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B L Costello Nov 2018
Yeah, I’ll say it,
No, I am not scared,
It’s been here all day
Does anyone care?
Yes! I am sober,
I am not seeing pink,
We try to ignore it,
But stinks,
Some ignore it,
Yes, I tried,
But something this big cannot be denied
Its bound to get messy,
Where is the broom,
Who let the elephant into the room?
©B L Costello 2018
Sometimes you can't ignore the obvious.
1.7k · Aug 2016
B L Costello Aug 2016
Before you became a diabetic,
Before the pain and the anesthetic,
We ate,
We smoked,
We slept past noon,
We played until we were out of tune,
We laughed at the cost,
“Go ahead…bill me,
I guess something has to **** me”,
And now…it is,
Imagine that,
But ****,
I miss being stupid and fat
© B L Costello 2016
1.3k · May 2019
B L Costello May 2019
Please don’t wake the giant,
She really needs to sleep,
She could disturb the elephant of whom no one will speak,
I know we can get thru this,
We must not give up hope,
We cannot get our feet wet,
Please don’t rock the boat,
Giants are not real
Facts cannot be denied,
If I keep them covered,
My feet will be dry!
If I keep my mouth shut,
They can never tell,
Let’s not talk about it,
What is that smell?
©B L Costello 2019
Regardless of our coping mechanisms, problems do persist!
1.3k · Jul 2018
B L Costello Jul 2018
Remember how you begged to play?
                      You practiced and worked so hard,
                      Remember how disappointed you were
                      When they laughed you out of the yard?
                      You thought there was something wrong with you,
                      You bravely asked what it was?,
                      As if you were a child,
                      Those cowards said....
It’s “because,”
      “That’s all!”
                      Did they think that would make you fall?
                      So cruel,
                      So quick,
                      It took no time,
                      No one ever asked them, “why”?
                       They don’t even know the function!
A subordinating grammatical conjunction!
                        Without a sentence,
                        Without a reason,
                        You were supposed to stop and believe them,
                        Believe what fools can hardly say,
                        But you knew all along,
                        There was nothing the matter with you      
                        They were completely wrong
                         © B L Costello 2018
Forgive my indulgence, I guess I had a lot on my mind!
1.2k · Dec 2018
B L Costello Dec 2018
He plays with himself,
He thinks he competes,
But he never wins,
And he always cheats
So long in the game,
He doesn’t know why,
He likes to keep score,
But it’s always a tie,
Clean for minute,
They call it detox,
*** in a jar,
And shadowbox,
He thinks he ahead,
You can tell by his grin,
But he’s running a race that nobody wins
©B L Costello 2018
1.2k · Sep 2022
B L Costello Sep 2022
I opened my eyes,
Such sweet surprise
Toast with no egg,
Still breakfast in bed,
Oh what a night!
We met at the bar,
We walked each other home,
…..Neither had a car,
But I never made it,
I lost the fight,
Our goodnight kiss …..
Lasted all night,
Beneath my juice,
I see a note,
Perhaps a phone number
I read with hope….
“I’ve gone to school,
I had a good time,
There’s coffee down stairs,
My mom’s gets home at 9”
993 · Oct 2016
B L Costello Oct 2016
I did not bring you into the world,
But I was happy that you came,
I took you home one afternoon,
Took pictures…..and gave you a name,
And you where my baby,
Dayenu……that was enough,
And like all things God gives you,
Someday…You must give up,
How blessed I was to have you,
To love and watch to you grow,
I did not bring you into the world,
But, I was there to watch you go.
© B L Costello 2016
For the friend and mother of who lost a wonderful daughter. can pick your family.  We were so fortunate that she picked you.  RIP SRS
811 · Mar 2017
B L Costello Mar 2017
I Googled your name,
I searched under “image”,
Nothing came….
I dialed your phone,
It made me nervous,
A strange voice said it was “out of service”,
Your room is empty,
So is your chair,
I just can’t find you anywhere,
I looked in the mirror,
What else could I do?
