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 Dec 2015
Nico Allentine
Oh the energetic exchange when like minded souls meet
Leaves rotting on the air, suddenly somehow smell sweet
The sun shines in a way that your reminded its a ball of fire
And even as it sets, you have yet to tire
so awake, so dizzy, so much to think over
I rarely find sleep, hardly ever when I'm sober
Certainly not when I'm drunk from your embrace
A million words to describe your face
All falling short and failing to capture
The light in your eyes, at last the rapture.
 Dec 2015
Nico Allentine
Sweet pneumonia...sitting on my chest
Stealing away
All my much needed rest
Defined fever, a cough with blood-tinged phlegm
Straight liquor...
No sugar on the rim
I can’t get enough
Delicate at times, at other times rather rough
So ******* ALIVE inside my skin
your eyes lighting up as I slowly let you in
So ******* far, you have to be joking
the need so real I swear I'm choking
A darkness, a lightness you try to keep cloaked
You spit poetry, that spits and spits and leaves me soaked
A drug induced edgy world wrapped up in rhyme and wit
Like Lady Godiva, I'm eagerly stampeding towards your spit
Your way with words, the deep intense crawling
The distance not enough to stop the falling
But this heart has little lightness, no sense of humor
Curse this overgrown malevolent tumor
Your poems, at last slaying my long held fears
Your voice at last landing in my ears
Find out further what I'm all about
Then dance all over my self-doubt
I can only imagine you’re an excellent dancer
Alas I can only imagine.
A poem for another poet I don't really  know at all, too far from me ):
The ones you love the most
will break your heart once or twice
It's not because their evil
their human, they will mess up sometimes
The one you give your heart to
will disappoint you one day
It's not because they don't love you
their fighting demons that won't ever go away
The people you call your friends
will make mistakes that will upset you
It's not because they don't care about your friendship
it's just what they have to do
The sun won't always shine
sometimes it will rain
It doesn't mean something bad will happen
it's God's way of cleansing your pain
Your parents who you thought were perfect
may overstep their boundaries by telling you what to do
It's not because they doubt you
it's their way of saying that they care about you
The God you lean on 24/7
will cause you to hit rock bottom
It's not because he deserted you
it's the only way you will grow
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: November. 10, 2015 Tuesday 10:00 AM
 Dec 2015
tribute to my grandmother

it was placed upon the shelf
unkempt from long neglect
in the company of other books
in need of our respect

it's binding cracked and lifeless
it's pages yellowed leaves
I finally read her memoirs
I finally knew her grief

my grandmother was lovely
beautiful. sublime
her writing style spellbinding
a woman out of time

she gathered many clippings
cut out many texts
from a bygone era
each better than the next!

I finally reached a memoir
written by her hand
she was a bitter woman
but now I understand

she was a great musician
but her parents wouldn't pay
to get her further training
nor help in any way

they wanted her to marry
but strongly disapproved
of the man that grandma wanted
and they would not be moved

he was striking! handsome!
his parents very rich
but he had a little problem
his fingers had the "itch"

back then they were called "kleptos"
and it was a shame
to ever be involved with them
much less take up their name!

so this lovely lady
married late in years
no longer a debutant
a by-word to her peers

she wed "beneath her station"
bitter and very sad
she didn't love my grandfather
her true bow was a cad

she died in quiet misery
unlauded and unsung
her memoirs mouldering away
as though she wasn't born

I hope now she's happy
that she's finally free
she is now immortal

she lives on in *me*

written 10/25/2013
rewritten 12/8/2015
Grandma's memoirs were actually lost
but I used to take care of her
I know her whole, very sad, story.

 Dec 2015
As you move through this life and this world
you change things slightly
you leave marks behind
However small & in return
Life and travel leaves marks on you
most of the time, those marks - on your body
or your heart - are beautiful
Often though, they hurt
We always seem to leave impressions
picking up our scars and beauty marks
along the way, hoping to do more good than
wrong, and maybe find love on our paths
the world is a vampire.....bleeding us
but also an oyster..feeding our souls
In order to be, you must do.
All great things start from that one adventure, that one dream, that one idea, that one step.
To adventure is to find yourself whole, to have a story at the end of this all.
The places you see, the things you make, the people you meet will fuel you forever.
Choose to see beauty where others see none and strive for greatness
Have the courage to follow your dreams
and to follow your heart
choose wisdom over folly, but never forget
how to enjoy yourself..and to respect and love others
be assertive while unobtrusive....
and learn all you can
life is a journey. we must always keep moving forward
remembering the past, but leaving it where it belongs
live each day as if it were your last
one day you will be right
Not all wanders are lost.
We lust after traveling the world
we just want to find a beautiful place and get lost in it,
we want to discover something new
we want to feel & be free
It's the gypsy spirit in us all
keeping us on the road
and unfettered to hermitage
ensuring that we live and breathe
with awe and wonder
I've got wanderlust in my veins
I was born to  live and I live to regret nothing
I'm in love with cities i've never been to
and i'm in love with people i've never meet
Gypsy blooded to the end
You're in love with something bigger than love,
you believe in something stronger than trust
 Nov 2015
Ariel Baptista
Hair burned into beautiful submission
Face acrylically defined and chemically composed
Adornments meticulously chosen
Scent tested and approved
Smile practiced and performed
I am a porcelain doll
Sipping tea, at 6 am in the quiet of a sleepy-city apartment
Porcelain doll dainty wrists
Washing dishes, feeding cats
Folding linens, singing hymnals
Praying for peace and safety
Porcelain doll knitting sweaters
And folding paper cranes
Reading poems, setting tables
Wearing cardigans and pearls
Porcelain doll decorating cupcakes
Lighting scented candles
Watering potted plants and humming childhood lullabies
With my porcelain painted lipstick mouth

