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brandon nagley Jul 2015
At the lowest part of hell
I looked up from mine destitute cell,
And saweth a light I thought to be just a light
Yet it was no ordinary glowing!!!!
It was mine (mi amour')
As her face was lit and showing,
I fell to the hellish floor
Humbled by her coming,
As I kneweth the same love from mine past life
Hath cometh to safe-guard me again,
To SAVETH ME from mine sins
For a new beginning
And not mine own end!!!
As tis I asked her (how must i repayeth thy selfless deed) ?
She said to me (sweetie, thou art mine and forever wilt thou be)
As again I fell on hand's and knees crying
From the joy she hast brought)
I kneweth at that moment
In her love I was comfortably lost...
Tis no bad lost,
But a lost into her soul!!!
As we connected once again
From whence we were born as twin ghosts.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Like a 1969 poetic hippy on haight-ashbury street,
Mine pen is another san-franciscan song
Making another poetic beat....
Bop bop
Bop pa tee bop
Bop bop
Bop pa tee bop....
Playing that spiritual poetic sound........

Wearing flower's in mine hair
Is something the normals
Couldst not understand!
About a free spirited poetic as me...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As I looked into the face of the Almighty

I couldst seeith the whole universe of poetry
In his fiery eyes,
As I saweth all the beauty
And pain
And the hurt
And the love
And the romance of the poets....

A poetic tear fell from mine wayside...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Took a nap HP
Just woketh up,
Now it's pop-its time
To thrown them on the sidewalk.....
To be a child again.....
Am I still five?

It's almost the fourth of July lollll......
This is true.. Pop-its and just woke from nap lol
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mine angel always telleth me
(Brandon I don't belong to this place called earth)
Thou art right amour',
Thou art an angel!!!
And Angels aren't meant for a human race
Angels art meant for one another.....
And me and thee....
Don't belongeth here.....
We cameth here to find eachother again...
And that is all that matter's....
Is that I looked for so long,
And finally again
I hadst found thee amour'....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The legion of mine zeal for thee
Outreaches unknown boundaries,
No barbed wire to holdeth me back
Just a ( I loveth thee to mine mami) (  to mine love)
And a ( I needeth thee now) oh papi ( from mine love)!!!!
From the one I sit on hold....
Slang we shalt speaketh as peasants
But ourn amare richer than most,
To guide her by mine allegiance
To bathe with her in comet lighting toast...
Her jazzy sensual patois
To pleat me in mine king throne bassinet,
The queen to taketh mine angst
And lie me in a dream I canst forget.
She whispers deeply secrets
As mine ears perk in excite,
Her eyes burn voluptuous through mine
She comforts me at night!!!!!
I canst never tread off
From the only familiar ***** rose,
I've toldeth thee all long ago
We were past life amour's of long beginning show.
The asteroids we used as projection
To maketh ourn way here,
Yet now the earth's ending
We must return to infinate angel years...
Ourn Chronograph's don't telleth Pace's
Only ourn soul's affection for eachother,
As a monarch of the Luna atmosphere she is
Twas I was sent here to bring her back into her home
Mine arms.....
Mine eyes
Mine mind
Mine soul
Mine spirit......