Something familiar,
I look like you,
Sometimes your children are all that is left,
If I stare to long,
I get upset,
It’s only me,
10 years you’re gone,
Oh how I miss you, mom
©B L Costello 2017
808 · Nov 2016
B L Costello Nov 2016
I dusted off your picture,
A task I had denied,
But it became embarrassing,
I could no longer hide,
I held it much too long,
My hand caressed the frame,
So long since I had held you,
Nothing is the same,
I stared for much too long,
Such common sense I lack,
Into your eyes I lingered,
Though you cannot look back,
Fighting back the tears,
I returned it to the stand,
Seeking more diversion,
I went to wash my hands,
And now,
I do not touch it,
Its cleanliness,
I’ll trust,
I really need to vacuum,
How I hate to dust
©B L Costello 2016
774 · Feb 2019
B L Costello Feb 2019
“Very fine people, on both sides”,
I wonder just who decides?
The ******* the elevator clutching her purse,
Or the man in hoodie who got on first?
“Very fine people”,
How could he know,
She’s been a victim,
It just does not show,
It difficult to see the truth,
Underneath his jogging suit,
Just like him,
She cannot see,
the bible in pocket,
Or his PHD,
How fragile we are,
So easy we shatter,
God teaches us ALL LIVES MATTER!
©B L Costello 2019
715 · Oct 2016
B L Costello Oct 2016
Is tomorrow enough?
It has to be,
Today is almost gone you see,
Yet here I linger,
Alone at last,
My memories repeat the past,
The moon does rise,
Still I am inspire,
Embracing my muse,
Thou I am tired,
In the dark
I smoke,
I wait for the day
I will meet tomorrow….
©B L Costello 2016
685 · Mar 2022
B L Costello Mar 2022
I loved when you took care of me,
You gave me everything,
Now your gone and all I want is you
Feeling a little melancholy.  You don't know what you've got till it's gone.  Forgive the cliche
B L Costello Apr 2018
She was so attractive,
Back when she was ”right”
She went to work everyday,
She said her prayers at night,
To this common life,
She had come,
so far,
“it takes courage to grow up and become who you are”,
Then content,
something had to break,
They said she was an ‘accident”,
But people make mistakes,
And, still she is forgiving,
She is actualized,
It doesn’t even matter,
You don’t look her in the eye,
She who you looked down upon,
Now makes you feel strange,
and all she ever did was ask,
“Have you got some change”?
©B L Costello 2018
632 · Sep 2016
B L Costello Sep 2016
Long before she was ever rejected,
She was planned….
At least expected,
Before children laughed,
Before the police….
She was loved,
She kept the peace,
I wonder if they see her now,
They who loved her…..and who taught her how,
To tie her shoe,
To washed her face,
Who left her in that awful place?
Somebody loved her…..
Before she went crazy,
We were all….
Somebody’s baby
©B L Costello 2016
626 · Jan 2017
B L Costello Jan 2017
I should write about something worldly.
Something important to satisfy the media addicted,
I have seen brilliant poets write about the events and world politics,
I know it is important,
I would love to stand in the shadows of Cohen or Dylan,
Talk about the “Future”, or the times that are “A ‘Changing”,
But my muse is not entertained or interested in Donald Trump,
That shooting last night,
It is tired of walls and boundaries,
It is too busy to be angry,
That careless nymph wants me to tell you how beautiful you are,
How you make me feel,
And what it is like when you touch me.
Rhapsody is real,
I abandon my fears,
How happy you’re love has made me dear,
This may not enrich the critical mind,
I hope you will forgive me in time.
©B L Costello 2017
Battling demons and feeling trite.   Be kind.......
607 · Apr 2017
B L Costello Apr 2017
I chew my butter,
It doesn’t melt,
Trust worthy as Lucy Van Pelt,
He tells me his troubles,
I don’t complain,
I tell him where to leave the change,
It makes me happy to watch him fall,
He runs like a girl,
I move the ball,
I asked him play…I was feeling kind,
That block head does every time,
Sometimes he such a basket case,
I could punch that red head in the face,
But he looks sooo cute on that pitcher’s mound,
Sometimes, he's just so Charlie Brown
©B L Costello 2017
Sometimes life is a cartoon.