But lipstick can be dark
Eyes lined black as city alley ways
There is anger at injustice
The world outside the confines of a pastel doll house
It’s messy
It’s hard
It’s iron and concrete and coal
And I am too
Biking through the brick metropolis
Sunglasses and headphones
And anarchist literature
Evenings spent sprinting through the smog
Heartbeats synchronized to the crude drumming of the city
So hard to impress
I’m on the metro
Eyebrows structured and defined
And adorned with a calculated air of apathy
See me social justice march
Down highways with fervently entitled youths
See me armed against misogyny
Until my peers learn to better conceal it
See me smoking cigarillos
Drinking black coffee
Breathing the tainted air of the city that birthed me
And chanting manifestoes.

But my manifesto can be love
And love can conquer anger and fear
And hatred
Love can reconcile, it can erase timidity
And it can abolish resentment
Let it wash my face and take the need for vengeance from my spirit
Let it replace the thirst for power with thirst for truth.
I burn incense
And wear long skirts
Naked face and braless lazy days
Reading pacifism in the park
I walk far to find pure air to breathe
I sit and deconstruct my dichotomy
Under a wise and ancient tree
I trace myself backwards and forwards
I meditate on the paths I have traveled
I cry for the things I have seen
And for the things I have done
I contemplate transcendence
I drink wine and listen to folk music
On the terrace of my home
I bike barefoot to buy Indian takeout
And eat it in silence on the floor of an empty room

I think only of death
And resurrection
Of betrayal and redemption
Of opposites and compliments
And how to progress in knowing how divergent pieces of myself can learn to harmonize
I think about minimalism and materialism
And swords and pens
And how this race I run was rigged from the start
I think about blackberries
And the complexity of their literary and symbolic significance
I think about the number seven as I see it reoccurring in every possible sequence and equation
I think about God,
And TS Eliot
And If I dare disturb the universe
I think about porcelain dolls and ****** activists and ***** hippies
I think about war and peace and politics
About corruption and poverty and imperialism
About western ideals and conspiracy theories
And communism
I think about being radical,
And how both sides of this ideological war are defined by fear
And I think about love, as radical but defined by the absence of fear
The absolution of fear
And how I am fairly certain it is the answer
I think about the inevitability of art and war
how they create each other
how they destroy each other
inspire each other and annihilate each other
and how there is nothing that is innocent.
I think about pain and privilege
And stacked decks of cards
I think about dreams and nightmares
And prophesy.
I think about the darkness within me
Tendencies to lie and manipulate and steal
The darkness that I know could make me very great
But alone in the ashes of the world
I think of the curse of wealth and power
And I try to evaluate my motives
And the driving force of my ambition
But I don’t know.
I think about grace and all the things I don’t understand
And toil and fate and destiny
The shape of these things, their origins and culminations
And what this black box of secrets contains.
I think about so many things,
Until everything I was on the outside is gone.
My body is gone
My painted face and sculpted hair
My varnished nails and pierced ears
All my clothes and appendages and freckles are gone
My blood evaporated
My brain an invisible energy in the wind.
My home and street
And city
Are gone.
And even in such complete concentration
When it is only my essence and nothing else
And I transcend throughout my past and future
When I am spread thin
And stretched into the corners
When I fill the cracks and crevices
And melt into the pores of everything
And my spirit is awaked to a dimensionless reality
Even then,
Scio Nihil

