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 Aug 2023 Caleb Kyme
when i was younger i begged time to go faster
i wanted to grow up right then and there
but now that i know the horrors of growing older
i wish i could've stayed young
...but the years are short. -unknown
You used to adore me
Then I finally let you in
And now all you see
Are my flaws and insecurities

Is it all in my head
Or did you prove myself right
Is it because of what I said
Or what I did that night

I was so stupid
I was so foolish
I knew I shouldn’t have done it
But couldn’t help and be selfish

All I wanted was to express
And now I’m depressed
Because of the excess
Actions I could’ve accessed

I can be obsessive
But please see my intentions
I was trying to be impressive
But all it caused was tension

This is my flaw, I know
I just wanted to show
All the love that you deserve
But it’s that I couldn’t preserve
 Feb 2023 Caleb Kyme
 Feb 2023 Caleb Kyme
How do I paint my life ?
when I don't dream in colors.
Is like living caged in your mind.
 Feb 2023 Caleb Kyme
Edmund black
Anything I desire
I swear it to the moon
Desires me back
I craved you
I wanted you
I needed you
I felt you
I touched you
I heard you
I saw you
I loved you
And yet people says that
You only exists inside my head
Sunshine’s If true
You’re the most alluring memory
That I’ve ever created in a lifetime.
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