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 May 2015
John Stevens
The storms are pounding
Destruction is rampant
No end seems in sight.
The day is endless
The night never ending
Will it ever, ever be right?

Lightning crashes
Winds are swirling
Torrents of water fall down.
The earth is shaking
The shelter is breaking
Thunderous sound resound.

Above the storm
the Calm prevails
Overlooking the turmoil below.
Awaiting the return
of order again
That Peace and Calm bestow.

Then it is over...

No more pounding
Silence, beautiful silence
Comes whispering in the ears.
The Earth becomes firm
The Sun is still shining
It dries up all the tears.

Through the debris
New hopes arise
Covering the scars below.
Growing stronger, stronger
As strength rebounds
Renewed by the seeds we sow.

Repairing the damage
Replacing the lost
Moving forward with or without.
Finding Hope in the future
as Faith reaches upward
Redeeming Love without a doubt.

When the storms of life
Cause turmoil and strife,
The Son dries all my tears.
When all seemed lost
I counted the cost
Turned over all my fears.

I am surviving.
I am stronger still.
(c) 11-19-2010
Completed 11-22-2010 for Jen
 Mar 2015
Dorothy A
I've got two pieces of wood and a few nails

You've got millions?
You've got gold?
You've got silver?
You've got diamonds?
You've got rubies?

I've just got two pieces of wood and a few nails
I've got what appears to be almost worthless
Pretty much a joke!

Two pieces of wood and a few nails..

You can't build me a house with it
You can't build me a ship with it
You can't build me bridge with it
You can't build me a car with it

What good is it?

Well, not so fast...

It's amazing what two pieces of old wood can do
Cross them together
Place a Man of sorrows upon it
And insert nails
For all the world to see
An ultimate act of love
For mankind

Two pieces of wood and a few nails....

Now I see their worth
 Mar 2015
Dorothy A
Who would wear such a thing?
Who would be so despised?
So pathetic to a jeering crowd?
So utterly cursed?
So utterly shamed?
So utterly broken?

A foolish one, you say?
A liar?
A crazy one?
A sucker for punishment?
A mythological man?

How about this?

A man who would lay down his life for a friend
One who would take the place of others who really deserve what he got instead
One who demonstrates that the works of weakness truly outweigh the brutality of the mighty
One who is willing to connect the Divine to a suffering world

I say that is One who would wear a crown of thorns
 Mar 2015
John Stevens
(c)06-25-06   John L. Stevens

As I walked in the darkness
In the middle of the day.
I stumbled down the road.
Not knowing Your way.
I was broken from falling
Fear dwelled deep within.
I trusted only me,
To see me through.

Then I saw the light shining
In the middle of the day.
I could see without falling
As You lighted the way.
Your light shone around me
And took away the fear.
I learned to trust You Lord,
To see me through.

As I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death.
I will fear no evil
To befall me.

As I walk into the darkness
at the end of the day.
Your light shines around me
and shows me the way.
No fear dwells within me
as my journey here will end.
I trust only You Lord,
To see me through.

As I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death.
I will fear no evil
To befall me.

For Your rod and your staff
Are with me to the end.
I will step into the light.
I will see the glorious sight.
I will finally be at home.. in Heaven
I will meet You face to face… in Heaven.

I was blind but now I see.
Your light shines around me.
I was blind but now I see… Your face.

To see me through and show me the way.......
I fear no evil to befall me......
Your light shines around me.....
now that I no longer trust in only me.  
I have learned to trust you Lord..........
I have learned to see your face.
Thank you Neva.
 Mar 2015
walterrean salley
(A Psalm of Declaration: the sovereignty
of God.)

