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 Nov 2021
I'm out of place-
I have been for a while now.
Something triggered it,
but I'm not quite sure when.
I'm off.
Nothing I do feels right,
and I'm starting to forget who I am.
My parents continue asking where their daughter went.
My brothers treat me as though I'm fragile-
and even my closest friends feel like strangers.
I don't know what's wrong with me,
that's the scary part.
I'm numb, but I'm not.
I'm depressed, but I'm not.
It's like I'm starring in my own personal horror movie-
the victim is me-
the killer is me-
and a ****** waiting to take place.
 Nov 2021
Gem Palomar
The glamour,
the lights and flashes,
the gold and the silver,
I call it home.

Crowds filling the seats,
then the shushing,
then the quiet,
and it starts.

They watch and follow,
little prying eyes,
where your feet goes,
where your fingers glide.

After all,
I'm a performer,
and this is the stage
that I call home.

But who stays
after the velvet curtain call.
When the show is done,
who remembers?

And what is remembered?
Aside from the weary bones,
broken ribs,
and flailing arms.

Who stays?
To sit on the red seats,
in the dark,
to watch a wretched performer?
enneagram type 3 - actor and performer
 Nov 2021
Gem Palomar
To the rainwashed man,
no sun nor daylight came,
but Scarlet appeared
in red lips and red locks.

An angel in the fire
with heaven in her eyes,
an ethereal sight
that made him alive.

And she became his.
His gold sunlit dancer,
the fire in his *****,
the every ache of his heart
 Nov 2021
Gem Palomar
I feel death being so close,
and yet I feel nothing.
Just mere, pure, and plain

I never thought that
I would wish it was death
that I felt and touched,
instead of nothingness.
 Nov 2021
She slices the ribbon of an old tape cassette,
alone she sits perched on the charred remains.
She breathes in slow motion and recites the alphabet,
alone she sits and embraces the inevitable change.
A delicate flower of truth, love, and regret,
a pulsating fountain severs the deepest vein.
Flowing emotions puddle underneath the bed,
alone she sits, she is always alone.
 Nov 2021
Jumping higher
and higher
into the sky
until I land
and I splat
on the ground.
Blood and guts
but people
think it's paint.
They each
hold a trace
of my demise.
 Nov 2021
Lost in a world that is broken,
hiding from any fascination tonight.
Watching you through fading light,
hidden joy farthest from sight.
You are not like the others
who masquerade smiles and deceit.
This world is vile and unworthy;
a festering blight of selfish intrigue.
Please believe me when I say
you are not alone; you're just like me.
Beautifully unhinged,
with every word you bleed.
 Oct 2021
Farah Taskin
she lit
a candle
for someone special
it was flickering faintly
she cast
her eyes
to the sidereal mysteries
the starry fireworks
were spellbinding
 Oct 2021
Kate Borlasa
I name you Umbra, the thief of light
Imprisoned you are from whence you came
Nothing but darkness and most fearful night
Horrors define and crown your caliginous name

You sought light upon me, for you saw the sun, the stars, and the moon
In a second, these creatures were pilfered from my kingdom
Your darkness like epidemic grew
I was blinded by your color and you stole all hue.
For those of you who play Child of Light, this poem is inspired by it. I hope every poet in the world would take the opportunity to play the game.
 Oct 2021
Am I too fat, or too skinny?
Am I too loud, or too quiet?
Am I too tall, or too short?
Am I too happy, or too sad?
Am I too outgoing, or too shy?
Am I too rich, or too poor?
Am I too tan, or too pale?
Am I too ugly, or too pretty?
Am I too much, or too little?

If you're going to tell me
What society thinks I should be
Then at least set a realistic standard.
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