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 Jun 2016 Chelle Quezon
If you were a book
I would grasp you with each hand
As I sink into each page -
Your poetic quicksand.
If you were a book -
My favorite book of all -
After years of gazing into you,
Your words would still enthrall.
When your binding is undone
And your cover slightly torn,
You would be just as lovely
With your pages touched and worn.
If you were a book,
I would hold you close all night.
I could read you without words;
I could read you without light.
 Jan 2016 Chelle Quezon
how does one love a poet?
between the lines of their spoken words
and their haiku's.
a jumbled nonsense to an untrained ear
but a masterpiece
to the ones who take your poems
the ones they've studied
and they dissected
because they find them*  almost
as beautiful
as the way your soul shines
when you coin a poem
about the one who
coins their poems
about you.

*the delicate intertwining process of loving a poet.
I'm in love with you and all your little things.
Some people write, but rarely read,
That seems to me most strange indeed,
They've read less than a hundred books,
Yet think they imitate the looks,
Of Sassoon, Cummings, Keats and Pound,
Or think they imitate the sound,
Of Lennon, Dylan, or Shakur,
And sometimes think they've offered more,
Than Chaucer, Wilde or Shakespeare could,
And claim they're more misunderstood,
Than even Salman Rushdie was,
Which really ticks me off because,
After having read such wondrous works,
A sense of failure always lurks,
Inside me whenever I write,
Yet they think they've done well tonight!
I hate them all! That's it - I've said it!
But they won't know until they've read it,
Which is quite doubtful, I'd attest,
Who'd read my work and skip the best?
We're all guilty of thinking a little bit to highly of ourselves sometimes, especially when we've recieved a bit of praise for what we've done, and I'm certainly no exception. It feels good, and there's usually no harm whatsoever in it. It's nice to feel that way sometimes. Some people, however, take the biscuit.

Yes, Kanye West and Katie Price - I'm talking about you, among others.
I want to live in a world where umbrellas don't exist
where no one runs to get out of the rain
where everyone stops
with eyes closed
heads laid back
and arms outstretched
welcoming every drop on their skin
as if each one is an intimate kiss
falling from the sky
 Dec 2015 Chelle Quezon
fuck you.
 Dec 2015 Chelle Quezon

you are so ridiculous. you think i ******* leave you purposely? you try living in my ******* world for once. most of the time when you text me, im in TEARS.
1. i have asked for honesty
2. i have asked for being straight up
3. i have been here for you
4. i have calmed you down
5. i have saved you some times
6. i have always answered you when i was capable of doing so
7. i have stayed up with you
8. i have cried with you
9. i have bled for you
10. i have panicked for you
11. i have ******* worried countless of days and nights hoping you were okay
12. i have talked you out of ****
13. i have called you numerous times to make sure you were okay
14. i have been honest with you
15. i have ******* been there for you when you werent even here for me
16. i have exhausted all of my ******* energy into you
17. i have told you to wear your seatbelt bc somebody loves you
18. i have gotten in trouble for you
19. i had my hopes up for you to come here and you never did
20. i have asked nicely and REPEATEDLY for nicole to get the **** out of this
21. i have done SO MUCH FOR YOU. And this is the **** i get. this is the ****. this ******* list can go on for HOURS. i have BEGGED you to love me. i have BEGGED you to comfort me. to listen to me. to trust me. to be HONEST with me. im laughing because i guess i just wasnt ******* enough for you. i was not ******* enough. you know, i would have ******* died for you. and i guess in a lot of ways i did.

so dont you ******* dare tell me that im not trustworthy because i have been here for you since day one. and you have the nerve. and dont turn this **** on me when you're the one who turns your back and blames me for the **** you do.

why couldnt you cut her out of your life in the dating way? that is all i have ever asked for. and you know that. you know just as much as everyone else that i knew you were lying when you said you weren't with her. do you know how many nights i spent trying to drown myself or cut myself or swallow pills JUST because you told me you were killing yourself? i DESTROYED my insides for you. i destroyed my social attitude because you were all i focused on. you you you you. always you.
"is he okay? where is he? is he eating? is he sleeping? is he breathing??"

you. it was always ******* you. i lost friends over you. i lost my sanity over you. i went insane looking for you among the faces i saw daily. every ******* time we went somewhere i would look at all the houses and say to my dad driving our car "is he here? what about that house? dad pull over i think i saw someone who looks like him".