599 · Feb 2017
B L Costello Feb 2017
“We don’t want em!”
That’s what he said,
He’d rather grab what’s between her legs,
He has no idea what she is worth,
To him,
She’s just another skirt,
But she is beacon that shines in the night,
You can’t fold her arms or dim her light,
She welcomes all without a sound,
Silent lips and heavy crown,
Colossus over land and sea
She bids them all,
“Come to me”
It’s sad,
He has no idea……
Has he?
I think he’d even call her “Nasty”
©B L Costello 2017

“With silent lips, “Give me your tired, you’re poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
(Emma Lazarus "THE NEW COLOSSUS")
578 · Nov 2018
B L Costello Nov 2018
Because…. She, is my mother,
Because…. She, gave me life,
I must make arrangements,
But she was never nice,
When I was young and helpless,
I felt her disgust,
When confidence is challenged,
You have no one to trust,
I wanted to trust her!
Sometimes, I would pretend,
But she could not believe what I said about her “Friend”,
And now, she is helpless……
Now, she cannot walk,
Aphasic since the stroke,
She never liked to talk,
She hated a "mess”,
Especially ones I made,
I learned how to clean,
Because…I was afraid,
She never liked to cook,
The staff helps her to eat,
Every time I visit,
They tell me, “she is sweet”,
I wish they knew her then,
I wish that they were right,
I wish she was my friend,
But she was never nice
©B L Costello 2018
*Not biographical!  God bless me, MY mother was and is now and Angel.  This was inspired by a friend who is trying to do the "right thing", despite all the wrong she has endured.  God bless all children and mothers good and bad.
B L Costello Oct 2016
“You could cover that tattoo,”

She said….

”show some respect”.
“Do you think if I did….
the world would forget?”

“But your old”,
“And……it’s strange,”
“It looks like a price,”

Grandma smiled and said….

“Well I’ve paid all my life”,

I challenged her vanity,
And…she fought with her pride,
Never again,
Would she ever hide,
I am older now
I no longer wonder……
…..about that tattoo,
Or the cost of those numbers
© B L Costello 2016
I think it is finished.  I just had to add more of her.  Please stop by again and comment.  As always it is appreciated.
573 · Oct 2016
B L Costello Oct 2016
You think that I am silly,
Just lyrics and some rhyme,
Your comment is judgmental,
Not constructive,
Not kind.
I choose to write,
A poet……
I am resigned,
A lover……
Not a fighter,
I’ll change your mind
©B L Costello 2016
570 · Apr 2018
B L Costello Apr 2018
It was real,
Not fantastic,
I got no flowers,
He was not romantic,
Its better before you know what you want,
So much easier is the response,
But expectations create such work,
Some die and some get hurt,
It must to be real
You cannot pretend,
There is no fairy tale end…….
Just a thin line,
Slave or master?
What is “happily ever after”?
©B L Costello 2018
556 · Sep 2021
B L Costello Sep 2021
My muse does tickle,
I cannot deny,
but she does not stop…until I cry,
so I try to be happy,
I want to be free,
but then I miss her,
touching me,
With  a tear in my eye,
I reach for my pen,
begging for her to touch me again

Nope, I dont speak French!  Lol, but I could not resist the word play merci and the suggestion of gratefulness and to spare. Hope you'll forgive
B L Costello May 2019
I’ll be you,
Older and gray,
I am afraid,
Your wisdom,
Your beauty,
Amazing to me,
Challenged with fragility,
So important,
All that you do,
No one could ever fill your shoes,
Who will listen,
Who 'll want to talk?
When my hands shake,
Or I need help to walk?
Who will be my friend?
After you have left,
What becomes of the childless?
©B L Costello 2019
A scary thought.  I question the kindness of strangers.
537 · Sep 2019
Happy Birthday JonBenét
B L Costello Sep 2019
Found in the dark,
You were not alone,
Somebody killed you
In your home
You were only six,
You will never be seven,
But everyone is pretty in heaven
Beauty queen,
You won the crowns,
It did not help when they held you down,
I think of you,
It makes me crazy
23 years,
You’re still a baby,
But, somebody knows what happened to you,
Because...somebody did it
The world may never know….
