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 Sep 2017
Bor ehgit
Beth, don’t let me break now, as I see you dancing throughout the house. You were always the stronger one, always smoothing over my not so perfect parts. I’m still waiting for you to walk through the front door. Shivering as you hang up your winter coat, and then smiling as you run to the warmth inside my arms. The memories  are becoming stronger every day your gone. Last night I sat out on our back porch and listened to the sound of rain drops. Imagining that every drop on my cheek was a soft kiss from your lips. Goosebumps crawling up my arms, leaving that weightless feeling inside my stomach; like you always did. I found myself smiling, hoping you were watching somewhere and smiling too. In short, I’ll carry you with me forever. Every wrinkle on my aging skin a constant reminder that soon we will be holding hands again.
 Sep 2017
As Heaven and Hell filled your glass you gave me the the gift of laughter and raised my spirits several times.
Those stories about a plethora of assess, wild crazed friends, and a hard painful life intrigued me for countless hours.

Never are you just a simple shade of black or white your always that insane drunk artist that mixes up the paint.
Your advice and experience taught me new colors that I would have never been able to imagine before.
Unlike me your a true writer that’s unaffected with the STD of being just a poet, but you still just might have the clap.
Your works are ****** great so don’t you EVER stop trying to get your stuff out to this twisted world……..

Because if you quit I will seriously be obligated to punch you and I know you’ll still be able to easily kick my ***,
even though you probably broke your hip after you got out of your walker and unplugged your dialysis machine.

I’m not a mascochist  (Unless I get a *** of cash or your a pretty Asian girl) so please for the love of god never make me do that, and hell I really like a lot you so I’d really prefer not to put a .38 special deep into your chest cavity.

Keep staying crazy you ******* and although more than likely as your future attorney I’ll sure as hell stay busy,
but your my big brother and I ******* love you man so don’t you ever change.

P.S. Don’t hog on all of the good runoff ***** unless they are too chubby.
Heres a poem dedicated to probably the most interesting person that I personally know.
 Sep 2017
Walter W Hoelbling
unknown morning birdsongs
make me aware
I am not home
 Sep 2017
Walter W Hoelbling
now with a seven before the zero
I know that I am still no hero
just lucky to have lived so long
     and happy to go on
     for many years
before they sound the final gong
 Sep 2017
I do not know whose eyes perceive
my finite movement toward light.

Each letting go, a small cry,
each forward move my life's
migratory assurance of what
none of us can ever know.

The genetic certainty of cells
propels the forebrain
with its stumbling feet,
while a heartache of hope
wins each moment even
as it is lost to the next.

And we must accept
the impermanent flow
that is like air, necessary
and sacred; tears are not
the only salt of sorrow.
Like winds
               blowing from the north
or snowflakes
               sheltering the earth,
like the crystal clear skies above
[your heart]
sparks my life with love.

Like homing robins on the wing
or warm raindrops in the spring,
like arching rainbows up above
[your heart]
sparks my life with love.

Like soaring eagles overhead
or roses in a summer bed,
like golden sunshine from above
[your heart]
sparks my life with love.

Like ivy
           climbing on the wall
or the welcomed breeze of fall,
like the twinkling
            stars above
[your heart]
sparks my life with love.

© 2017 Brianna Love/SA/DBMA
 Sep 2017
Antares Cliff
Are you wasted?
        or gone?
                I dearly hope not.

                  I fear that I
                   have begun
                             to depend
                                         o n   y o u.

Don't waste away
            I beg you
             stay a little more
                      long enough
                            for me
                               To   l e t  g o .
I started this poem talking about my pen.
 Sep 2017
Irving MacPherson
tall pines
birch trees
lining the trail

high cliffs
running streams

spilling over rock

smashing into
pools below

ears attuned
to forest creatures

fast approaching

a full grown doe

a young buck

I wonder
who it is

that feels
more fear

in that moment
we are one
 Sep 2017
Irving MacPherson
I want to work my vision
And make a story
A story of the crazy

For the crazy
To pass to the man
Who says he is sane

Trapping those who walk the borderline
With those of a mind to            or
With a mind not to

I commend my soul
To the vastness beyond
I beg of thee, bathe me, cleanse me

Take my talents and possessions
That I leave here on earth

Scatter them share them
To bear witness of fresh new birth

They will bury me
Under a star lit sky
Beside a sinless tree
 Sep 2017
Irving MacPherson
last night
I lost the best friend
I ever had
I think this is a line from an old blues tune. I titled it Pine Top after a really cool blues piano player by the name of Pine Top Perkins
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