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I laugh because it's funny,
how you can walk in a patch full of weeds,
and never notice the faithful rose.

but be careful,
her thorns are her scars.
they're guarding her heart.
but oh how easily they can be picked off.
thorn by thorn, piece by piece.
you'll make your way into her heart.

because you're like all the rest.
you'll take off each thorn, grab the vulnerable rose and tell her she's beautiful.

and then you'll destroy the rose.


because beauty is never seen until the scars are removed and the walls are broken down.
but some roses never know who is the one to remove the thorns.
thoughts are plaguing me, so I must write.
Like a bat out of hell
You released my heart from its cage
From my ribs it flew free
Set off to love you in a rage
Went full speed ahead
You said, "Why not jump? Take a chance?"
I lunged, I plunged
And you disappeared in a flash
Became distant and cold
Like it never meant a thing
Put my shattered heart back
Cut off its wings
And now you're holding her hand
She's kissing your cheeks
She's sleeping in your arms
When I haven't slept in weeks
They're all telling you to be strong,
when we're all hurting.
You see, I'm not the type of girl that just accepts sadness,
I'm the type of girl that wants to overcome it.
I want to honor the God who created me,
and try to be brave.

But oh, how hard life can be sometimes.

The expectations they hold,
sometimes it feels like they're asking for perfection.
I try so hard,
oh so hard.
How hard it is to be brave.

Because when the hurt we recieve,
we show it in return.
We've hurt ourselves by hurting others.

What would it be like to be loved by someone in the most perfect way?
We're all so capable of it.
But so many of us have been hurt,
we've forgotten how to be brave.
We've ignored it, and submitted to what every other person has done.
You see, I don't think it's because we don't want to be brave.
I feel like we don't know how to.

We don't know how to make our fake smiles into genuine smiles even on the worst days.
We don't know how to look at a horrible situation and realize how God might be saving us from something even harder.
We can't look at the people who have hurt us  and be able to forgive them.
You see, bravery isn't just an act of heroism.
It's the unimaginable.
The act of love,
Putting others first.
We've forgotten how to be brave.
Let's be brave.

— The End —