Because...somebody hid it
RIP JonBenét  August 6, 1990 – December 25, 1996
©B L Costello 2019
RIP JonBenét  August 6, 1990 – December 25, 1996
23 years.....she would be 29 today.
B L Costello Apr 2018
The other place,
Down below,
Really is closer than you know
Its not so far beneath,
That’s why I never have cold feet
Bare foot…
I thoughtfully tread,
They read the book,
I heard what was said,
My chin is up,
My teeth are clenched,
funny you never notice the stench,
Playing my fiddle,
You reap what you sow
My place is closer than you know
©B L Costello 2018
520 · Feb 2022
B L Costello Feb 2022
Against my nature,
And all of my plans,
I reached for you,
You extended your hand,
“Hold on”,
You said,
“I will always be there”
When I lost my grip,
You pulled my hair,
Ignoring my tears,
I begged you…
”let go”,
You only yanked harder,
Telling me…”no”,
I am tired,
My battles never ends,
Are you my bully,
My lover,
Or friend?
Tell me,
I’ll listen,
We can have a good life
Let go!
And just say,
I’m alright
Falling down the rabbit hole again.
518 · Sep 2016
B L Costello Sep 2016
Sure you can “take it”,
I’m not to blame,
You stick that needle in your own vein.
People’s opinions mean nothing to you,
You can “handle it,
But that’s not what you do…..
Instead you blame others
You argue,
You’re “free”,
You only exist thru chemistry,
So now,
You can “take it”,
“Life is so beautiful”,
It is also brief,
I’ll cry at your funeral
©B L Costello 2016
505 · Jun 2018
B L Costello Jun 2018
Can scare you to death,
THE LAY OVER cancelled
Anthony left,
He was always gone,
He worked on vacation,
He said that he had no regret,
Thru the sinewy smoke of his cigarette,
and still he left us eating crow,
keeping a secret,
He's gone again,
his choice,
his fault,
Clearing the table,
I spill the salt,
I don’t understand
The flavor is gone,
Everything’s bland
©B L Costello 2018
500 · Aug 2016
B L Costello Aug 2016
I thought that he would be my last,
My promise,
I was sure,
Now…I may be his last,
If there is no cure,
Every second I want with him,
But I cannot decide,
Every moment away from him,
Tears me apart inside,
My needs do conflict,
There really is no win,
He has the tumor,
But I am sick for him
© B L Costello 2016
492 · Feb 2019
B L Costello Feb 2019
Mad at me,
Mad at you,
I keep the peace and forget what you do,
I am haunted,
I am not a child,
I wish I was senile!
I cannot forget what you did,
But I love you,
So…I forgive,
Tossing this ball like grownups do,
Your game,
Catch 22
©B L Costello 2019
472 · Mar 2018
B L Costello Mar 2018
You can’t just “let it”
No one wants its,
But we all get it
Sure we pretend,
We’re always “surprised”,
But we know that no one gets out alive,
Sooner or later,
That bird comes tappin’
One crack in the glass,
And it just “happens”
The end at last,
“Never more”,
It will happen again,
As its happened before
Next to the window,
My back to the door
I tease that bird,
Because I am bored
Young and foolish,
The sense I lack,
Despite the crack,
Tapping back!
No worries,
It's never broken before…
“Gotta go...somebodys knocking at the door”.
©B L Costello 2018
468 · Aug 2019
B L Costello Aug 2019
So far from the jungle,
we learned to enslave,
From the drum to the gun our animal ways,
Take what you need
Live for the food,
Now we are fat,
With nothing to do,
So, we take what we want,
And now…we can lie,
Monkey or man?
