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  Dec 2014 lotus lord
Andrew Switzer
I knew you would forget, just as soon as the sun would rise,
But your words, cliché and hollow, came as no surprise.
I asked but one small favor, at both break and close of day,
Just to hear you say hello, but now, hope's bled away.
  Dec 2014 lotus lord
she tells me that i lack a little something
to be her perfect man.
it's such a pretty way to tell me that i
will never be him.
oh the irony
lotus lord Dec 2014
we blame others for what we do but why

we have a choice to do what we want
for we are not forced to do anything we do not want to do

so why blame others for what we do when we are the ones to blame
lotus lord Dec 2014
why make rules if people brake them

for in this world we have people who we call rule breakers
and then we have people who we call goodies

not everyone is a goddie
and most of the time goodies want to prove they can be bad
so they even brake rules

so why make rules if there just going to get brokn
  Dec 2014 lotus lord
I get sad when you come to mind....
I have wanted you for so long.... i hoped one day you would be the one I would find..

I have loved you for so long....
I never stopped loving you even when i had a 'toy' to help forget what brought my saddness on...

Even when hed be here....I still looked for you *** it was you who should have been there.
Not once did i ever stop thinking about you......
I knew somehow you were behind it all in some way too...

When john died close to 3 yrs now.....

you were there to talk to me all the time...
making me feel better ....
getting the sun again to shine.

I wish it were that way now *** when my mom dies....
how will i  manage......  i ust dont know how...

You used to seem so much more compassionate and loving about life..
Now its not that way....
I wish i could go change it or so you can end it for me, just hand you the knife.
I really wish you were still my buddy *** you were so very special to me espcially at certain times in the past few yrs.
lotus lord Dec 2014
how is it that the good get punished and the wrong gets away

we have been told if you tell the truth you will not get in as much trouble if you told a lie

but just think if you tell he truth you do get introuble but if you lie theres the chance you get away

so why tell the truth
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