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 Nov 2014 celexaa
you've got the face
of a beautiful flower
that brings joy to all
those around,
especially me.

when you smile it's like
I am reborn.
the sun shines
the grass is
the water is
life is better
when your presence graces my

but behind the charming smile
and eyes that seem to light up,
is a sad, sad boy.

i know you are scared inside,
hiding behind the power and
you mask your screams with
a plastic smile
that you greet everyone with.
but i can see it in your face,
the face
with a frown eternally embedded into it.

you deserve to see daises
and beautiful butterflies,
you wonderful man.
you deserve all the love in the world,
and all the happiness
because i see the light in you
being eaten away by the darkness
you harbour.

don't let yourself drown in the
icy waters
and let the darkness
freeze you over
in this winter
wonderland of yours.

you deserve to be happy,
you built your walls to keep yourself in, not others out my dear.

{to this boy: I want you to be happy because you can do no wrong to anyone. You're literally the sweetest to everyone.}
 Oct 2014 celexaa
 Oct 2014 celexaa
I met him not long after I turned fourteen
young, fresh, with the bad girl twist
of knowing how to pet myself between
sure of my stride, sure of their greed
though when you begin to bleed
you tighten up your step in the dark
easy tight pink wet watermark

left to mull I'm all men hunger for
but they take what they need and nothing more

under fluorescent lighting, my first arrow found the hunt
wide, lurid eyes of a circling hawk
the game became me, rather I ripened
a chase of electric desire with no end
to live behind the backs of letdowns
+ **** + give + take on school grounds
what a finger to you I said with a drag of a smoke
lost as to whom I actually spoke
he drank the spring when it flowed so simply to him
fingered my throat and saw stars therein
took his fill and said don't call
seems he got all he needed, after all

seven years have passed since I was last fourteen
but I saw him last week walking down Leigh
he missed my glare as he passed
but I caught a glimpse of a hint of past
eyes of pitch locked in
too late
on yet again the youngest bait
 Oct 2014 celexaa
Nicole Bataclan
He steps out for air
It is time for a smoke
He craves the nicotine
Yet what he exhales
Is electronic.

It is Thursday night
Happy hour about to start
He is not allowed to drink
It has the same color
Apparently with the taste
Of what he is aiming for.

What then is the point
To root for a substitute
Is it so hard to swear off
We need familiarity that

A discrepancy between
What is and what seems.

Using this word to replace another
Perhaps one to soothe the torture
Finding excuses to justify actions
A lie in disguise enough to comfort.

He decides to go cold turkey
It is harder but at least
He is not pretending
He feels his truth, forgets the substitute
He learned what passive smoking means
And as of late,
Apple juice had become his drink.
 Oct 2014 celexaa
Christian Ek
She arrived mysteriously when the clock struck midnight on my dark rooftop. I turned and only her eyes glowed, they were inviting. I felt a seductive curiosity that compelled me to move towards her. The moonlight exposed her beautiful curse. She had black long hair like a black cats fur, red lips like they had been soaked in blood, and pale skin like that of a person who had seen a ghost. She said, "My name is Callidora, I will grant you immortality in exchange for your soul.” I shook in fear but her eyes said she could show me the world, what I desired the most. So I let her kiss me and lean toward my neck and bite me. We were flying in the cold dead air, taken from the living into something rare. My flaming soul in her heart now, my body reborn by her ****** saving kiss. She granted me the true gift of eternal life, a second chance that came at a price. I let her **** me for love because I wanted eternity with her.
 Oct 2014 celexaa
Aron De Ro
A quiver at the lip and a silent gasp
For a brief moment your eyes gave heaven a name
 Oct 2014 celexaa
Poetry by MAN
I burn inside for your love
Phoenix flames rise above
Ashes of me fill the air
Reborn I'll be without a care
Truth is I hope you dare
Rip me up go ahead and tear
Every way you are a beauty
Shining star stepped out a movie
Feel your skin soft and soothing
Enticing lips yes you move me
Imagination builds my fire
Fills me up with pure desire
Worship in me will not retire
For the Goddess I admire
With you I feel no hesitation
Together we share all information
Time well spent in preparation
Seeds intertwine for our new *Creation...
M.A.N 10-29-14

— The End —