Let Darwin decide
© B L Costello 2019
458 · Apr 2023
My Little Friend
B L Costello Apr 2023
She is only 3ft 4,
I could not adore her more,
That smiling face is always talking,
She is a little miracle walking,
Hide and seek,
She loves to play nurse,
Then...her treatment,
First things first,
So many challenges,
Each day is a test,
and when she is with us,
We are blessed
I work with a lot of special children. You're not supposed to have favorites but I can't help it this one is mine
451 · Jul 2016
B L Costello Jul 2016
The road less traveled is sometimes hard,
My wagon throws gravel,
I read the cards,
This life I choose is wild and free,
It’s better when no one is following me,
The currents do change,
The journey does end,
The road does challenge with dips and bends,
But I am a gypsy,
With fortunes to tell,
I KNOW it’s going to turn out well!
©B L Costello 2016
444 · Jul 2019
B L Costello Jul 2019
A snob and a guy,
They should have been kin,
A scholar and a pedestrian,
An unlikely pair,
Two of the best!,
It was, "another fine mess!",
I don't know why.....
I loved it when the skinny one cried!
Even better...(I'm not so bad)
I love it when the fat guy got mad!
Together was genius,
Alone only half,
I am glad they met and made me laugh
©B L Costello 2019
An unlikely couple.  Stan was from a theater family, and Ollie was just a very funny man who liked to sing.  Stan was Charlie Chaplin's stunt double.  He wanted to Charlie.....he actually protested being part of this team.  I am so glad he became Laurel and Hardy.
443 · Jan 2017
B L Costello Jan 2017
“Don’t let it hurt”,
(Through tears she begged)
“DON’T ****”!
“Cross your legs”,
“It only gets harder”,
“Life is not fair”,
(She pulled the brush through her hair)
“The shoes are tight”,
“It is do ‘able”
“You begged for that heel”
“Is it important”?
“That’ how people look at us”
“Baby don’t cry….we’re gonna have cake”
“Remember your napkin, today you are eight”!
© B L Costello 2017
442 · Oct 2017
B L Costello Oct 2017
Child of god,
Hypnotic to me
She smiles saying the rosary
She sings for god,
But she’ll sing for you,
God knows……
What she has been through,
She is very impulsive,
Maybe disturbed,
Out in all weather,
Preaching his word,
I pass her corner,
But I know it’s a test,
Each time she says….”thank you”,
She tells me I am….. ”blessed”,
And I am so busy,
With nothing to say,
No song,
No smile,
I fail everyday day
©B L Costello 2017
437 · Oct 2021
B L Costello Oct 2021
The music was much more,
When you had nothing to say
So, whether I read or not,
I interpreted anyway,
Such a thrill it was,
Amazed I sat in the dark
So many shades of gray!
Then talkies broke our hearts

Yes, I was born late!  But some of my fondest childhood memories included going to the public library with my mom to watch free silent films.  NOSFERATU,  METROPOLIS, I am still a kid I'm still hooked on the Integrity of these masterpieces
423 · Mar 2018
B L Costello Mar 2018
Abandoned him,
No Emmy no reward,
And now he fights the press,
Is he ever bored?
A cyber fool,
In virtual….
He lives…..
He loves…..
He lies……
Does he own twitter?
Or does he just subscribe?
©B L Costello 2017
420 · Jan 2018
B L Costello Jan 2018
Afraid of madness,
I keep a diary
Rather than talking to myself,
Taping keys,
I hide behind a monitor,
It seconds as a night light,
“I hope the phone doesn’t ring.”
Hope wasted!
I could have turned it off,
I just lack commitment,
I am discussing with the third person (who will remain nameless)
The questions I cannot speak,
“What” was the point?”
“When” did it matter?”
“Where” was he?”
“Why do I still care?”
I am editing,
I am obsessing,
I am listening,
I am hoping that I will hear that voice of reason,
But nobody tells me what to do.
©B L Costello 2017
416 · Feb 2019
B L Costello Feb 2019
In public school,
We used to pray
To some generations,
This may seem odd,
Sometimes I wonder…
Where is God?
©B L Costello 2019
Just wondering.......
402 · Jun 2018
B L Costello Jun 2018
Miles to go,
I do recall,
82 years,
That was all,
It happened in bed,
I hoped he was dreaming,
Dogs howling,
Sirens screaming,
He was alone,
I still feel appalled,
“He died in his sleep, after a fall”.