you know what. i just cant do this anymore. i have been here and there and this has happened and that has happened and the list just goes on and on. obviously she is hella important otherwise you would not be arguing with me right now. you would accept that you ****** up and move on. but yet you continue to fight me when we we both know you were wrong. you should have left her. i dont care if y'all are dating or not. **** happens. im okay with that. im just done showing that I care because once AGAIN, it****.

im done fighting the same losing battle with you. you're bio. her bio. your life. her life. your relationship. her relationship. dont i matter? dont i count? where do i come in? yeah we had a good ******* time. but i died for you in so many ways. i really did. and you were so oblivious to it. i looked at you like you put the stars in my sky. now my sky is dark. there is nothing left and it is a shame. because im not happy. and neither are you. we never work out. we always fight. we always end up hurting each other. you have her. you love her- and dont even tell me you dont. i let myself get my hopes up too often. and they all just come crashing down. but that is okay.

because i know what we are,
and i know what we are not.

 Dec 2015 Chelle Quezon
i. I want you to love me when the black line over my eyelid is gone and when my hair lays full of tangles on my shoulders. You never cared if I brushed it or not, so I didn't. It always fell naturally. (I think I did the same with you.)

ii. I want you to love me when the toothpaste doesn't make my mouth in time before we wake. (Morning breath is part of what Love is.)

iii. I want you to love me when the only thing on my body is your old T-shirt from tenth grade because I'm still tinier than you. (I swear I'll take care of it for you.)

iv. I want you to love me when the coffee stain finds its way onto my lips right before you lean over to kiss me good afternoon baby. Coffee dates will be a must. You can order something else, I'll drink the coffee. (But I'll make you try it.)

v. I want you to love me when the television is low and the rain is pouring onto the earth outside at five in the evening, and I sit at the kitchen table wondering why hearts are broken. (I can't remember if you like rain or not.)

vi. I want you to love me when we drive to everywhere and nowhere, and your hand finds its way onto my thigh. I'll take a photograph of your profile and pin it to my bedroom wall. I'm going to photograph you a lot, most of the time not telling you. Expect to find some leftover filled disposals in your room. (Or empty film rolls.)

vii. I want you to love me when we drink too much after making dinner together in the kitchen at midnight, because we were never good with timing. Alcohol makes things smoother. (Don't get addicted.)

viii. I want you to love me after you come home from work with tired feet and knots in your back as your forehead drips with sweat. (I'll help you clean up.)

ix. I want you to love me when I run away in broad daylight, hoping to get rid of the thoughts I have in my mind, because you know I have the tendency to run away from things that hurt. But I will come back eventually. (I always do.)

x. I want you to love me after I kiss you for the first time. After I let you in. After I tell you about my childhood and how I love my Nana and Poppi. After i speak to you in a different language, leaving you to ponder what I said. After my favorite songs are played, after we have a song, after we watch movies in bed cuddling. After I fall asleep next to you. After I push you away for the first time. After you realize how wild and unpredictable I am. After you realize how big my heart is because you will notice the mountains I move for you and you will notice the way I pay attention to everything. After you recognize the fact that I love the little things. After you pick me up and kiss me. After I stay silent around you and you know the reason for my closed mouth because you know my mind is racing in a self-polemic way. I want you to love me after we go on our first date. After you meet my parents. After I win over your mother. After we spend holidays together. After we take candids of one another. After we tell strangers about each other. After I fathom that you aren't going to leave.

- (I want you to love me.)

// {m.j.}
 Dec 2015 Chelle Quezon
In three months, when you talk about me, I want you to talk about me like I put the stars in your sky, like I was a constellation or a galaxy or some type of planet that no one has heard of. I want to be the last thing on your mind before you go to sleep, and the first thought when you wake up. I want to be told beautiful things that aren't empty words. I want drops of Jupiter in my hair just like how Train sings it. I want you to tell people that my eyes are big and bold and deep just like the ocean. That my mind is complex and over-imaginative and poetic just like the moon. I want you to talk about the way I am daring, wild, and overly confident in plans that most times never happen because i don't think them through. I want people to know about me when you talk about me to them. I want you to bring up inside jokes, mistakes, fights, laughs, everything. Bring up the way I need materialistic reminders that I'm loved. Tell them I have half your closet. Tell them I keep your notes in a box beside my bed. Tell them I kept the first thing you gave me- an empty cookie wrapper that once held two M&M; cookies. Tell them that I get scared a lot and that my hair's always a mess and that I love too many movies and songs for my own good. Tell people that I feel more comfortable behind a camera lens than a desk. Tell them I'm a writer. Tell them that MJ changed your perspective on things. When you talk about me, tell them you're my US Marine. Say it with pride. Talk about how I like being barefoot and how I'm obsessed with gum and how everything in my life is enigmatic. I want you to talk about what ****** me off, what makes me happy, what makes me quiet. I want you to understand my silence. Talk about how I enjoy silent conversations sometimes. Tell them how I'm full of wanderlust and how I love the little things. When you talk about me, talk about me like you won't ever talk about me again. Make them remember me.
Remember me.

