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I Know I Know
I know I know the limitations and constraints
In the way of love in the ray to just proceed
Soul remains in trance when heart but faints
To accept the reality of life just in fact indeed

I know I know you can not meet, let's see
How fate plays its part to become our fortune
How can stars glitter in your eyes but to be
The moon with its beauty becomes in tune

Under all circumstances my heart is your abode
So let me feel you your essence and fragrance
Please never ever leave me just alone on the road
Accompany me in dreams to show your presence

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
Pakistan ,Land of Pure
A bouquet of very many ethnic flowers
With their sincerity hospitality and morality
With their high claims like high towers
A blend of people from the village and city

Land of lovers,sophists and the saints
Right from Siachin down to the hot desert
What a wonderful picture but it paints
Austerity,solidarity and peace to be alert

Against every heinous crime ,***** design
Of all those who carry hatred and contempt
Strength of faith makes them but to define
Their way of life makes them to but exempt

Beautiful valleys and wonderful mountains
Make it more beautiful as tourist attraction
Water flows from natural sprinkling fountains
To dominate the scenario but in every section

Pakistan is the land of clean and pure to see
Its my heart and my heart beat to but swing
As a solider of the land I would but defend thee
It isa chain of love bond from string to string

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
A Blind Alley
When there is disappointment in life
Mercy of God comes to but satiate
Whatever may be the sharpness of knife
It changes to fortune from the fate

Love is so superior to cross the horizons
That soul goes to trance to appreciate
The taste is overtaken by burning suns
Truth touches beauty to be associate

Man is so ungrateful, he is never happy
Never bows in front of one but to many
Remains in shackles and is never ever free
This is how he agrees to be in a blind alley

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
 May 2018
for some reason i always write the most in january. the words seem to flow out of me --- a tsunami, monsoon, typhoon --- of words I've been aching to bleed but never have the time nor patience to set free. words that have festered in the crevices of my mind for who knows how long. words that I've kept close to my heart, like a pendant, a talisman perhaps.

and it's not like I'm complaining. writing, after being away from it for so long, makes me feel like a soldier coming home to his wife. he bears the marks of war on his skin, in his mind, in the hollowness in his eyes. he is glad to be rid of the gunshots that riddle his sleep, glad to be back home in loving arms, but he cannot shake the feeling of being inches away from death, no.

writing again is coming home, but it's not the same. there is a rustiness in my fingers, in the muscles that make this thoughts into coherent strings of symbols. there is an absence i cannot shake off.

but God knows i will try.
still messy but hello
 May 2018
vanessa ann
this is a tale
of two star-crossed lovers
with a love so powerful
they tainted the heavens
with bursts of colours

they were never meant to be;
mischievous little kids
finding love in sinful glee
in laughter, between dreams and reality

and though it was lawless,
they found solace
because in every prison,
they found a rhyme and a reason

but even for a love so great,
they could not escape
the fates’ wrath and envy

destiny pulled on their threads
cut them loose, thrusted them into misery;
for their memories were wiped clean,
but feelings remained as strong as they had ever been

the boy exiled in a far off land
across the pacific sea
the girl trapped in her need to break free
in a realm both boring and bland

ensnared in a labyrinth of woe
the lovers yearned for anything—
for something, for someone,
to obliterate this endless longing

the gods answered them
in the form of two loved ones
polished in every edge,
a perfect someone

but perfect felt too perfect
and not perfect enough
to fill up the hole
left by a perfectly imperfect

until one day the gods whispered
for the winds to push the two
and the birds to tug at their sleeves
over mountain and sea
even through the darkest valley
so their paths would finally meet

and so they did.

in the flurry of a moment
a pair of brown eyes met
and time was frozen
once more

the two stared intently
as if remembering a broken melody
a lost childhood song
branded as a wrong

the birds fluttered and flew
taking the cursed red fibre
snipped them in two
and the lovers felt all the lighter

it was the girl who spoke first:
“**** the stars.
i don’t want perfect,
i want you.”

eyes dazzling, the boy nodded:
“we’ll invert the universe—
the night sky a blank white
the stars pitch black
the earth moving in reverse”

the fates saw and surrendered
as the stars began to wither
for this love is love
in all its splendor

so the lovers walked away with a promise
under their breaths, they both swore:
“i lost you once,
but nevermore.”

they say no one can rewrite the stars,
so i propose we orchestrate supernovas.
 May 2018
That dad-blamed Darwin and his evolution
We got molesting priests and civil retribution
We got a lady on a beast committing prostitution
Oh no man...

We got holy rollers with their ***** money
They rule this land of milk and honey
They pray to god through their Easter Bunny
Was that the sun god or god's only son?
Oh no man
I'm not the one

We got the DaVinci code and mother Magdalene
Look out now there's another goddess on the scene
911... was it just a bad dream
Oh no man
I'm not the one
This is actually the intro to another song!
Called "Wake Up"
Traveler Tim
 May 2018
Swasti Jain
I didn't sleep for three nights
For I could imagine what it will be like
To escape to the woods and hide
You see, it was 3 in the morning , an overnight journey by road.
While everyone was asleep in the bus, I was wide awake
The sight was silent and scary
I was looking at the night sky vary
Vary with pieces of land passing by
And each time I heaved with a sigh
I could see some constants
The moon and the stars and the beauty of the dark
I could see the emerging light reaching out to me from far behind the clouds
I waited for that one light streak
It clarified my doubts and illuminated the land I see
I wanted to fly and dance and see the light streak grow
Grow into lightening and thunderstorm where the stars were visible no more
I could see the moon dimming its glow
There, I realised that it was for the streaks to shine.
It taught me love and sacrifice
I could see the raindrops falling upon my window pane, slipping and changing directions and turning into beautiful patterns of nature.
A graffiti wall was all I could see
I touched it, felt it and yearned to embrace it.
Meanwhile my brain was joining all the dots with imaginary lines
Every part of me wanted to read the message it delivered.
I rested my head upon the window pane, and watched everything passing me by.
My eyes capturing every flashing moment, my brain making a picture necklace.
Now that's the movie I play on loop while letting it out.
With all the ecstatic songs I hum, I see myself on top of the world
I feel a breeze of positive vibes and my hair sway in pride.
I look up at the stars and smile wide
They twinkle with the same rhythm as my heart beat and the only reason why I love long drives
I could see myself blending in with the Universe and felt how it loved me like a daughter.
Everything was beautiful like grey and mauve in water.

Please read this poem and tell me what you think.  I wrote this  on my way to mcleodganj, a beautiful hill station in India . I went there on my vacation. I feel so connected to the nature and the universe now.
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