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 Dec 2016
These solid panes shield me
From the harsh winter,
The body piercing hail,
The numbing frost,
And from my true love.
For she is out there,

Do I smash through this cocoon like barrier
That forever keeps me shielded
From the disappointments,
The deceit, the humiliation ,
The heartache, the rejections
That are waiting out there.

Or Do I offer myself,
And risk being scrutinized.
My actions picked apart with a fine tooth comb.
My motives questioned.
My dignity eroded
And everything that makes me
The person I am,
Stripped away until all that is left
Is something unrecognizable.

I have to.
For my true love is out there,
And I cant wait to meet her.
 Dec 2016
Breaking out with my faults
I can't handle becoming an adult,
My scars are open
My life is determined by someone else' pen

There is no recovery from suicide
There is no place to hide.
I know that I've lived and fought
But what happens when you're a neet who takes bottles in one draught

When you give yourself less but everyone else so much more
Man life ***** when you're poor,
I hate the meds because it makes me feel weak, reliant and unhappy
Shoutout to Dappy.

I almost met my fate yesterday, oh what a feeling of ecstasy.
It almost seemed like a fantasy,
It isn't about the lie, it is how the truth is denied
It isn't about life, it is how you've lived with a knife.
Make comments if you can relate or just wish to comment.
 Dec 2016
Alyssa De Marzo
To all the men I could never love
I wanna say it wasn't me, nor you
To all the lips I left unkissed
And words regrettably untrue

To all the hearts I never accepted
Minds I've changed
And souls I never defended

To all the tears I've caused to shed
And the endless hours I left you
stranded in your head

To all the men I could never love
And the only one I do
You may think you know what it means... but how can you? When I myself have no clue
 Dec 2016
human hands
were made to be held.

the bleak reality
of that fact
is your hand will fit
just as perfectly in hers
as you used to say
it fit in mine.
 Dec 2016
Finley in Despair
We are so fragile, us humans
it can be realised in the blink of an eye
a bout of sickness
a terrible accident
yet at the same time
we can endure so much
pain, suffering and loss
sadness, loneliness and worse
our bones break and heal
our minds wither and mend
together we can pull through
the discrepancy of
our bodies fragility and the mind's will
we have strength in numbers
we find solace in companionship
we are not solitary creatures
we are man and woman
father and child, mother and daughter
lovers, friends and whether we like it
or not
we are neighbours

I cry when my fellow man dies
a part of me dies when my mother cries
I scream in frustration for my sisters
seemingly still living in a man's world
I long for success
but never at another's expense
when you suffer I suffer
when I suffer you suffer
so much suffering, so much pain
we are too quick to place the blame
and fall short on finding a solution
that works for all of us
we are individuals in togetherness
we are all the links that give us protection
and we are all the chinks
in this armour
 Dec 2016
I head out at twilight
only to return each dawn,
wading the muddied waters
of my youth, and mysteries
of a history misremembered,
or wishfull, wistful memories,
wanting to revisit in dreams
those things that defy the laws
of physics, yet knowing I can't
go back, and each breath I take
reminds me forever of that fact.
 Dec 2016
Jonathan Witte
Some nights it
is alarmingly
an exoskeleton ascends
on iron rivets and steel;
unseen scaffolding tapers
to a steady pulsing point
of phosphorescence—
a mechanical heart
circulating red light
into leaden clouds.

Some nights the air thickens
with cordite, grief, and snow.

Tonight with winter here
we can see the tower’s
beacon blinking through
a tangled scrim of trees
half a mile across town,
and yet even with our
bodies squeezed together
like radio dials in the dark
we are unable to tune it in—
the signal that would calibrate
our estranged transistor hearts.
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