I know nothing. .
It's long but an accurate depiction of how my brain works. Written this summer back when I had to much time to think about everything.
 Nov 2015
Nico Allentine
I would offer you the best sensations, shivers down your spine
Ecstasy thrown, mind blown, you begging to be mine
Stroke my ego and I might just stroke your skin
Your body a new world, where should I begin
Your face on mine, my hand now held just below your wrist
Now Ill start with your lips because I simply can not resist
The scrumptious shade of strawberry and the tastes even better
In my mouth your tongue had sung and left me even wetter
A calm that makes me no longer wanting to give up and give in
A kiss that I want to build a house on and with you live in
My hands hold your cheek
As I stare up at you rather meek
Then trace the lines on your face and run my fingers through your hair
We would make quite the pair
Around your lovely locks tightens my grip as I pull back slightly
biting on your lip, your hands gripping my hips so tightly
I would smile with a silent confidence
As you recount how long you've imagined this
Your imagination may not have prepared you, albeit wondrous and vast
To feel better than you've ever felt, just know that it cant last
I would offer you the best sensations, shivers down your spine
Ecstasy thrown, mind blown, you begging to be mine
you chuckled and told me a body like mine should come with a warning label
Your eyes hungry devouring me from across the dinner table
The long lost longing, the build up, the intense temptation
Your mind reeling from a new glorious sensation
Nothing could have gotten you ready for what you'd feel with me
Better than you've ever felt, so visceral and free
I'm as persuasive as I am perverse
A mind I'm sure you'd love to traverse
I would offer you the best sensations, shivers down your spine
Ecstasy thrown, mind blown, you begging to be mine.
 Nov 2015
I hate this world
of noise
and greed
That grows
much smaller with
each day.
Is the dawn
Of light,
Solitude serves
To shape the clay.
I fight
Though there is
Nothing left,
Struggle yields to
Slow decay.
Remember me
As darkness blooms
My heart has
gone away.
 Oct 2015
I wish I could explain
The tide
Of pain,
That swept aside
The spark of youth
Burning bright
It dimmed the truth.
A darkness
Consuming hope and care
Leaving only hate,
A splinter
Buried in my skin
Rotting all that's good
Now what remains
Is just a husk,
from dawn to dusk.
I wish I could explain
This fate
But even now
It's just too late.
 Oct 2015
"Loving her was like shaking hands with the devil. "
Loving her was a soft suicide.

A bottle of pills and a warm bath,
candles lit around your head like a glowing halo.

Loving her was a steady shock.

A fork in an outlet and a buzzing in your spine.
Loving her was the agony of a quick snap of a bone.
The long ride to the emergency room,
listening to music you never liked.
Especially not now.

Watching her leave was almost worse.

Almost better.

It was the swift pain of a steel toed boot in the
soft part of your stomach.
The gasp of the crowd in the busy bar.
The realization no one was going to step in and help.

Yes, loving her was surely relentless, inevitable pain.

So you turned into a person who kissed feet and
fell to their knees.
Bandaged yourself up and then asked to bleed a little more.
And the truth is..

You almost liked it.
 Oct 2015
Sia Jane
(I cannot determine who is the coil)
Heavy ropes wrapped around me
So tightly wound up I can feel
My chest cracking, brittle bones
Breaking in unison.

The sound echoes throughout my skull
My temples pounding
Burning up in flames
Desperate to be extinguished
Praying for the fire to move downwards
To ignite the rope, for the conflagration
To run dangerously out of control
My body a raging inferno of war.

My voice choked
There’s not enough oxygen
I’m being suffocated
And only smoke signals
Are emitted from me.

I’m trying to reach, someone
Or something, in the distance
No one can come too close
And anything is always too far
It’s the unfathomable truth
Of my existence.

(I cannot determine who is the coil)
I cannot be understood
Because every look from another
Disintegrates me
And I become nothing more than
A sheet of searing flames.

But every time I’m left alone
I’m always screaming within
My body eating itself from
The inside out
Penetrating pain never laying
Dormant, my skin
its vivacious host.

Heavy ropes wrapped around me
Forging incessant loops
Smothering me to the point
Of death.
(I cannot determine who is the coil)

© Sia Jane
 Oct 2015
Sia Jane
It's hard to write a poem
When there's nothing going on
It's hard to think of what to say
When you've given most of it away

As poets we never scratch the surface
We delve within, disclose our deepest sin
We crave our pain, declare it's for our art
Yet more often than not have no idea where to start

But start we do and start we must
A deep desire in all of us
To spill out on the written page
What little bit we have tried to save

Ink now is the poets blood
Fragments of self pour from within
Silence is our safety net
To stop us from bleeding out

Although it's hard to write a poem
With nothing going on
We still find words to form a verse
From deep within our marrow bone

Work © Mike Hauser & © Sia Jane
Mike opened this piece and we went from there.
Hope you enjoy this Hello Poetry collaboration too :)

It goes without saying, just how honoured we are to have this as Daily <3
Y'all are the greatest <3
Thank you so much <3
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