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Dear Poetry,
You are one of a kind,
You were a love, hard to find,
With you I can leave the world behind,
To one more refine,
Dear poetry,
You fill me with hope,
With words that help me cope,
You lift my spirits oh so high,
Dear poetry,
I'll love you until I die...
I was commenting on
Now my comment is a poem..
In this big world
Of beauties and dreams,
I dreamt my life
To be carefree and in ease,
As a small girl
My dreams always became true,
As teenage the tender age
Hurdles arrived and by age they grew.

Charms of life gave me a call,
Shattering my dreams in pieces they fall,
And aah! Now what a pity of me?
I am here collecting each of my dream.

I try to join them and once again,
I want to believe, but, in vain,
That life is a carefree thing,
And the world a beautiful place
In which you can still dream.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Old poems found in attic... Couple of them are still worth my read... Sharing them with my friends here... _()_
chitragupta Apr 2019
अल्फाजों में गुमनाम को
दाखिला दिलाएं कौन
महफ़िल तो रोज़ सजे पर
कल से उसे सजाए कौन

बहार तो बस मौसम है
दिल को ये समझाएं कौन
बदलते रहें पर ये ना बदले
कल यादों से बेहलाएं कौन

ना पता चूक हुई है किनसे
और फिर भूल दोहराएं कौन
के हर गलती ना होती गुनाह
कल हमें य याद दिलाएं कौन


The nameless in these words
Who shall grant them entry?
We are entertained everyday
But come tomorrow, who will be at it's centre?

Spring is just a season
Who will explain that to the heart?
They keep changing but it will not
Tomorrow who will coax it with memories?

I don't know who is at blame
And who is going to repeat their mistakes?
That not every mistake is a crime
Tomorrow who will make me realise that?
I apologise for the translation, the sentence structure favours Hindi.
chitragupta Apr 2019
I walk home under a red sky
back to my dingy apartment
I strip off the garb of the trade
and fall on the inviting single bed
Walls close in, but I'm thankful
for the large window beside my head
To watch the trees
To watch the birds return to their nests

Old coats seem like hanged convicts
From the jagged cupboard hooks
The only thing that is new
is the mountain of books
On my bedside, yet to read
I shall pick one up on the morrow
To feel coin well spent
To feel the surprise - will it be thrill, joy, or sorrow?

I place my blue hardback journal
on a makeshift table of cardboard box
I ensure the fluorescent sleeps
so I do not suffer unexpected knocks
Under a tungsten fire, with royal blue dye
I strike the pages with a fountain pen
To mark the week as done
To breathe back life into the poet again
I am thankful for all of you on hellopoetry for your inspiration, encouragement, critique -

I love to write, and I am bettered by your communion
So here I am, sharing with you, my Friday night ritual
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