Wherein she already knoweth she belongs!!!!
As tis
She was mine
Long before she ever kneweth it..
Jul 2015 · 448
fourth of july rebel
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Tis I bought me some smoke ***** for the fourth of July
Tis I shalt be naughty today,
Throw them in mine neighbor's yard
And watch those bright color's fly.... Hehehe
Lollll I really am throwing them in neighbors yard across from mine apartments and also all around mine apartments im throwing them lol boredom at its best lol I'm silly...... Need excite hahahahaha goofy poem
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When she speaketh
Those purest newbirth words
( I loveth thee hunny)
I remember to breathe again...
As tis a respire of fresh air ...
From mine amare....
Jul 2015 · 234
brandon nagley Jul 2015
He wore his mask as his face
And his face as a mask....
Jul 2015 · 443
Gulley of shangri la
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Row mine carcass down to the Shangri la valley's
Between the mountain's of amour'
Wherein peace floweth in mine essence
Through the heavenly gulley's
Wherein I'll meet mine queen of far shore
Jul 2015 · 404
Breed dwindling
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Being someone's dream
And being someone's reality
Art two different entities....
As in being one's dream
( their just that, not real, an illusion)
Being one's reality....
Whether on the interweb or in person
Means thou wouldst do anything to be with that person
Something one cannot do whilst dreaming..
Such as taking a plane
Or even thy own feet
To go be with that person in realness....
In dreams sure thou canst be with one in thy head at night
But in the morning thou shalt waketh up alone,
And truly wish those dream's were real....
A saddened illusion..
I'm a realist,
I'm the crazy one who'd take
A plane
A bus
Or car
Or feet,
To SEE the one I love.  
I'm just a hopeless romantic realist...
And proud to be..
We're a dying breed these days.....
Verily I telleth thee....

I'm a dying breed...
Jul 2015 · 439
Dying before dead
brandon nagley Jul 2015
He thought he hadst died whilst leaving his body
After the motorcycle accident..
Tis God hadst told him,

That he hadst died long ago
From his own depression.....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Satan's biggest lie to us.....

That we aren't good enough for ourn own selves,
And more than that....

That we aren't good enough for one another.....


As we all know,
Satan perceives himself as the angel of light....
Jul 2015 · 329
Jib jabble
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Warmly hour's
Bring me thy sun showers,
Calmly flower's
Wrap around mine veins.....
Sway to the clouded path
Down the dark hall,
Sweet boutique renaissance
Reminisce with me,
On clouds!!!!
Shaded grey
I seeketh thee not....
I'm no slave
To the could've had,
Could've not....
I'll be me
No different,
Lover of high hope.
I'll fly the band of love,
Cavort the minstrel stage.
Pivotol of all being
Just being in the moments cave...
Not expecting
Just waiting on what is...
Loving til mine spirit bleedeth,
Hung up on bliss.
Graced by God
Committing all mineself
Giveth all to other's.......
No seeking back the help...
For I'm guided by the soul
It taketh me many places
Showeth me different era's
Wherein I shalt meet a thousand faces...
Just good sounding poem (:
Jul 2015 · 390
Fourth of july cry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I'd be lying
To telleth thee...
I'd be quote
Watching the fourth of July fireworks by mineself....
Though tis a blessing
With family next to thou...
( wanting ourn lover) next to us yet noone there....
Is a hard bullet to bite....
As I'm dreading  those powerful sounds tommorrow,
As I'm dreading seeing heavenly lights,
With such in unheavenly loneliness...

As so many think the fourth is a day to celebrate freedom..
I think more a day for hopeless romantic's to feeleth
Their pain splurge into an artistic lightshow platform...
Jul 2015 · 447
Phone connect
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Just to connect again
To the tone of her **** (drop to thy knees) voice
Is only hopeful wishing......
                                                I guess,
How I miss it soo...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Just that heavenly feeling
Of ones hand's with nail's dragging across mine chest,
Would giveth me such comfort
For tis the best...
Though no hand's
No nail's to rub across
Mine chest suddenly hurts again
To the cuddle not found in the hopelessly lost.
Jul 2015 · 636
Cheribum baby
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Whilst everyone leaveth her
By herself and alone...

I shalt not walketh away
For she is mine home...

And without that abode
I haveth no foundation,

For amour' is made by spirit.
Not human translation!!!

As the translating hast been hidden
From mankind...

Yet we art not them
Not thy own kind....

We were sent here
To teacheth thee grace....

The world we've become disgusted to,
As thou hath killed thine own race...

Yet with her I am im in place
Smiling she maketh me daily....

I couldst never walketh away
From mine cheribum baby!!!!

