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he slept facing his dreams,
lost in a world that didn't feel
the kisses i gently placed along his spine
or hear the "my darling, i love you" that i breathed
into his skin.
he slept facing his dreams,
and i laid against him,
facing mine.

Your melancholic memories come every second
You are invisibly floating all around me
My breathe plays your melody
My heartbeat plays your love-poem
My soul listens to my own LOVE longing
The breeze swirling your scent around me
I walk amidst your fresh jardine

When my eyes are traversed by YOUR eyes
Then the weather drenches me with your colors
And YOU pour all colors of LOVE on me

My numerous sleepless nights
I stand and see you in the stars
I count every sparkle you've left behind
In those million heart beats within

In that nighty silence I wait to hear
Your silence footsteps walking around me
I look up and see the reflection of
YOU nudging & hugging me from behind
In the mirror of that bright BIG moon

Each passing breathe conveys your arrival
The one, who is revered & adored all the time
My heart-beats showers cascades of blossoms
All along the places YOU- my BELOVED exists
And I render the whole world in my BELOVED's colors

Omnia *** pretio.

The door slammed
like a gunshot.

His life had
just left him.

No respite.

Now he had
to learn
how to live
with a whole
new life.

It's always
The moon and the stars combined as one
To reveal the beauty of the sky
While the sun stayed hidden from the darkened night
Only to soon reunify

A glimpse of hope shone in her eyes
While standing all alone
She was lost, and now was found
The Earth was her home

She had dreamt about the good old days
When there were people in her life
To wake up and only realize
It would all end with a knife

Depression always took over her
She’d fall right in its traps
But stars shine the brightest
When they’re starting to collapse
They could not sow anything else but seeds of hatred
Now what will crop up nothing less buds with blood
The next generation is of ****** thirst hounds avid
How can love overcome when nothing remains sacred

Gift of father travels through very many generations
It becomes root cause of all evils in many great nations
It corrupts worthy daughters becomes debacle for sons
When atmosphere becomes sheer dark without beckons

Prayers are destitute slogans are but just sham excuse
Only charity remains in the shape of just utter refuse
It is not possible now to inject life or confidence to infuse
Bruised minds and injured hearts will not be able to diffuse

Time can not wait for stupids to come up to the occasion
Broken donkeys are unable to carry troublesome burden
Life is a reality it is not a dream of a driven and drunken
Real pragmatic people believe in life in action and function

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
I will write poetry about you
The patterns in your freckles
The color of your eyes
The wit in your smile
The way it makes me me feel when you say "baby"

I want you to feel
The way you make me feel
I spill my love
I call you
And I wonder if you stay up late at night grinning
And I wonder if you ever write poetry
about me
dear sky,
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