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  Jan 2020 Chelsea Rae
Star BG
Good morning day, I whisper
focusing on the good of life.

I say good morning like prayer
launching a good outcome into reality.  

I Proclaim the good inside
good afternoon and good evening
as I etch positive thoughts  into matrex of moment.

And Good night I echo,
for it's the whipped cream
digested in a dream
before it starts again.
Inspired by Ashley Kocher  Many Thanks
  Jan 2020 Chelsea Rae
Star BG
I look for answers everywhere?
Sometimes they play hide and seek with me.

They come inside beating heart
and gentle wind in Autumn night.

Come inside a morning dove
that sings to escort sun.
And echoes of a babies giggle.

They resonate from the full moons glow
and diamond stars twinkling at night.

Come in the purr of a family pet or
orchestration from a conductors barton.

They come in a meditative stance
or prayer that moves through candle to God’s ears.

Yes answers hide every place.
And I shall never stop looking.
Inspired by Ben Noah Suri.  Thanks
Chelsea Rae Jan 2020
Let me begin to chip away,
Piece by piece,
The idealistic fantasy of
The White Knight.

It was never fair to you
Nor I
To expect saving
And almost.. perfection.

A story so often spoon fed to us all
From young ages.
Promised, almost.
So young our minds cling to this projection of what "should" be.

You men carry things
We women could never fathom
Until we open our hearts to see you,
Truly see you,
And graciously allow you
To also be human.
Toxic masculinity is worse than we realize.
Men have feelings too.
Express yourselves.
Chelsea Rae Jan 2020
It feels like I'm swimming in the unlimited.
It feels like my mind is just floating around out there somewhere.
Enveloped in the warmth.
Finding bliss in the unknown.
Almost sinking to the deepest parts of the ocean floor
Yet it feels like it could stretch on forever.
As if there is no floor.
There is no end to the void.
I feel like I should feel lost but I know I am not lost.
I am always right where I'm meant to be.
I feel like I'm searching but only feeling through darkness.
Almost feeling nothing and everything together simultaneously.
Floating around in the womb
Of the universe,
Waiting on my rebirth.
  Dec 2019 Chelsea Rae
Rob K
I think, it's time for a parting.
To let live and simply let die.
All, that's made me who I am.
All, that's scarred my inside.

All that's defined how I see the world.
To all, that left me alone.
I think, it's time for a parting.
Let lessons, redefine the word "home".
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