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 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
sri vidya
why do we think so much
about the feelings we hide?

why do we filter our thoughts
after a decent amount of overthinking
— only to end up saying things half-heartedly?

what am i afraid of,
what do i fear the most about speaking my heart —
how can i not trust it enough to say
the right things?

as a strong believer of wholehearted expression,
i am a hypocrite for holding back

i just cant put my heart in a position
where it could be
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
Oh, so fleeting were they
The years we spent together..
I selectively trace the wrinkles in my soul
to create the picture I see with in it all.
I leave some creases un marked,
others are made blue, then green .

This is how I create my inner scene
Who i am and who I want to be.

You see all these marks, create a bigger picture
with in all the lines, there are words and gestures.
Within all the instances there are gained impressions.

With in all of me , there is something deeper
with in all my rolling hills there are some which are steeper
With in all my throw aways there were one or two keepers.
The sun just kicked a hole in the clouds
to look me in the face,
as hail like sea salt pelts my windshield.
For those who love the concept of power,
   but hate its execution

A raging tiger has just left its cage,
—to feed on your confusion

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
do not get hard
do not let life harden
the beauty of a broken soul is much more lovable than that of a ****** heart

do not get hard
do not let life harden
these trials and trespasses are the water to your seed, don't you see?

go and grow. let your roots turn from ash to soil to stem to life to comfort.
stay soft.

And may everyone you touch run their fingers over your scars with disbelief.
Show them how your painful life is not pitiful, but beautiful.

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