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  Dec 2014 lotus lord
Is it ok
for me
to be a ***** today
so that I don't have to deal
with you
and my demons
that stalk my every move?
Repost if you ever have one of those days where you are a ***** to everyone, accidentally or intentionally.
(so ****** i don't even include a song XD)
lotus lord Dec 2014
I'm a monster when I wake up

My hairs messy
I could care let about what happening around me
Don't want to get up or out of bed
I'm half wake
And hard to get up

Cause if you mess with me when I'm asleep I'm like a monster cause you disturbed my peace
lotus lord Dec 2014
Is it OK to have a girl moment

Like when something big happens with your best friend even though you both are a tomboy

Is it OK to have a girl moment
lotus lord Dec 2014
it time to get over it all

go to sleep or hang with friends make it better

get over what has happened today or this week
tomorrow is a new day to forget the bad that has happened
yesterday is the past
the past is the past that cant be changed

but today is a day you can change
so change it for the better not the worst

put on a smile and shine your day
this is to everyone who has or has been having a bad day
lotus lord Dec 2014
Time will tell when its ready

We wait like a kid on Christmas to find out

If there the one,
If are dreams will come true,
If we get married or have kids,
If we get want we want,
If we will ever be happy in life,

Time will tell when its ready
lotus lord Dec 2014
sometimes i scare myself

i talk to myself when im alone
i spend my time video gaming with other people cause they dont know me
i pretend to have to people i hold most next to me when i sleep
i find myself aruging with myself
i get mad over nothing

sometimes i scare myself
lotus lord Dec 2014
People are like candy
You have sweet ones and you have sour ones
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