spread them through the neighborhood

So as I whispered in his ear
Of all his evil ways
I saw that bitter molten tube
Grow solid as it swayed

So I ground it into sausage
While it was still attached
And wondered, quite in passing,
Why unto me he chose to latch

So here we are me and my feast
And him bleeding on the ground
As buzzards rend the flesh from bone
With me laughing at the sound
copyright©PrttyBrd 29/01/2014
 Jan 2014
Hold fast to your hearts inside your chest
Succubus seeps in while you sleep
Hearts turn liquid in her arms
As she drinks it off your tongue
Consuming souls from hapless victims
She fills her voids with stolen flesh
Leaving trails of broken spirits
With the glint of a smile, and a shrug
The wind carries her off
In clouds of blackened ash
copyright©PrttyBrd 29/01/2014

A warning to men everywhere
 Nov 2013
thoughts of joy infused my dreams.  despite what life had taught me.  once gray, had changed in hue, and somehow, I believed.  perhaps I just wanted to believe.  the possibility enticed me.  the hope that the claims were real.  nothing forced, nothing false. alas, the excitement was short lived.  as with most things, the gray has returned as black.

**Trust has been broken
Through neglect, if not through lies
Final lesson learned
Copyright©PrttyBrd 21\11\13
 Nov 2013
Priya Patel
I saw a glimmer of yesterdays;
when I was with you
and you with me
when I was all
that you could see
I walked into a room and
100's of eyes began poking at me
but not he
I was a jeweled princess
in silken blue
and you had you new wife
all over you
I have moved on
of course I have
of course I have
but sometimes,
sometimes I miss
the way we used to be
when I was with you
and you were with me
Even though life was only
a pretence to be happy
Even though I was so
very lonely
Even though you were never
truly with all of me
I dont miss you
I dont, really
I am in love again
happier now than even before
in fact, much more
but in reality
I miss being part of a family
 Sep 2013
Priya Patel
She is the tickle behind my ear
whispering love from afar
offering hope and faith
best wishes for us all

I see pictures of her
smiling laughing drinking
She is beautiful in her mask
Her mask ... she wears it well

Behind; tear stained cheeks
permanently scarred heart
eyes as bleak as withered snow
She is lost, I cannot find her

Saddened by life's choices
dying from a broken heart
a loss of hope, of will
She is giving up

But I love her with all my heart....
 Sep 2013
Priya Patel
Hidden behind dark brooding clouds,
a faithful sky
peeks through
to a down casted eye
Eyes hazed with doubt
and speckled with despair
searching for hope
looking everwhere
losing faith
in the one constant light
in his life; me
I am here my love
lost in my own brooding clouds
battling some of my
worst personal doubts
Look up sweetheart
and peek through
the dark skies above
There you will find hope
swimming in a bath of my love
A light so bright
it will drown
all your doubts away
I am here
 Sep 2013
Priya Patel
I carried you through heats of hell
and blanketed you in the blistering snow
nurturing you against my breast
afraid of letting you go
You are the one thing in my life
that can never be taken away
Cherished dearly in every way

You are all of my memories
 Sep 2013
Priya Patel
I hear the soft crumpling of leaves
beneath the paws of life
One must wither eventually, right?
I look down on grass
burnt brown from age
and rake the leaves away
with memories from summers page;
torn from the book of life
The branches on a tree
beneath a rumbling sky does sway
as if to say
The tinkling of raindrops;
wet against dry
as if, for a moment
in mourning, clouds cry
for the soft crumpling leaves no more
Arms stretched out
eyes moist with hope
I pray for their souls to be nourished
in the memories of summers dew
 Sep 2013
Priya Patel
Time trickles by
agonizingly slow
tick tock tick tock
frustrations grow
They are playing the waiting game

Stung by fate
life's little trick
the sweetest boy
so very sick
Tick tock tick tock, time is just a game

Hands aged with fears
bound tight; she prays
fingers shivering
a grandmother softly says
God keep him safe and end this waiting game

Friends and family
kneel down in faith
praying together
In God's love they bathe
Knowing soon that time is almost here

Fate is fate
and we are all bound by destiny
but in my heart of hearts
I pray that he will be
your happy, healthy grandson once again

*to Wanda, you and your grandson are in our prayers
 Sep 2013
Priya Patel
In the midnight of our days
there is no moon
for me to gaze upon
No whispering willows
or symphonies of the night
Just the blaring days sun
blindingly bright
In the midnight of our days,
there is no quiet of the night
The silent hue of stars
no where in sight
The humdrum of the day
becomes wrapped
like a regifted package;
boring and forgotten
passed on
like one moment to the next
In the midnight of our days
I day dream
of chirping crickets
and hooting owls
of whispering willows
and lone wolf howls
In the midnight of our days
I ache for the peacefulness
of the night
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