From everlasting to everlasting,
Behold—I am God.
I've created mankind
From the dusty sod.
There is no disparity
Nor variance with me.
In truth, as I am—
I shall forever be
Alpha and Omega—
The first and last.
The dawn and scope
Of ages past.
There is none like me,
And my decree shall be.
I declare all things;
There is none like me.
I am self-existing:
For I alone am God
Who rules the powers that be
With the scepter and rod.
I, Jehovah, never change.
And tho' the heavens sever—
I the Lord am the same
Yesterday and forever.
Original and inspired by tthe biblical psalms
 Mar 2015
Dorothy A
I'm hopelessly lost without you, Lord
For I know that my life has been an utter mess
And, with You, it can always have new beginnings
New life breathed into the lifelessness that I've felt
 Feb 2015
Micahel De Tomasso
"His eyes had opened into such a darkness.
Miles, and miles of silence filled him within.
Thought's of the unimaginable started to begin.
Creations were his visions,
as he struggled with a deep sense of loneliness.
A star became his light, but seemed a bit to dim.
So millions were added with his frown becoming a grin.
The powers were felt with his planets becoming land.
So beautiful, but alone, is when he created woman, and man.
He placed them in Paradise, and set them on their way,
to learn the meaning of Love as they lived, and played.
Many creations were followed from his Masterful thought's.
Yet, so much of his beauty created humans have lost.
We too are lonely, and seek what God has done.
To make the best of companionship we all win,
and God has won."......
 Feb 2015
Kristopher D Salas
I wanna sit on a cloud
I wanna be surrounded by the white fluffy condensation
I wanna meet and greet every dinosaur at 3000 and 1 feet.
I wanna wave to a bunny that's eating a jar of honey
I wanna speak to a whale and ride on its tail
I wanna say hello to a sailboat
and quickly note how fast it turns into a mess.
I wanna hug a squishy grey one
so lonely from pain
and squeeze it so hard that it starts to rain.
I wanna look down at the ground
and see all the people scramble around
with no way to decipher between those who are lost
and those who are found
I wanna lean back and relax in giant white sack
and let my worries drift away with the breeze
I wanna feel at ease sitting on this chair of the sky floating on by
with my imagination and realization that
I wanna sit on a cloud
Cumulus clouds can be associated with good or bad weather. Cumulus humilis clouds are common in the summer and are associated with fair weather. They are usually widely spaced in the sky, have a flat base and rounded tops and are more notably the clouds we see as animals, rocket ships, boats, unicorns and dragons. They are the clouds that let our imaginations run wild.
 Feb 2015
Kristopher D Salas
I wallow in selfishness
even though you have called me to be one thing
and one thing only...zealous!
Towards a cause no "Non-Profit Organization" could ever dream.
Beam! with a light inside of me
that cannot (will not) be tamed by an "Three Ringed Circus Leader".
Hold a meter to my heart, feel the beat and pull apart
any pieces that hide your (tiny) spark.
Well up & Swell up
like the ocean before its hits the shore.
Swell up & Well up
my emotions as I hit this cold lifeless floor.
A child throwing a fit.
A ball, catch me in your mitt.
My life, your hand I sit.
I was reading Ephesians 5:14 one night and all this came flooding into my thoughts.
Born a boy; now a man of men.
A son of Omu-Aran becoming the
Bishop of the world, who his mom
Nurtured and cultured by his granny.

A benign brook belittled yesterday
Has turned to a blessed flowing sea;
Small molehill becomes an Everest
In the sight of many a jeering enemy.

Bishop, God called to ascendancy
By favour: getting glory from grace.
To make his humble name legendary,
Heaven did set him apart for the race.

David Oyedepo, like David the king,
Is truly "a man after God's heart":
Of his goodness and love does he sing;
His passion he has from the very start.

Jesus Christ, the Bible and Faith alone
His breath and bread are; anointed
Books and tapes his ice cream cone.
In all circumstances he's oft elated.

Life of meaning isn't in number told,
But by deeds yonder the present:
All men were born; few do die
Great--for most live for the moment.

A diamond impact, like Papa's, will
For ever shine like stars in the sky,
Which the entire kingdom of the devil
Can never obscure its effulgence high.
Bishop David O. Oyedepo @60 (September 27, 1954-)

President and the Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church, Inc., Worldwide
 Sep 2014
Michael K Thompson
A river flows from the
Throne Room of God
To this dry and thirsty
land that we must trod

It brings refreshing to
the souls that do thirst
And a renewed life within
when God is put first

Into the Rivers current
is where we will go
And where it takes us
we do not know

But the will of God
is what we desire
And to be filled
with the Holy Ones fire

So the River of God
is what we will seek
Those that are mighty
and even the meek

Taking the roughs with
the smooths;
appreciating God oft.
 Sep 2014
John Stevens
That “Grand Idea” of traveling
         going with the Snowbirds
                                     as in herds
Changing with the Seasons...
For what ever reasons...

Changed when seven pounds
               of squirm and delight
         was cradled in my arms-
          five years ago that night

Instant Love as from Above
Never to cease, never to release
a 24/7 little boy, Tony Boy,
             (and Lucy too)
     Filling my life with Joy.

I wondered at times
      how it would be...
     Just my wife
         and me.

And when I weighed the cost
Thought of the loss
Someone else called “Grandpa”.
The little voices saying “Grandpa!”, “Poppa!”
Rang louder still, louder beyond all measure
than all the sites and sounds the world could offer.

No other decision was possible to make
Than to spend my life raising my “children”
Building memories, building lives.
Instilling character the only way I know...
   Loving and living,
       and when necessary -- using words.

My “children” will live their life,
        living memories,  
        giving memories,
        creating memories,
of times when they were young
Saying,      “I love you Grandpa.”
                    “I love you Poppa.”
Hearing,   “I love you too my child.”
Knowing, “See you in the morning.”
                      Refers to Heaven.

“The greatest love you can show
is to give your life for your family.”
     (It is a paraphrase but
     consider the original Author.)
(c) 09-27-2010
John Stevens
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