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 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
Pagan Paul
How I wish I could lay my head
down gently on your thighs,
to make you moan and sigh aloud
and slowly close your eyes.

How I wish I could use my tongue
and give you more than rhyme,
to bring a flush up to your cheek,
of feelings beyond space and time.

How I wish that I could speak
in words of feathered certainty
and so entice your curious mind
to lay down with me for eternity.
© Pagan Paul (2017)
For the Muse I have yet to meet.
For the Lady I have yet to undress.
For the Lover I have yet to eat.
For the Goddess I have yet to impress.
I continue searching for you.
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
I want a life of quiet wildness.
A soul roaming free
in a forest
made for me.
The steady
of rain landing on each leaf.

Ive been running through the green in my mind,
while walking through the day to day.

A safe haven of feral peace where I listen to a loud world through the ears of a quiet spirit is what I require.

The world seems to be getting noisier,
but the untamed parts seem to be vanishing.

Like entropy,  
is the beautiful chaos seeping out of the world...

...or out of me?
I don't know how much I love you
My fall has no rain
Never had
19 years old girls,they don't understand
Maybe I was jealous of God
when I saw the sun,yellow
I had forgotten my stories
Grandpa 's stick dose not turned to butterfly
My death is not beautiful
It would not be beautiful
A cloudy house maybe
With singing clouds
I see your shining eyes
We had forgotten the songs
I give you my earrings
I will miss Nastaran
She's not remembering her mom's embrace
Her dress,white
-I just see this -
Maybe I was jealous of God
That she was so beautiful
I don't understand my feelings about you
Your words has put Jasmine to sleep
Their eyes turned black
-no Jasmine-

You may not believe
You are the first person reading my poems in a language I don't know.
Sometimes being thankful loses its meaning
I never knew how to rime...
I've always seen you as the poet I love with no permission .
I don't know how much I love you
Don't look at the sky...
Please don't look at the sky

من نمی دانم چه قدر شما را دوست دارم
پاییز من باران ندارد
...هیچوقت هم نداشت
دختران نوزده ساله نمی فهمند
شاید حسادت من به خدا بود
وقتی خورشید را زرد می دیدم
قصه هایم یادم نبود
عصای پدربزرگ پروانه نمی سازد
مرگ من زیبا نیست
زیبا نخواهد ماند
شاید خانه ای ابری باشد
ابرهایش آواز خواندند
من درخشش چشمان شما را می بینم
ترانه ها یادمان نبود
و من گوشواره هایم را
به شما می سپارم
دلم برای نسترن تنگ می شود
آغوش مادرش یادش نمی ماند
پیراهنش سفید است
- فقط همین را می بینم -
شاید از حسادت من به خدا بود
که او آنقدر زیباست
احساسم را به شما نمی فهمم
کلام شما
یاسمن ها را خوابانده است
چشمانشان سیاه شد
- یاسمن نبود -

شاید باور نکنید
شما اولین کسی هستید که شعرهای من را می خوانید
به زبانی که نمی فهمم
گاهی اوقات تشکر معنایش را از دست می دهد
...من هیچوقت بلد نبوده ام شعر بگویم
همیشه شاعری را که خیلی دوستش داشتم
بی هیچ اجازه ای در شما می دیدم
من نمی دانم چه قدر شما را دوست دارم
به آسمان نگاه نکن
...خواهش می کنم به آسمان نگاه نکن
I wrote this poem for Jawahar Gupta about a year ago,,, :-)
The wind directs the snow
Horizontally down Spartan Ave.,
But for a moment,
A snow-funnel pirouettes
Like a music-box dancer.
I hum some Tchaikovsky
As it exits.
Act II follows,
I sweep the stage
For the soldiers marching across frozen fields.
The music stops.
I shut the door.
Enough Tchaikovsky for this winter.
Title is from Chuck Berry's masterpiece, "Roll Over Bethoven."
3 generations of dust gathered
on a groove outside my
breeze licks hair licks salt to nose
are we all not
here but to suffer
in our own forgetful minds

This loneliness and sunny languor
is a mirage
so big I cannot fathom
it, nor can I remember
my sadness's Name
i fixed the error, but it trended oops
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