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 Jun 2024
Riz Mack
Be like the rain
unafraid to fall

Be like the sun
shining light upon all

Be like the wind
helping others take flight

Be the brave new dawn
after the dark stormy night
Be all you can be
See all you can see
D all you can D ;)
On the bike the rider is a blazing glory
winds to him whisper hair raising story
whizz past houses, trees, and towns
wheels giggle joyous with the ups and downs.

Girls on the sidewalks look up in awe
as the speed streaks on the wrong side of law
the copper burnt hands grip the baby tight
to ride away from dark and into the light.

Through the flash of clouds, torrents of rains
sun on the mountain, sunset's pink stains
piercing the wind, cutting across rainbow
steams the metal man, in seamless flow.

Days nights roll, beneath the grey arch
on an intense pursuit, one frantic search
he looks for a place where a loving hand
will open the door to the God's resting land.
 Jun 2024
CJ Sutherland
I pay homage to fellow poets on this site
Writing keeps me occupied at night
I appreciate their dignity and corrections
Poetry is an contrasting art of perfections

Showing us new styles and types of rhyme
While keeping meter flow and time
BLT word challenges creates cohesive style
Created progressive poems we smile

You’ve been timetabled
When chosen by HP writers Spotlight
It’s truly a remarkable night.
Is a great way to get to know a poet
deeper insight of their poems they show it

Of course, there’s always room to grow  
There’s always more to know
Poet’s poems profound stirring begins
We learn more in every poem Muse wins

The GADFLIES  can scroll on by
Leaving thumb down, is a spiteful cry
Exceptional caliber of poetry, we Strive
After all, that’s what keeps us alive

Check out these exceptional poets
Poetry in motion, perfection, as we know it;
Carlo C.Gomez, BLT, Weeping willow
You’ve Been Timetabled, Old poet MK, Nylee, Anais Violet, Mister truth,N
Lori Jones Mc Caffery, Ken Pepiton
Anais Vionot, Stephen E. Yocum,
Ken Pipiton, Pradip Chattopadhyay,
Thomas W. Case, Guy Scutellaro
Nat Lipstrad, G Alan Johnson,
Melancholy of Innocence, My Dear Poet,
BLT word of the day challenge
One who provokes or annoys other people, especially persistent criticism
I can’t name them all so please forgive me if a miss you, know you are in my heart but I’ll name a few
 May 2024
Mohan Jaipuri
Loneliness is...

When one feels
alone in crowds
Still try to
spread fake smiles

When one starts
to think of past
without any reason
Still await for coming
the spring season

When one tries
to keep so much
busy with works
Which don't have
fruitful visions

When one becomes
so much social
media friendly
Which takes away
normal living
 May 2024
Mohan Jaipuri
अन्न मुगतां, घी जुगतां

(Means: Fulfill needs, control luxuries)
 May 2024
Mohan Jaipuri
A newspaper
The sharpest weapon
against all kinds of atrocities
From racism to
All kinds of slaveries
It is also
the most effective guide
in dealing with calamities
From plague to
Covid transmities
Its hawker
A constant source
of confidence and consistency
in this period of all oddities.
I am missing my today's copy and that prompted me to narrate its importance
 May 2024
Mohan Jaipuri
Love enters in life
with happiness
But it leaves life
in lonelines

Love is a rhyme
while the life is a book
of many sad poems
Which are written by
the ocean of tears
I want to be your playmate
Dancing on the bubbles of our joy.
I want to be your everything
Providing all you need and more.

        I want to be your hiding place
        When storms of life surround you.
        I want to be the face you see
        When you wake up forever.

                 I want to be a steady beam
                 To light the ways we travel.
                 I want to be part of your life
                 As long as God will let me
Written in 2006 and lost in the clutter.
 Apr 2024
Zoe Mae
Next to an old brown tree
Under a new pink sky
I found a younger version of me
The one who used to fly

Next to new concrete
Under an old pocked moon
I found an older version of me
The one who'll falter soon

Next to you right now
Under a peach fuzz sun
I found peace somehow
And for a moment didn't run
Here lies the dead wishes of men
once alive
the dense shrubs hide the pain
weeds thrive.

Here lies a grieving heart
once much joyous
the windows are broken and hurt
bricks break like glass.

Here lies the power of wealth
once pompous
now in ruined health
seems it wasn't all that precious.

Here lies the remains of heydays
once vibrant
with bones the jackal plays
reminds time is a tyrant.

Here lies moss on the wall
once finely painted
now dark and dull
the air is serpent scented.
Simultala, April 4, 2024 evening.
 Nov 2021
Maria Diola
Unmerited favor
Gained through faith in
The Son's labor
Ephesians 2:8, For it is by free grace (God’s unmerited favor) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation) through [your] faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [of your own doing, it came not through your own striving], but it is the gift of God.
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