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 Oct 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi
Full Moon speaks the last word tonight -
Casual-recherché and light.
In the absence of the sun she
Leafs through the pages of the night
And shoots a side-look at the pond -
Her desire stretches far beyond
His specular contour.

© LazharBouazzi,  November 28, 2016
 Oct 2016
Nishu Mathur
Sweet sounds of waves softly lap
On flecks of sun dipped copper sands
With gentleness the water swirls
In a kiss of frothy love on land

Splash of oars on a cobalt sea
While songs of sailors wane and fade
Aboard the ships of destiny
A cruise on an ocean's serenade

The sea gull swoops, oh hear the cries
Flap of wings fluttering the dock
Ferries roll on routes of spice
Midst the clap of waves on rocks

Crests of water heave and ebb
Touched by scales of coral scents
Whispers born in the wind
Sing of pirates, silk legends

In murmurs 'twixt rippling waves
Dreams float 'neath a setting sun
Whisked like boats in a river's flow
That sail across to meet oceans

Love notes of romance in the waters
Rhythm at feet, soaking wet
Dancing waves stir the heart
In a melody from the ocean's breath

In cadence pleasant when tis dark
On a night when moon and stars are laid
When the sky shines with silver light  
The breeze plays music of mermaids  

Though now no storm, 'tis serene
Soon the winds will ravage, rave
On this quilt of aquamarine
In a cacophony of thunderous rage

But for now, 'tis the conch, the shell
That sings those songs of the sea
I close my eyes and drift away
Swept by its magic and mysteries
Sky seeker , tall wonder with carnation red cloak
Doomed bush vermin , cornered red oaks braced in the treetop shadow
Strolling tearful wire-grass purple meadow
Copper thicket avenues tinged in nutmeg swirl
Mellow voices from the songbird world
Faces within Sugar Pines , white mountains
in Alabama sky , the eye of God in newborn
western twilight , the breath of cool salvation ,
quickening , trembling , addressing , correcting
The door led to the heavens opened , the hall of
our galaxy exposed , the untold wealth of starlight
tending our burden with unrecognized answers ,
the meandering whirligig movements of my time continue predestined
Copyright October 20 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Oct 2016
Autumn Rose
Midnight winter
drooped her
garden of roses.
Frozen petals
scattered through
the indifferent
wind as crystal
snowflakes are
swiftly drifting by.

So sister Moon
shed a single
tear of sorrow
- A silver droplet
fell from
heaven's sky.
Slipping and sliding
from pine needle
to pine needle.

And when brother Sun
spread his gold,
he saw a sparkle
in the snow.
Two red cherries
hanging alone,
Nightfall slowly comes.

She stared with delight
as it began to shine.
He gave her
the gift of life
to her garden
of one moonflower,
Blooming in infinite ways...
#PCOctober2016TheGiftofLife #Life #Love #Moon #Sun
 Oct 2016
Weak is the light
dancing upon the thread...
That makes the horizon.

Lacklustre is the moon
that rose up proud...
But failed to inflate whole.

Dim are the stars.
Twinkling feeble
that seem further than far.

Dark is this night
soundless and still...
And black as coal.
 Oct 2016
Fay Slimm
Too soon comes Autumn, as nipping the heels
Of unwary Summer it stealthily seals
Small changes in heavily leaf-laden trees.
Summer fruits begin dropping, balanced astride
Branches festooned, in which Autumn takes hide
Before battle commences it's shivery breeze
Which scatters browned leaves, to bring to their knees
Beaten down Summer days of warm ease.

Autumn comes running, nor waits to abide
While brave Summer blooms adjust to it's ride.
It tosses, relentless, all 'Summer' it sees
Havocing treetops, nor does it allay
It's mischievous goadings for yet one more day.
Scurrying birds sense each warning of chill.
Consistently peck around my window-sill,
Fattening on seeds before temperatures freeze.

Autumn comes running
To stay.
 Oct 2016
I can not count the leaves,
unfallen or fallen...there
are simply too many.
I'm not daunted by their
numbers, I needn't balance
the sheet of a season.
I am counted among them--
we see the same light that
presses on our colors.
We open the opening, we
close the closing...a season
is always at hand.
Dig a quarter acre pond , keep it filled with clean , aerated water
and small fish will appear on their own before three summers have passed , I kid you not* ....
Copyright October 8 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Oct 2016
Elizabeth Reeves
The persimmons hung gorgeously orange
And red off bare limbs
Nature’s ornaments in December-
They dropped, divine and ripe
Juicy one by one
On to the soft leaf litter
Out of loving arms and all naked
grey skies.
This was my daily treat
Landscapes of color and
That tree at the creek corner road
Stunning in fog
As I obeyed the stop sign at least once
Or twice every day
In the darkest time-brightest joy
Illuminating the fumy and spirituous,
wet northern
California days..

If I might bite that luscious fruit
Stolen from someones tree
Rest in the cool bay rain
Slumber me
Rock me In that sweet,
Fresh petricor that bewitches
Your mind before it washes your ripe skin.

I was the wild mustard then.
Everywhere at once in winter
Corrupting ****** soaking earth
Thunderous yellow

Rising for an all too brief season
Mistaking you for the sun
 Sep 2016
South by Southwest
I am the moment before the sun
I am the light you see on a dark moon
I am the eye of a typhoon

I taught the birds to fly
I taught the child to ask why
Who am I

I put the steps into caterpillars
Showed the leaves how to fall
Tore down every wall

I ran with the Buffalo
Dove with the whales
Know who I am then do tell

I am the dirt beneath your feet
The sky so tall
I am the fly upon your wall

I am the ache in your head
The pain in your heart
I know when to end  , when to start

Who am I
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