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1.9k · Jun 2016
Astrological proportion
Like the stars where still there in the daytime,
unseen, fiercely burning alive,
the excitement of love occupied me
it appeared, when at night, you arrived  
Their unfathomable scale was your beauty,
cataclysmic the event of our kiss
beyond reason, the rhyme of our body
Infinite the ensuing abyss.
not sure this is done yet
1.0k · Aug 2016
rolling stock    
            late at night,                
quiet, cold,     
silent & still    
in loves last,    
   dusty, dark        
sideing yard,  
we are                
           From now
                     you are the past
                               Blame that was cast    
                   has set fast.     
                   Loves last link,

    our                        boys,
   will be bro               ken... more.
        Now only ha          lf mine. We both    
saw red. The insipid signal lamp.
I could not hold us all together.
I couldn’t halt your pull
away. Not with acts
nor words nor
love.  and
so, with

Destined for
                                                                ­    different                                
Stand clear.
This train
work in progress
1.0k · Jul 2016
It goes all the way down
When I dwell on what’s coming
to my little boys
I go down.
I go down.
I go all the way down
to the silent, still chasm, my heart.

When I linger there long
There the sorrow, it dwells,
where it wallows and swells
then I swallow then heave,
wipe my face on my sleeve.

"All the things that they’ll miss"
Clench my face in a fist,
bleeding tears, wet and warm
as a tropical storm.
They run down.
Deluge down.
They go all the way down,
searing my wet, whiskered skin.

And the missed milestones mock,
hurt me, sink like a rock.
They're all wrapped 'round my head
with guilt, anger and lead.
Weigh me down.
Tie me down.
I go all the way down,
All alone, a black bubble my mind

And it's often I find,
that I find myself there,
meet the eye of despair,
the five-hundred-yard stare
So alone,
I go down.
I go all the way down
I go all the way down to no     end.
760 · Jun 2016
The ocean in your bed
Gently feeling round the edge,
detect the shape of inner you
and I’ve been tangled in the texture,
taste and weight and scent and hue.

Ardently keening for the contact
Hearts race. Our basest needs need meet.
Now heat is emanating out
like all the clothes about our feet.

Circumnavigate your figure
in a boat inside my mouth.
Paint long ribbons in its wake,
colour you in till you’re a lake.

The water’s warm, the tide is rising
let the swell come rolling in.
Lovely undercurrent rythme,
relentless. Drawing me within.

Here come the breakers, catch a breath,
asphyxiate a tiny death.
Between your thighs my ears are roaring,
hear a pulse and nothing else.

Convulsions padded by our warmth
Hold on, and throw a gentle fit.
We're just swirling in the swell
The outside world does not exist.
This is my first poem.
756 · Jul 2016
There’s aesthetic anaesthetic
in the beauty of your form
and it
sedates the silent screaming
of my grief.
like chloroform.

and then,
your eyes are dampened charcoal,
large and lovely
set apart
a doll, they roll,
your eyelids flutter,
set the beating of my heart.

your boyish nose is Elvin
(perfect, small and straight and neat)
and I could
listen on for hours
watch its end move as you speak.

I can’t
articulate the angles
that compel me in your face
but I can’t stop myself from staring
(there-in everything is laced)

but still I know
we’re not well suited,
though our needs are well aligned
because they’re
all so insurmountable

you can be unkind.
649 · Jun 2016
Travel companions
Your bed, the world
we tumble across all four corners
show me unchartered regions,
hidden treasures,
your wilderness.
I get lost, gazing at your navel.
You find me.
hands at the back of my head
draw me to your face,
mouth, eyes...
lost again.
Tell my folks I loved them.
Tell them to
call off the search
551 · Jun 2016
You're killing me
I’m waiting for your opening
to warmly match with mine.
You know I know you’re willing
but then your bluffing is divine.

Suspense is seeping from my pores.
It makes the mist through which I see
in which your supernatural presence
never ceases ******* me.

When we throw pretence out the window
with our self-control and shame,
I’ll feel joy
but also sad that things will never be the same

— The End —