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 Jul 2014
Third Mate Third
lead only,
read only,
craft yourself a better poet,
after you have crafted yourself
a better being

leaders are dragged to the fore

selected and elected,
pushed and pulled

be wary of those who shout
and boast
Follow Me,
for they think not of you,
they think only of the me in us,
their glory in your gore

do not follow me,
I shall not follow you.

let us each lead by example
and upon the shoulders
of our fellows will we be lifted
spontaneously combined, but not combusted

then, especially then,
go quietly inside yourself amidst the haste

for fellowship endures,
but fame fleeting,
and the adorers will soon flee
to the next prince of promises,
and when to the ground you slide,
slipped from their tilting shoulders,
be unsurprised
 Jul 2014
Third Mate Third
you cannot wish love into existence (or how it came to be)*

came and was asked,
make us a star.

smiled and whispered to the
mother night belly black and
and their star,
unequivocal was given

came and was asked, for a cooling fooling breeze.

smiled and whispered to the clouds,
rush past us faster and shed us thy ease
and so refreshed,
gave up hands high grace salutes

came and was asked, why be alone,

whisper for her
to love you

smiled and whispered
this I cannot
nor would I want to do

came and was asked,

why be alone,
whisper for you
to love her

smiled and whispered
this I cannot
nor would I want to do

whisper what you will
but love
is a wondering and a wonderment eternal

a perpetuity of never knowing,
perfect surety is not love

it is a why without an answer,
a question's question imperfection

why you love today,
maybe a continent different
why you used to, or first to,
and tomorrow's raison d'être
as yet undreamt, unrealized,

you can whisper many things into being,
but beings in love are motions special,
and entitled to a category special

admixture of reason and lust,
hunger and thirst,
needy to be needed
needy to be giving,
the balance whacked,
constant change its formulae
called vagaries, chemical imbalances,

should I whisper,
call out for love,
making it so,
there would be no why,
without the why,
what worth this be

so when you do whisper

I love you,*
admit it is a question
and an answer simultaneous,
it is a whisper of certain uncertainty
 Jul 2014
I wrote a poem for you, it cried
I painted a picture but it lied
I made a movie of still images
complete with the music I bled
Still, it left so many things unsaid
It wasn't enough for you
It wasn't enough for me
The path unspoken, forever broken
is so easy, in blindness, to see
Another day, someone's heartbeat
washes up silently upon the shore
beached upon an unforgiving earth
they think of Life no more
Each battle scar carved upon flesh
in a moment of Self Flagellation
is an answer to a deeper question
beyond our own imagination
I see you curled upon the floor
I bleed for you, I've been there before
You feel like its not worth it
This Life you have been given
But before you cut it down
Why don't you try living?
Death comes for everyone eventually but Death by thy own hand, before Life gets to share its own Wonder is truly not Death, it's a new start to a whole new Nightmare
 Jul 2014
Believers vs believers
A sign of judgement day
Spilling the blood of mankind
That is what the Lord forbade

The one being slaughtered
Is clueless as to why
A brother is taking his life
And the murderer also does not know the reason for picking up a knife

The state of mankind
Is beyond ******* up to be repaired
Long gone are the times when strangers cared
Every night is in competition with another to becomes the darkest and wildest

Next of kin worried about inheritance
And spouses taking out life insurance claims
The soul is bruised
But on a shell is placed a band aid

Fine wining and dining
Abundance leftovers in the bin
Whilst the neighbour starves
As people frolic in sin

Slaves giving birth to masters
Power in the hands of wrong
And those buried six foot under
Are suddenly the lucky one's

Knowledge decreasing
And ignorance on the rise
We compete in the construction of the tallest building
And mothers abandon their children

Beauty pageants
And *** selling cars
The ship of the world sinks
In broad daylight

Yet we un-fasten our seatbelts
And live by ride or die
Yolo people
Get an intoxicated high on a traitorous life

