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 Jul 2014 Humblebee
Nazi Neyz
I am nothing
but a collection
of dreams;
a cluster of lives
that I have
not yet lived
 Jun 2014 Humblebee
 Jun 2014 Humblebee
Let’s dream of a place,
In between spaces of space
In this whimsical hour
Watch how time devour,
Our lyrical tryst
Amidst the winter mist

Sharing dream amid the flowers
for a couple of hours
The dreams in which I'm dying
Or rather just denying
Deluding the petty mind
Of the worldly grind

It’s a beautiful day
So dazed, we just lay
Birds and bees won’t disturb us,
While our thoughts turn incongruous
We’ll forget that we are even real
It’ll all be too surreal.

You open your eyes to say
Out comes only a pray
Slowly the dusk beckons
Breaking your heart it’s gone;
Gasping desires
Dreams on a pyre.
My uncle.
Who I love.
Is a peculiar man.
He once told me of the oddest conspiracy.
He said that the reason major governments of the earth don't fight each other constantly, is because the already do.
In space.

Each country has a ship.
Armed and maned to the teeth.
And they just shoot at each other.
And that's how all of the big national disputes were settled.
Star Trek style.

So when I heard this, I tossed my thoughts into the atmosphere.
Letting them swirl and shine among the satellites.
What did they do, up there?
Sitting in their spaceships.
Thinking of each other.
Wondering why they all were stuck in tin can time bombs.
Surrounded by the icy void.
Waiting for their ships to be shot out of the sky.
The debris to fall through children's dreams and shooting stars.
Spitting sparks like ancient dragons.

And these people wait for that.
Hidden from sight and mind.
Only just to shoot at each other.
Over a border, a mans wish, or a loaf of bread.
Inspired by seeing article about why conspiracies appeal to us, and wondered how I would write it as a poem. And my uncle.
 May 2014 Humblebee
Sharina Saad
****** me not
with your **** pair of eyes
****** me not
with your gentle charming smile
****** me not
with your heavenly lip
You need not fool me
That you are not even real
You need not fool me
That you are not even trying...
By just standing there
looking godly...
you've bared it all...
Bold and bright,
It strikes at night,
Giving sight,

Followed by thunder,
hidden wonder,
heartfelt raindrops,
Taking flight.

Lost for years,
with faithful fears,
always close,
Still in sight.

If I'm stuck,
Out in the storm,
I'll be home soon,
To keep you warm.
Emotion is nice.

— The End —