- {m.j.}
 Dec 2015 Chelle Quezon
5:07 p.m.
 Dec 2015 Chelle Quezon
So here is my pledge to you;

I will clean the coffee-stained cups after we stay up late watching old reruns of our favorite movies. I will fix the alignment of everything because OCD was never in our favor. I will lock the doors and windows at night and draw the curtains so our neighbors cannot see us inside. I will watch the rain with you from the left or right side of the bed (because I get the side closest to the window). I will stay up late with you when your mind is restless and your eyes are empty. You can tell me about your father and the way your mother makes the best turkey on Thanksgiving night. I will brush the knots out of your back and you can brush the knots out of my hair. I will hold you when your heart is heavy and you can’t move because nothing is okay anymore. I will stand on the sidelines cheering you on for every game I can go to. I will watch you climb the tallest mountains with the same energy as a five year old and I will silently wish I could be as strong as you are. I will **** the moths and you can **** the bugs and spiders. I will bandage up any cuts you create from being too full of energy when you accidentally hurt yourself. Maybe you can bandage my not-so accidental ones. I will wipe down the kitchen table after you teach me how to make something other than my usual burnt toast and boxed macaroni and cheese. I will watch you grow. I will water the flowers and I will make sure you eat all your meals and I will drag you to park concerts and cafés. I will show you what love is and I won’t stop until you know what falling in love is like. I think you’d like it. A lot of people do. I will make the bed and I will leave it messy just like how we left it. I will be the one under the mistletoe and I will be the one your mother adores. I will bury myself in the place right between your heart and your ribcage. I will be your mess of a lover. I will be home. And you will
Love me
Love me
Love me.

-I wouldn't mind making memories with you.
 Dec 2015 Chelle Quezon
1.. I remember way too many small details about people so I have to act dumb sometimes so I don’t freak them out.

2. I’m really boring and awkward if I’m not comfortable with you.

3. If we can’t joke around with each other, we can’t date.

4. I love forehead kisses and warm hugs.

5. Things I want but won’t ask for:
-good morning/night texts
-pictures/ candids of us
-surprises, even the little ones
-visiting and bringing favorite food (or coffee)
-a hoodie that smells like you
-really long hugs
-piggyback rides
-slow dances in the middle of the kitchen
-sincere compliments (I might disagree with you, but it still means a lot to me)
-real, deep conversations about everything and nothing
-comfort and patience (I get sad and I’m stubborn)
-tell me when, and how much you love me
-picking me up and kissing me (especially for photos)

6. I tend to get sentimental often - you will know when and why you are loved.

7. I will get very defensive over myself, and you when with others.

8. I will want you right next to me holding my hand at church sometimes. (Even though I’m not religious)

9. Sometimes I get in trouble and won’t be allowed to hang out.

10. I write. So expect me to write about you, me, us, and some things we do together. (And expect me to want and keep the materialistic things.)

11. I know I am thin, but having an eating disorder makes me think otherwise. Scars don’t help either. So swimming won’t happen for a while.

12. Baby steps. I am not rushing into anything.

13. Little post-it notes left in my locker from you would make my day so much better. I’ll give you the number and combination.

14. Saturdays are the best days to stop by and surprise me.

15. Be spontaneous. Be spontaneous. Be spontaneous.

16. With time, I will eventually fall in love with you. And you will too.

17. Medium iced caramel coffee, extra cream, two Splenda, and an extra shot of caramel. (If you ever want to surprise me.)

18. I’m old-fashioned. Letters, phone calls, dates, movies, dinner, breakfast, Friday night football games, city nights, art, pumpkin picking on Halloween, walks, coffee dates (I’ll drink the coffee), the beach, concerts, film festivals, couch-cuddling. Spontaneous.

19. I tend to not like myself a lot.

20. Meet my family. Nothing will happen if you don’t meet them. They need trust.

21. I need trust and acceptance. You know my issues.

22. If you ever plan to make me yours, do it in a really really cute way. It’ll be so important to me.
m.j., 9.6.15., 3:19pm.
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