A year passes like a month
And a month like a week
Nothing remains but a name
Humans who massacred humanity
 Jul 2014
Luna Lynn
Sitting beneath a starry night
I reflect on the fire of my life
Cold beer don't quench my thirst
So I'll settle for being thirsty
because once you stop wondering
you stop wanting
And when you stop wanting
you just stop
and life just ain't worthy
So while I know the things I desire
what I seek is a goal
I just may never meet
Not meeting it doesn't mean I won't succeed in it
Just means I don't ever plan to put out the fire
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Jul 2014
Low-Hanging Tree
Part IV

The sun invisible,
Hiding in clouds of blackness.
My footprints unidentified,
Lacking any intactness.
My vision altered by dust,
My body struggling with wind.
My mind circling with ignorance,
My eyes, shadowed, and thin.
 Jul 2014
eunsung aka Silas
There's an expression in Korean that literally means your heart is on fire to express when someone is really angry or passionate.

I feel like my heart is on fire of late and reacting to everything like I am walking on egg shells and exploding at the world and people I love for no apparent reason.  

I am cooling down, but the hardest part is self-acceptance.
More of a rant than a poem.
 Jul 2014
SG Holter
I know that sound.
It's the same all over the world.
Vast spaces filling up with
Noise, smoke and flashes.  

Closer. Closer until close.
Then there.

I know your face like
The palm of my hand held out
From under the roof of your

Somebody's gotta say it.
It's raining.
Poets stating the obvious to
Each other, like it's all one poem
Or another,

As poets do.

Nothing like the darkness
Swallowing blue sky. Nothing
Like lightning swallowing that  
Darkness in high voltage gulps
Of fierce celestial appetite.

I sip at your soul as our hands meet;
Mouths on the tips of our
Fingers nibbling kisses.

If your heart was a crime scene,
They wouldn't find a single print
Of mine after dusting.

But I was there.

The rain washes nothing away
That hasn't promised to return.
And I do strike twice; even
Knowing the third one

Would put me away for good.

I'd be behind bars and bolts.
Your face flashing
Before my eyes.
In love like an electric storm.
Guilty as
 Jul 2014
Luna Lynn
It's scary as ****
I'm living a double life
I've created a whirlwind fantasy
of perfected misery
smack dab in the middle of something
meant to be left for broken
meant to be ashes
withered to dust
and here I am barely putting my pieces
back together in the way
they were made
because i thought self admiration
and emotional mutilation
confirmed all acclamations
that this isn't love
this is lust

So in the back of my mind
I think who do I trust?
while my heart begs and pleads
give his soul right to me
and my soul goes right to him
(because that ***** is so free)
I attempt to resist
but for the life of me
every ******* cell in my body
gives right in

temptation is bliss
Just pouring out some ideas and emotions here.

(c) Maxwell 2014
Before I utter words
You already know the condition of my heart
My intention, my bunch of reasons.

I raise my voice
Not because I'm shoutin' and screamin'
But because I wanna be heard by You
And yes, I'm gonna shake the Heaven
With all respect to the Holy Throne of Yours.

You then are my Healer
You then have saved me.

I pant, with continual desire
With praise and longing
With tears that's melting my soul
Not because I'm worned-out of this battle
But just because of my faith
Like a mustard seed
But can move mountains.

You are the same
Yesterday, today and forever
You then heard Joshua
And fought his battles
You then are with him
And gave him strength all through out
Indeed, you then will give me victory.

Your grace
It was precious to me
You are the living water
The very reason for me
To be thirsty no more
I then, am pleading
For the shower of grace
For Your miraculous act
For Your perfect will.

My cup overflows
As I seek Your face
Don't hide Yourself,
For I'll be weak without You.

I throw myself into You
I have no other fear
But the fear of You alone
You gave me the keys to Your Kingdom
And yes, I am ready for more!

Yes, yes, You are victorious in me!
Hallelujah! Praise the King of all Kings!

(7/2/14 @xirlleelang)
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