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Let go
Don't worry
Fix what you can **now.
I'm trying to follow my own advice first. Cause it's all my fault.
When the time together becomes a bore.

    When you start to figure your'e not the only girl he adores.

   As you realize the kisses aren't sweet how the used to be
          As you lie there in his arms perhaps your heart will feel like it doesn't belong.

         And when you remember the memories you shared from this song, you'll start to cry.
   When the fun nights out are no longer shared with you.

You'll be sitting alone asking,
"what did I do?".
     Nothing will be same, not even text messages.

      When you send the I love you text, just know he's texting his ex.

And he'll probably get to you in a sec.

      With a response like, you too.

   Sweetie, cheaters will be cheaters.
And there always be him and two of you.
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
Everywhere I go-
I'm just looking for a version of you
that won't rip my heart into shreds,
and try to kiss it back together.
I can't seem to find him.
I guess it's innately you,
to be rough hands
gloved in sweet milk.
And I've become lactose intolerant,
and so very alone.
Angels are indeed visible to the naked eye , they can be found in majestic pose within every precious photograph , work of art or wildflower held by young hands ..
Each drop of rain in a Summer shower is a heavenly host that blesses our very hour ..
A consecrated beam of light impaling the morning fog proclaims the mighty sword of Michael leading the weary through insecurity and darkness ..
An elderly couple that occupies a park bench , children busy with games , laughter , eyes that sparkle with wonder and merriment ..
The carefree chatter of evening songbirds , the Holy Ghost that fill and nurture a wounded heart ..
Nature's morning songs .. The reflection of God's blue eyes caste across a mountain vista duplicate the Choir of Angels performing psalms on the outskirts of Zion , atop the very Walls of Jerusalem , the trumpet echoing across the Earth from the Pool of Bethesda* ...
Copyright December 11 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
If meeting you was lucky,
I am the unluckiest person in the world.
I wish I'd never met you

 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
He didn’t love her for her body.

He loved her for the way she belted out the wrong lyrics while blasting music driving down the highway.

He loved her for the way her eyes brightened like stars on a cloudless night when she saw him.

He loved her for the way she twirled around in her pretty blue dress, barefoot on the soft grass.

He loved her for the way she fumbled over the piano keys, creating a barely recognizable melody.

He loved her for the way she woke up on an early morning, all grumpy and confused, wrapped up tight in a blanket.

He loved her for the way she splashes around in the ocean, kicking the water at him and motioning for him to join her.

He loved her for the way she loved him.

He didn’t love her for her body.

He loved her for her careless, sloppy soul.
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