                           ©brandon nagley-
                           ©lonesome poets poetry
I keep forgetting I gotta start copy writing mine work since had one take one of mine poems already ugh don't wanna go through work copy writing all oh well if you steal poem from me at least use it for your loved one you wanna woo lol
brandon nagley Jul 2015
A plush Spanish cena I shalt cook for her
As Flambeau's shalt light her strand's
A Greek wine to pour from mine ancestry,
Made from ourn lip's of grape juice secretion....

© Brandon nagley & (lonesome poets poetry) owner (:
brandon nagley Jul 2015
By morning her depression haunt's her
By midday boredom gets her
So the mall she pays a visit...
And night the bookstore calleth her,
As she gets lost in her dream's
Whilst reading strange novels
And romantic things....

She stay's and read's for hour's
Fixed with her eyes glued
Forgetting the world behind her
She's a serpahim stuck in global noose...
As tis she leaveth
The book palace and goes to the park,
She sits in her car reading
Poem's on H.P by lonely heart's...
As tis this moment shes not lonesome
She stareth at her moon.
All her daily sorrow's
Art gone in her orb so true...
Though tis she still thinketh of me
In the back of her mind,
I'm just glad when she responds to me
To telleth me she is mine!!!!!!
As mine heart doth flutter
To a happiness of sweet divine....

©Brandon nagley ( lonesome poet's poetry)
Jul 2015 · 300
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Dont read me...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As I looked at his shadow...
I realized his shadow was lonelier than I hadst thought!!!!
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Opulent expatriate of mine vision's,
I delayed for thee on a timeclock not known to terrestrial creature's...
I hath seen thy feature's
Whence I was perched upon the lozenge conduit,
Henceforth knowing it was thee,
Mine other half....
Mine anodyne of high godly class.....
Mine spirit without thee is halfed,
Like a split down mine center.....

For thou hath entered me
Through the eye's
And into mine conscience!!!!
For thou feeleth as if thyself hath no worth,
But I remembered thee at ourn spiritual birth
From whence we were covered in blankets!!!
Warmed by eachother's skin...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I was so lost in her eyes
then she walked out of my life
Leaving me without directions, hopelessly,

I couldn't find a way
So as to run along
And get away
She took away a part of me....

And as she tooketh a part of me
I couldst not let her go,
She is mine true amour',
Mine queen, that pulled me from below...

And as she pulled me up
The thunder cloud's broke,
I couldst feel ourn soul's
Uniting in ***** blood poke...

But she didn't keep our promise
And she doesn't seem to care,
Now I miss the scent of love
That once was in the air.

I know she had the right to go
Yet unfair of her to walk away,
For she broke our lifetime promise
The promise to stay!!!!

As she broke ourn promise to stay
Tis was painful every day
Night for me was blackness
The moon was blood by pains...

As whilst the moon didst release
It's cruor in the dusk
Mine amare said she'd be here
Through the storm's of human bust...

But human's art not us
As tis we aren't them.......
So she walked away anyways
Leaving me a broken man

And here I am, writing of her
With the hope that she'll be back soon
I think I'm just going insane
My lonesome nights, talking to moon
This was idea Mina came up with about a man who loved a woman soo much and she broke every promise of staying to her man and her man still lingers waiting for her though she walked away sadly ... Hope you all enjoy... By me and Mina ,(:::
Jul 2015 · 476
Passage way home
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Even whilst hiding from fear in the dark
I knoweth mine amour' is here
To light that little passage way with a spark...
Jul 2015 · 357
Poem deleted
Jul 2015 · 1.9k
Aurora Borealis
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mi amour'
Do not get jealous
Mi amour,
Didst thou knoweth?
Thou art mine Aurora Borealis....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Like two amante de,
They liveth off eachother's lifeblood....
They taketh care of one another.....

