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 Feb 2019
Jon York
Maybe words are leaves
     and  grow  from
the  trees  inside  me.
If I stand beneath them
   and shake them
you might praise me
for the piles  I  pick up
     and collect,
but   you,   my  love,
    planted  them
    inside  me.
You  watered  them
    with your tears
  and sang to them
with  your  laughter.
I may shake the words,
           but you
     are the sunlight
       that lets them
                                                                                             Jon York   2019
 Feb 2019
Through clusters of thoughts of you..
Star memories roll on shadow plains true..
Your light waves link to my very essence..
As I am connected in soul network to your presence..

Into the expanse of thoughts of you..
Endless moments of smiles and virtues..
Constellations inside of your eyes..
Moments of forever written in the sky..

You glance to me in streak of light..
Passing by my stars in this dream lit night..
My eyes absorb every bit of your shine..
Under this heavens vault dream sky of mine..
She passed on by in the sky....
there is uproar in the kitchen.
you would think some restaurant was over-
booked and a weary chef was fighting
to deliver ten covers at once.

all i said was “i can’t get to sleep.”
he has decided to save me.
my valiant knight on horseback
is in the kitchen making something.

i yawn and sit pretty on the sofa.
it is nice to be saved and spoilt.
i start to drift away to some
distant land trying to ignore the blender.

he arrives with a large cup.
he gives this to me and hovers.
i must taste this though
i know it will burn my lips.

i can’t leave him hovering forever
so i take a sip, burn my lips
and melt with the softness of the milk,
an intimate pleasure.

my cup of love, hot milk,
cinnamon, honey, all blended
to froth and he has grated
nutmeg on the top.

i smile up at my valiant knight
and he relaxes, all is well.
i have been saved
no more dragons to fell.
dark as the night
beautiful as a storm
your love,
a rose sweeter than
the sky
my everything
and nothing,
my live wire,
my shooting star.
touch me so i feel
alive, unwrap me
tender and warm
bewitch me with
your kiss until i
melt into the air
in the metals of a
sleeping world
gather me like
a flower, fly to
me like a bird.
 Feb 2019
Star BG
May your day be filled with sunshine and giggles that inspire and make you celebrate the moment that is a gift.

May you remember what it like to be a kid again and play inside the day connected to the excitement and wonder of life.

May you look in mirror and smile knowing that you are sacred and loved.
Written to all who come to my table and read my Hors d'oeuvres  of words. Inspired by a chat with Richard Barnes
 Dec 2018
South by Southwest
the ship is not sinking
just descending
into the depths of

the moon is not rising
the earth is just spinning
and you are walking away

you are not dying
so go on trying
looking good for you all of the way

now if you find yourself on
a boat in the Atlantic
In April , right before it's May

You should count all your blessings
And remember the water is cold
You haven't got a chance in Hell as they say
 Dec 2018
I. The sad ones..
II.Poems about despair..
III.The loneliness..
IV.The sharp and dull cutting of depression..

I. I smile when I am with you. We are not the sad ones but the happy ones through and through..

II. I can write about how despair wants in on our peace.. How hopelessness is trying to break through our little army of hope.. But in the end and always trying to begin our little army prevails everytime.

III. The loneliness is simply lonely. All the time. Simply because if you are not with me you're still by my side.. Loneliness tries and sends isolation toward us.  But is greeted by our friendship and companionship..  Those two form an equation that when worked out over a long period of time equals to Love..

IV.  Depression waves around its sharp sword and tries to stab with its dull knife.  The sword is poison with regret. And the knifes handle is made out of worthlessness.. But regret is but a frame in our mind.  The now and forward create a new canvas that we can paint over all of the regrets.  We can always create instead of destroy.  Make things more grand and full of joy.  The worthlessness simply fades away because of your smile.  Thats all I needed. We paint on each other smiles on our faces everyday.. And its all worth it! Because you are worth it all!
You have the ability to always fight all of these. And you always have the weapons to do it.
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