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 Feb 23
Lizzie Bevis
With one steady foot
in front of the other,
a smile across my face,
I open the door wide open,
sunlight fills the cloudy sky,
and the wind knows no restraint.

My heart beats to its song
and life seems clear and bright,
as I embrace my freedom
taking in sights around me,
and I thank God for my chance
to live and breathe again.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I'm out! I'm free!
I'm so grateful to the NHS and the Cardiac staff at LCH on the Johnson ward for taking such good care of me. I've been sent home with medication and I fear that I'm probably going to turn into a maraca!

I am happy to have my own bed back.
I think that i is time to slow down and take it easy, I only have one life and I've been very lucky...I should have been a cat.

I've got lots of reading to do, you lovely folks have been busy writing in my convalescence.

It's good to be back 🙂
 Feb 23
No matter how you view it-
It's all lookings, each perspective.
You grow & you grow & you grow,
But you refuse to germinate.
Don't you know?
You must release your seedlings
If you hope for a root
To be planted.
Can't have too fragile of a barrier,
But neither too hard the shell.
Spread your wings
And do your thing,
Flaunt your laurels.
How about a little openness?
 Jan 10
Thomas W Case
Ferrel cats creep
under porches
to escape the  
rain and snow.
Some have half  
a tail
or a missing ear.
My cats watch
them from the
safety of
the warm house.
They chirp, and

I wonder if
these pitiful
orphans once had
a home and
knew love.
Did the owner
abandon them to
be unburdened by

I wish I could
save those wild
those princes of
the alleys.

Sometimes, they wander
over to my porch.
I put a can of
tuna out.
They look at
me with cautious
green or golden eyes.
I tell them,
it’s going to be
I know it’s a
Winter is coming.
But I feel  
better for a second.
And that’s all that
matters in this
playground of a

Don’t you think?
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
This too will sink I know
Like the others before
This too will go
Behind shut door.

Once a place of rejoice
Where I poured my heart
Leaving is now the only choice
And make a new start.

My work is my blood of toil
Come at a high cost
Digging deep into the soil
What I grew is all lost.

I leave this holiness with pain
Will miss all you gave
Leaving the circling dots to reign
And send old poems to grave.
I leave with love and best wishes for all the fellow members and friends here.
 Nov 2024
Mitch Prax
Dear diary;
I find myself drained
at even the little things.
The chores, the socializing,
the emotions and the obligations.
It is no wonder I am exhausted
at the end of the day just
trying to survive.
 Oct 2024
Peter Gerstenmaier
My childhood was
Fu**ed up in a way that
I can hardly feel anything
So now I keep on playing
The character I've created
In a futile attempt to fill
Such endless void
Will I ever get to see colours again...?
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