Making sweet potion
Under jungle light's
Taking alien flight!!!!
Jul 2015 · 247
Beast tame
brandon nagley Jul 2015
She tameth
The wild beast inside mine soul..
She's a beast tamer...
Jul 2015 · 470
Jul 2015 · 205
Cancer cure
brandon nagley Jul 2015
            The cure to all cancer....
Jul 2015 · 166
Wonder of amour'
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Tis a crazy thing.....

Yet if used right...

Canst do wonder's....
Jul 2015 · 338
Angelic rings....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Flaxen seed amour', mine all, distant shored plore I giveth thee...
Begging on hand's and knees to letteth me fill thine wound's with holiness serum...... A lilac blush I shalt layeth upon thy cheek as blushing thou shalt do, from all mine affection towards thee, and me and thou through the celestial darkness shalt wing to the moon....we shalt maketh the news,
As the silent human's shalt be tearied eyed from ourn devotion!!
Ourn bodie's to sway in unearthly motion to smile at eachother's reflection's in all sin for ournselves to be reincarnated to ourn past life selves... As ourn finger's shalt swell.........

From locking ourn ring's soo tightly!!!!!!

Angelic matrimony ring's I mean.....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Danse petits gitans, haute la poussière de fée et hobbit ale...
( french tongue)

English version-

Dancing little gypsies, high off fairy dust and hobbit ale..
brandon nagley Jul 2015
mientras encerrado en celda de aislamiento mío, un serafín vino y me salvó, del infierno de barro mío, y mientras ella me salvó, y me sacó del pozo de la mina ..... me di cuenta de que estaba allí todo el tiempo ... como su Quedo a la espera para mí venir conseguir ...
( Spanish tongue)

(English tongue)

Whilst locked away,in mine isolation cell, a seraphim came and saved me, from mine miry hell, and whilst she saved me, and pulled me from mine pit..... I realized she was there all along... as her I await for me to come get...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Static amare,
Wherein art thou?
To sticketh around and careth.....

Staunch lover,
For wherein art thou?
To loveth me? And not another......

Singular saccharine,
For wherein art thou?
To giveth realism, not just a dream....

Resolute angel,
For wherein art thou?
For in ourn own web of amour', to get tangled!!!

Requisite yearning's,
Shalt thou cometh?
Mine soul is burning..... .

Profound all,
Shalt thou ever arriveth after all??

Genre of seraphim,
Dost thou heareth me?
To be as me to be open and not hush, hush, Mum!!!!

Genteel chronic,

I needeth catharsis,
As assuaging of antibiotic!!!!

Merger marriage,
Thy scarcity is much
Yet still the purest touch
I reacheth mine hand's for....
Immutable I wanteth thee,
Though tis,
There art none....

So I retract as I bleedeth....
For noone just good writing ():
Jul 2015 · 623
Nominal and nebulous
brandon nagley Jul 2015
An aberration I am, abject from the Chimera's I've run across. Tis, their charisma cometh at a cost, as ourn head's and ourn heart's get lost in the moment!!!!

Chronic charlatan's maketh one feeleth infinitesimal, insinuater's as the vegetables, slowly creeping in with an innate falsehood....

Gregarious they art,
Putting on an act
As Lucifer.....

As he portrays guile in their way's!!

As whilst their gravity of their affections couldn't be as soo much farther from the truth!!!!

Nominal in all stagnation.....

Nebulous bringer's of happiness,
As tis....

They art not happy themselves!!
Just made up good poem ():;::
Jul 2015 · 591
nostalgia heart attack
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Knocketh on mine ventricular door
Where art thou?
Mi amour'....
Where art thou?
Mine home....
Wherein art thou?

I don't knoweth....
Jul 2015 · 372
Sensory in tune
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mine sensory,
Is not as all the others......

I canst feeleth
All the thing's that art invisible to the materialistic mammals!

