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 Jul 2021
Steve Page
In my dark grief I find more depth to life
than what appears to be there at first sight
There I see more in my shadows
than what was lit by my first bright light
and there in the lee, God whispers
with a new voice
with a depth that finds me
at my midnight
Lost a close colleague and my aunt Betty this week.
 Jul 2020
Ann M Johnson
These are the things that scare me most:
What I fear most are not the things that go bump in the night.
The things that frighten me are often times things that at first you can not see.
These things that first start with someone else thoughts can too often be turned into negative actions. These things can seemly spread faster than any virus,infecting the heart. What may start out as a passionate thought, or cause, can too quickly turn into a destructive action. This is why I fear insensitivity, crude jokes,  and apathy.
Other things I fear, are people that talk without thinking about what they are going to say first, or about how others might interpret what they are saying.
I fear selfishness, which may lead to uncaring actions.
I fear crude jokes that do not respect ones fellow man, or women, because it could subtly desensitize ones perception of those around them. They may get defensive and say it is just a joke.
The constant violent images on the news and on television, may further desensitize others to think that violence is normal or okay, or worse still, that it is a normal part of life. It don't have to be perceived as normal, we can chose to limit our own exposure to violence on television. We can let others know that we don't condone violence, whether it is on television, or in reality, or in our own community.
I fear all these things that at first hide inside the deepest darkest recesses of someones mind, long before it is publicly seen. This realization of this hidden darkness,makes me cry, or scream, if I thought about it all before going to bed. I would cover my head and sleep with the lights on, and every noise would make me jumpy.
This is why I fear those things that I can not see the most.
 Apr 2018
Dissolved now
Brine mixed all one
Floating together
Towards the turn of the
River bend just down
A ways
Heading eventually
To the ocean
Out to sea
From heaven
It sparkles glints
As the sunlight plays on
The flow the trickles
Wandering jostling blending

From above
As precious and rare
As any diamond
Coming together mingling
One fire one shine one
Glint one solute
Made from many

I've cried tears into
This Creek thus river
Then ocean if seas
I've seen the salt go
Merge dissolve
Become again
In one way
Course like blood
This universal
 Sep 2017
I predict this storm system will be termed Irma-Jo. It will be the most devastating hurricane in U.S. history.

Irma-Jo, you're
Quite a crunch,
And you caught us
You have that hookin'
One-two punch!

Irma-Jo, oh Irma-Jo,
When you hit,
Where shall we go?
There's nowhere.
You have the odds.
Spawn of hell,
Or fist of God...

We have been whupped
We didn't know
We'd drink this cup!
Irma-Jo... we all


Will this be the song we'll be singin' soon? Please! I love you ALL, but we need to REPENT! It's 4:05am and I can't sleep this is SO much on my HEART! PRAYING!
 Jul 2017
Little girl with the bright blue eyes, why do you cry?
Sitting on the floor looking at pills to ****
And razors that sting like tasers.
Little girl with the biggest smile,
why don’t you stop to think awhile?
Holding a withered daffodil, the tears spill.
Little girl with the freckled nose, what do you seek?
Standing now, she looks towards the sky.
"A Savior to give me the strength to survive.."
 May 2017
just wanted to be back home
I can hear them
A small tribute to every man who gave their life for my freedom
The beautiful scars that you have gain from the storms you have endure

Lites up your Most beautiful soul, revealing your strength through it.

Touching the Hearts of those that gain a glimpse of it and knew..

Just how much that you had to endure, with Christ Jesus help.

To see the Creator, in your chemistry connected to Him here.

The same Savior whom went to the cross for us on Calvary.

And then on the 3rd day Risen to rescue us from our Sins.

Those same scars, that hides within you were put there.

Because of the Spirit that dwells within you Protected you.

For in reality you should be dead, and in the bowels of the earth.

But you have been rescued, from death several times here.

Because he is not done with you, Praise our Savior God.
 May 2017
Word Hobo
Write - untamed !    in fearless insecurity
unconstrained by censure
silence or petty malcontents

seeking not   gratuitous affections
embattled by honesty
against oppression    voice dissent

form - finds her beauty in a winding oaken staircase
poetry - toils within each acorn
crafting her spiraled ascent

seek thy inmost pen     twitching  'neath bound skin
in living script    DNA writes
so mysteriously eloquent

restring mind's bow    thoughts reified as arrows
in ardent release    unwavering    let fly !
Artistry - true to thy own hearts intent


A fallen acorn cannot imagine its life
formed into a winding  oaken staircase.
As the oak tree cannot love the artisan carpenter;
a fallen world cannot conceive of what artistry
God's Carpenter desires to craft within  us.

geo.v  4/2015

A reading by: Horace (translated by Francis)

"The wood-born race of men when Orpheus tam’d,
From acorns, and from mutual blood reclaim’d.
The Priest divine was fabled to assuage
The tiger’s fierceness, and the lion’s rage."
 May 2017
had a sight to see
and it took my life to get around
to making it reality

I have seen in this somesuch  make
believe life beauty of
a mountains tall

majesty, a woman's
glory so softer than a

and more god than any
being I have known
her navel

her hips the way
they curve up to her
*** and *****

her soft wetness
a swell the seas the mountains
never touched

the way she took me in
we melted into each other

I speak now of suddenness
how the days are metered
and she and hers are

tender but not all
of it and I'd lke to show you
one day

just one day I stepped out
of my mind
and saw myself

it was enlightening
and baby it was good
I floated over

died for a minute
came back

I seek that
the fervent reality

in the mirror again
 May 2017
I'm the monster clawing at the walls.
You gave me the taste for your blood and then locked me in here.
Your scent stains every surface in the room;
Tantalising but with no flesh to sink my fangs into.
Rabid dog-type wildness becomes me,
Transforms me into a thing driven by madness and instinct.
You are the prey with footprints but no body.
I am the predator never knowing satiety.
Pacing replaces hunting, I'm starving,
And your constant, elusive presence has me frenzied.
Viscera begin to litter the room.
Yours or mine? I don't know. I'm starving.
Suffering from writer's block, so this is a repost.
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