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 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
Jim Davis
Blue is the best color
The water of the ocean
The water of the sky
Why in this world
Should I have to lie

Blues in all hues
Coloring waters
Coloring sad souls
Creating music
When feeling like dying
Although never more alive

However, what of the next
World that will come
Colors of sky
Colors of sea
Can you imagine
What they will be

Kalish perhaps, or ******
Or hooloovoo all the lot
Or another color
I'm sure it will be
Unknown to now, although
A color of astonishment to see

The streets are of gold
The light always shines
God's glory fills all space
But still left to wondering
What color of the heavens
And oceans deep for pondering

Is the grass grue or bleen
Or made of little blades
Of rainbows all around
Once twirled upon
Sparkling like jewels
In the most lavish of crowns

Wondering now,
Imaginings now
Finding out soon enough
Once we die and then rise
Blinded by God's colors
Through all of his eternity

© 2016 Jim Davis
From Wikipedia:
  "Kalish, a color in the ultraviolet range seen by Klingons in the Star Trek novel Pawns and Symbols"

****** is "every color of the rainbow, all at once" in the book The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie Andrews Edwards.[4]

Hooloovoo – a superintelligent shade of the color blue in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams.

Grue and bleen – colors that change after an arbitrary, but fixed time; coined by philosopher Nelson Goodman to illustrate what he calls "the new riddle of induction."[1]
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
Sophia Lynne
I picture you in a coffee shop. sipping on something hot. You're occupied on your laptop, there's a little book right next to it with a pencil (not mechanical). You seem very at peace but... concentrated. You look like you know what you're doing. Maybe you're writing an essay for school. Maybe you're a writer like me.

Whenever I see you in my head, I'm never involved. I'm watching you from a distance and I don't think you notice me. I don't think you ever will. It's up to me to make the first move. It's up to me to say something intriguing enough to peek your interest. By the time I meet you, I wont be so worried about what you may think of me (unless I happen to remember this moment, that is). I'll be sure of myself. I'll know who I am by then.
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
Each day fades to nothing,
No matter the lies
I tell myself.
The hardest words to say,
So easily ignored.
Trying to exist
For the only reason
that should matter,
The urge to live.
Shouldn't I feel that?
Shouldn't I breathe
And swim in glory (if only rarely)?
Instead, I cannot keep the night at bay —
The darkness without question,
The Underworld.
Tell me there's something else.
Let me feel again.
Some sweetness, Forgiveness.
Pleasure, Passion.
Truth. With new eyes.
Write, delete. Write, delete. Can't get my ******* head straight.
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
You see, I know what's real and not
To some degree
I know you're lovely,
crazy beautiful,
Honey in the sun

I have eyes
I know I'm weird
I argue with my daughter over which toys are hers and mine
To play with

Ive tasted "store honey"
And "wild honey"

Wild Honey

I wish to drip You
On my dry tongue

Steal you,
from the bees

Keep your golden self
In my glass jar


Wild honey
And a dream.....
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
Yes, they don't invite me to dinner
They look at me strangely
Like I'm in the zoo
And they've paid to see
I smile
Hope it was worth the money
I don't want your
overweight hubby,
I'm the goodbye girl
Touch me,

Then leave
An out cast. Me......
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
There's an old grave yard up on the hill near by
I like to go there and sit and look at the tombstones that are so old you can't see the names on them
Because I'm morbid I guess, I feel at home there
Today I went there
I took some of my little resin fairy folk and gnomes
I've been strangely obsessed with those little resin, fake people as of late
I made them a village
With their very own cemetery and fake dead things
The fairy princess is a **
Promiscuous princess is knocked up and doesn't know who the baby daddy is
The ****** gnomes pass her around like a water **** at a party
The fairy Prince is gay
I put them in a paper bag with my whiskey and went to hang with the dead for awhile
I played pretend with them for awhile, the dead and the little people
Then I drank till I started to remember how my life *****
And how alone I really am
I burried my face in my skirt
And cried
Sigh. Yep folks, it's not very poetic, but it's today.
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
you smiled at me
i could feel the tears coming
but i smiled back
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