©B L Costello 2018
Little things remind me of him, and a little thing happened today.  I miss him, my beloved poet correspondent.  He was a wonderful man.
391 · Jan 2019
Room 100
B L Costello Jan 2019
Details lost,
No prints mentioned,
But sin is judged by the intention,
So maybe his spirit will repent,
It could have been an accident,
A suicide,
A cry for help,
Maybe it was someone else……
Too long ago,
Too much to tell,
The only witness,
The Chelsea hotel,
A single room,
Not too fancy,
Good enough for Sid and Nancy
©B L Costello 2019
I just watched "Sad Vacation".  My God, it is already 40 years?   I know, the story is old, and in retrospect, the music ******.  But we were so young and pretty.
B L Costello Dec 2016
“The times they are a’changin”,
There’s a shift in the powers,
As the smoke rises,
She passes out flowers,
She seems so alone,
I wish there were others!
Watching I wonder where is her mother?
©B L Costello 2016
378 · Nov 2018
B L Costello Nov 2018
My poor lost lamb,
Where did you go?
my Angry Young Man,
I did not know,
Words and letters do deceive,
But Sticks and Stones can not hurt me!
Too late, Too soon,
You did not live,
Long enough for me to forgive
I miss you now
Still I Cry,
Someone should have apologized,
Before that Summer Afternoon,
Found too late
You left too soon
(c) B L Costello 2018
375 · May 2018
B L Costello May 2018
I had crossed that path where No One could find me,
I only glanced back,
Then a door closed behind me,
Checking the room,
I turned to the mirror,
Assured I smiled,
No One is here!
Welcome my friend,
Constant and true,
You never told me what to do,
I could not be scared,
because I always knew....No One cared,
when I asked questions.....
No One knew,
and No One helped me,
What did you do?
Yes, I’m still smiling,
I am happy,
It’s true
I like No One better than you
©B L Costello 2018
We can be our own best friend.  We can be alone and not lonely.  Its even better when we choose to be alone. We really need No One when we are secure with ourselves.
362 · Jul 2016
B L Costello Jul 2016
I pray for a change,
I hope it comes soon,
My ukulele is out of tune,
I can’t play,
I am so confused,
He’s suffering,
Where is my muse?
My mind is cluttered,
So is my home,
Without my dog,
I’d be alone,
“I think he is dying”,
Anxiety prods,
My minds begs and questions,
Where is God?
361 · Oct 2017
B L Costello Oct 2017
“**** them with kindness”,
I did understand,
Now, their blood is on my hands,
I do as I am told,
Just like you said……
And now their pillows are colored red,
It’s something I’ve always wanted to do,
I would do anything for you……..
And now it’s over!
Look what we’ve done,
I feel better…
That was fun.
©B L Costello 2017
Just musing on the Halloween theme.  Hope you like it.  I was reminded of Alfred Hitchocks's Two Strangers on a Train.
360 · May 2017
B L Costello May 2017
It happened again
She is still “his wife”,
The police took the gun,
She’ll sharpen the knife
Things don’t always turn out like you plan,
You must take matters into your own hands,
Years of abuse,
Fear and deceit,
Eventually…he’ll go to sleep,
So many long years!
God how she’s tried,
He’s starting to snore,
She must decide,
So long she thought,
“Someone will save me”,
Work kept her busy,
Then…the baby,
The police always come,
But they never seem to help,
Tonight she’s gonna take care of herself
Anxious for what her choices can bring,
She hopes she is brave and the phone doesn’t ring
© B L Costello 2017
354 · Jul 2019
B L Costello Jul 2019
The darkened room
Sterile and clean,
She stood with the Doctor and stared at the screen,
An ugly black spot,
“What is this?”
The Dr. said….”metastasis”,
He offered her chemo,
“It could give you a year…6 months without it…“I am so sorry dear.”
For ten years,
She did what they said,
Now everything’s changed
The tumor spread,
No surgery,
Because of the size,
They said live with it
And she tried……
She learned to live with it,
She did,
How is she going to learn to die?
©B L Costello 2019
She has fought the good fight for over 10 years.  Felt like a winner, but now......very bad news.
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