An evening comes wading through the clouds
crimson the feet wet in mists unfurling
silences whisper hushed in shadows and leafless
stalks, tangled hair, moist in the mellow winds
foreboding the hour when minnows sleep
it will rain tonight
soft on the lotus ponds
landing by the dancing canvas leaves
painted in hues of cream-white
birthing buds of pink
smiling shy
robed in the regal hues of the moon
blushing behind the mourning palms
painted against the skies
whirling, whirling like a dervish
it is the hymn of the skies
it is the early moon
it is the late koel
the pond overflowing
in longing
I will swoon rhapsodizing
Saying your name in syllables
whirling, I rise levitating
You are there in the distance
You are here by my side