As tis
If they didst haveth all mine senses
They wouldst runneth from fear.......
brandon nagley Jul 2015
"Stand By Me"

When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we see
No I won't be afraid
No I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darling, darling stand by me
Oh, now, now, stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me

If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountain should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry
No I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darling, darling stand by me
Oh, stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me
Oh, now, now, stand by me
Oh, stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

Darling, darling stand by me
Stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by
Need one to stand by me /: words and song is a cryer to me... Tear jerker lol stupid tears eh lol (): ():::::::::
Jul 2015 · 467
mother's quote of aliens
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I told me mum
Didst thou knoweth that thou hath given birth to an alien?
I told her me.....
She said to me
( I don't giveth birth to aliens)
Aliens giveth birth to alien's.......

The truest poet of them all....
Think of it...
Mother's art the real poetry to life...
Carrying every single ***-word to man
Whilst being in pain with child in the womb....

And their word's art quite poetic......

Whilst at same time
Reading us bedtime stories
Of the big bad wolf
Huffing and puffing.

And goldey locks....

Now  that's poetry from mother ..

(): lollllllllllll I don't feel good don't mind me at all... Lol long day
Lol true story about me telling mum I'm an alien lol true!!! Love her (): best friend hahahaha
Jul 2015 · 246
Instinct love
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The true friends
Art the ones
That when thou dissapeareth for a few days....
Their the one's who calleth thee
Who check on thee
Who loveth thee.....

Even if they canst say it(love word)
We just know it....
brandon nagley Jul 2015

Would this do, to make it all right
While sleep has taken you ,where I'm out of sight

I'll make my getaway
Time on my own
Search for a better way
To find my way home to your smile

Wasting days and days on this fight
Always down, and up half the night
Hopeless to reminisce through the dark hours
We'll only sacrifice what time will allow us
You're sighing...

All alone though you're right here
Now it's time to go ,from your sad stare

I'll make my getaway
Time on my own
Leaving's a better way
To find my way home to your smile
Soo beautiful yet sadly to me /: alot
Jul 2015 · 2.4k
Missing their inner beauty
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When one finds no happiness in their own selves,
How canst they find it in others?
More than that...
How canst they maketh another down person happy?
They can't...
If God doth not remain in ones spirit
The person knoweth no happiness..
If they thinketh they art happy....
Their happy if but for a second....
Worldly happiness....

Always cometh to a halt....
Jul 2015 · 212
Poetry emergency
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Bleeding out with the lonesomeness to be its water ....
Jul 2015 · 264
Sleeping beauty....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Don't knoweth if anyone else feeleth this way
But when thyelf taketh a break from HP
And cometh back more lonesome,
Seeing all the other lover's writeth
Mine heart sinketh to the abyss
I feeleth I want to go to sleepeth...
Jul 2015 · 819
Beddy bye waterfall eyes
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Waterfall eyes
A good comfort before
Mine beddy bye time....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
He was just a modern day Shakespherian
With some poe blood
He showed the world
And Gaveth all his love....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
mine de tendre bavures la chute de la déchirure que les années goutte de vie de la mine, reine de rêve de, ne peut pas une réalité que nous faisons dans la vie ourn? dans lequel il n'y a pas de douleur, ni les conflits, mais un trésor que nous mettons la main de ourn dans tous les temps, nous devons une tranche de eachother amour !!! Que fais mienne l'aorte haveth en magasin oh acknowledger de la mine aimer sort ..... ce sort à l'enfer de poète oh lonesome ...... ( french tongue)

(English translate)

Mine tender smudged tear's fall as years drop from mine life, queen of dream's, can't a reality we make in ourn life? wherein there's no pain nor strife, but a treasure chest we put ourn hand's into every time we need a slice of eachother's amour!!! What dost mine aorta haveth in store oh loving acknowledger of mine spell!???..... this spell oh lonesome poet's hell......
Hopeful dreams... Though I'm a realist lol
Jul 2015 · 508
Scary norm's
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The world runneth from what they don't knoweth,
I runneth away from what I do knoweth......
The norm scares me....
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