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 Feb 2017
No one told me,
Death, was a she
She stopped by my house,
We had tea
She spread her black wings
In my sitting room,
She was beautiful
But smelled of doom,
I called her a *****,
She said to me,
"Sorry, my dear,
I'm necessity."
 Feb 2017
Ola Radka
Be like a willow tree.

Say yes to the winds of change.
 Feb 2017
Ola Radka
Let the silence in you
Be your everyday guest.
 Jan 2017
Ramin Ara
I have no dew
But the tears
From the rain
 Jan 2017
Little Bear
i am sorry
that i will not have
the time
to grow old
and my heart weeps
that i will not see
the world
just one more time
as it once was
i grieve
for all of the futures
that will not be
and the pasts
that will no longer
be retold
i lament day
and night
that it has come
to this

to be present
the end
as it begins
 Jan 2017
The children have lived
I never knew

One went to war
One went to deprivation
Both knew true suffering

I stand beyond
time and distance's separation
offering meager alms

Some of us are salmon
struggling up stream
Others are hawks
flying free in the jet stream

I don't know about you
but transitions
have never come easily
for me

Intervention or natural consequences
The rolling dice play out

In the end
the outcomes will come
long after I'm done and gone.
 Jan 2017
Commuter Poet
Why not
Childhood dreams
Why not
The dice of life
Why not
Upon a journey
Why not
A different life

Hold on
To painful memories
To give things up
That you can’t do it
Get stuck
Within a rut

Why not
If legs are able
Why not
If voices can
Why not
If hearts are beating
Why not
Because you can

Wait years
To beat the devil
Watch others
Take their stand
That you’re too tired
To venture through
A troubled land

Why not
If 'Why?' is blocking
All the
You want to do
Why not
When ‘Why not?’’s
A better path
To choose
25th Jan 2017
 Jan 2017
Valsa George
I am a musical note in a guitar
Waiting for the touch of dexterous hands

I am a chrysalis under a paling leaf
Waiting to be turned into a butterfly

I am raw ore in the far depths of the mine
Waiting to be extracted and purified

I am a smoldering piece of coal in the hearth
Waiting to be blown into a flame

I am a rough stone under the Earth’s crust
Waiting to be hewn into a diamond

I am an antique piece long buried in the soil
Waiting excavation to become a treasured exhibit

I am a piece of canvas fixed on the easel
Waiting for the touch of a master artist

How I long to transcend my rawness
Into something better and refined

But can I do anything wholly myself
Never! Everything depends on others will too

I discern I am only a flickering shadow
That has existence only if there is light!
This is a thought that governs me most of the time ! How many are instrumental in the making of one... parents, teachers,  friends, colleagues, life partner, children, neighbors and even enemies !
 Jan 2017
Mike Essig
Canoodle away the daze.
Low productivity remains
sadly underpaid.
Dreams do not demand
To Do lists. As yet,
love requires no app.
Perhaps the world is dying
but green, green patches
remain in the shade.
Find a tree, see.
Take your love’s head
in your lap. Be glad
of time and hugs.
Glorify in achieving
that most perfect goal:
no goal at all.
Or one perfect kiss.
Clarity radiates from
exactly where you sit.
You can’t step in that
same stream even once.
Don’t try. Keep your lips
happy and your feet dry.
 Jan 2017
Doug Potter
From a straight back wooden chair, I see
a cyan-blue ceramic bowl filled with
tangerines next to a desktop radio
tuned to NPR &

out the kitchen bay window
birds bicker over seeds
overflowing a feeder,
& a raccoon scours
the earth below --

I keep in mind the fact
all of these things will
be absent from my
sight one

— The End —