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 Apr 2021
probably off in a loft,
writing my thoughts,
rhyming and timing the syllables,
conjuring words like birds they fly,
cynical flow but gloomy at times,
lyrical bows the sparrows will cry,
pierced by the arrows that flew through the sky,
higher and higher repeating my tries to fly out of orbit and break off my ties,
drifting and swerving i’m curving and turning while yearning for strokes of the pen,
my solace within is crashing and burning,
falling to earth,
i’m back by the morning for mourning the death of a dream that just ended,
i am suspended,
i am suspended.
a favorite from an old journal i recently found.
 Mar 2021
No words
slip from my tongue.
No words
emerge from my fingertips
as they race across the keyboard.
No words
spill from my mind,
trace the recesses of my brain,
leave my lips with the taste of butterscotch.
I have traveled far and wide,
from one pole to the other
then so far west I'm back in the east,
but I still have no words.
No words
to describe this feeling,
the one at the back of my throat every time I speak,
the one tingling at my fingertips whenever I press them against the keys,
the ones zigzagging my mind from dawn to dusk and even after that.
No words
to describe the tightness of my chest,
whether from the way she tucks her hair behind her ear
or the weight of today on my shoulders.
The thoughts --
I chase them, but they always slip away
just as I can feel them in my grasp.
No words, no thoughts, no way
to finish this poem
not when it's ever-flowing, ever-growing, ever-changing, ever-there.
 Mar 2021
Thomas Bron Mukama
The leaf in me drops
From every heart of negativity
Down it falls though never dries

Pick a leave, its not dry
It will fertilize your thoughts
Set you to a bright view of positivity

The soldier in me drops
But the works in me never dry
Made as a leaf, existing as a root
to give firmness to anyone clinging for hope

let me acompany you with shade
drop you a fruit Of succulent hope
And if am to die, let me manure your growth
 Mar 2021
I am alone in the bed and—
no, wait... nope
I’m not
a small wiggling creature is climbing,
hugging, kissing, squirming
— mom? are you awake?
— can you go to the bathroom with me?
— yes baby, let’s go...
 Mar 2021
South by Southwest
I tried to cut the wind once
But no mater how hard I slashed
It was all a futile effort
In the end I was abashed

It grew angry with me
It's patience grew so thin
Then the cold wind cut right through me
as if foolishness was my only sin

I was a busy bee in clover
I would hover above the pretty flowers
Drinking their sweet nectar in
and passing away the hours

The blossoms were so many
The fields so ever wide
I shared all of my golden pollen
From petal to petal
I flied

Some flowers tried to hold me
Their alluring scents filled the air
They dazzled in many colors
Sashayed with seductive flare

Then they tried to finger me
Tried to attach their silky strings
But when they thought they could handle me
I let them have my sting

Buzz off . . .
 Mar 2021
D Thornhill
broken pencils do write
snapped crayons still color

dried pens never talk
empty toners cartridges do not print

squeezed lemons reveal secrets
chalky chunks mark sidewalks green

introverts reserve their words
in volumes the quiet do speak
©️ dt + b
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