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350 · Nov 2017
B L Costello Nov 2017
I am not with the party,
Please understand,
I didn’t even vote for the man,
I am full of anger,
I am full of dread,
“did you hear what he said”?
And just when you think you heard enough,
You hear something else…
“he said, what”?
What is the question?
What does he mean?
“just grab their…”
So crude and obscene!
I am angry,
She lost…
I have no regret,
I am not Alt Reicht,
So, I am left,
Standing with you,
We have got to agree,
Support the new minority!
©B L Costello 2017
Everything is so different now.  These changes are blinding.  We need to recognize who our friends are...I hope you all like this.  Comments are appreciated.
350 · Nov 2016
B L Costello Nov 2016
I would dare to begrudge you heaven
I prefer you here with me,
I would chain you down to keep you,
Forsaking the memory,
I will lie,
I will deny
Like a stone…..
I’ll represent,
But I will never speak of you in the past tense,
I will not surrender,
You to the black earth,
Trust me,
Your loss will cause a rebirth
All that you gave,
Will persist and inspire,
As long as there are words,
And birds on a wire
© B L Costello 2014
"That's no way to say goodbye".  It couldn't get any Darker.  
RIP Leonard Cohen.
340 · Oct 2021
B L Costello Oct 2021
Nic the knife,
Mac's little brother,
His daddy is Jack,
Lizzy's his mother,
A born killer,
He'll tear you apart,
Handsome too,
But not as sharp
Lol, getting in the halloween spirit
336 · Oct 2016
B L Costello Oct 2016
It’s still there
No change
No effect,
The most optimistic word was…
We listen,
The doctors so smart,
To find hope,
We tear each sentence apart
Clawing through facts,
Sorting out rumors,
I hate that ******* tumor,
It takes all our time,
And we still need more,
There’s none to waste,
He is stage four.
©B L Costello 2016
Please excuse the profanity.  I can not express my contempt for that tumor any other way.....
328 · Jan 2019
B L Costello Jan 2019
Last night in bed you held my hand,
You caressed my fingertips,
I felt so very happy,
I thought that we might kiss,
But I was only dreaming,
This bed is an abyss,
I woke up untouched,
My hand in a fist,
And you beside me
Never knew,
Eyes closed,
Perhaps just dreaming,
That smile on your face
Is there any meaning?
I fear someday you’ll tell me,
Is it just a mask?
Watching you turn over,
I am just tired too to ask.
©B L Costello 2019
326 · Sep 2019
B L Costello Sep 2019
"He came from outer space to save the human race",
Black lips and painted face,
It was acquired taste,
You came so far,
You were not here long,
I still cry when I hear “The Cold Song”
A “Total Eclipse”
Life is not always fair,
But “Lightning Strikes”
And you were there,
What can we do?
Your name was a song,
But no one knew you…
And when you reached with lesioned
Friends backed up,
They did not understand,
You entertained,
We asked, what is it?
You said Nomi,
But no one would visit.
B L Costello © 2019
Performance pop history!  Does anyone remember him?  I found my vinyl and went there. Watch the documentary on YouTube! So sad he died of AIDS in the hospital. Early 80's!  Fear and ignorance. No one visited him
323 · Jan 2019
B L Costello Jan 2019
It is all pre planned,
It is all pre-seasoned,
We are all prepacked for the same reason,
No surprise,
I know that smell,
Who lives to tell?
I am still afraid,
These thoughts repeat,
They are pre-made,
I will be fine,
I am not scared,
It is okay,
I am prepared
©B L Costello 2019
318 · Oct 2023
B L Costello Oct 2023
A dark little girl,
She's a creep,
Wednesday is not just the middle of the week,
She's a daughter,
A dancer,
She's disgusted,
Her smile is secret,
Her shine is rusted,
If she likes you,
You are in luck,
She'll save you from the "Goo Goo Muck",
And if you dislike her....
That's okay!
"Deep down inside she like it that way".
Oh Wednesday,
Who knows what tomorrow may bring,
Perhaps...a black rose,
"Thank you, Thing....
I love this program, can't wait for season 2
318 · Nov 2017
B L Costello Nov 2017
In black and white,
I love to look back,
He knew that he was “born in his trap”
No sisters or brothers,
“A boy’s best friend is his mother”
Something about him was sweet,
Yet sad,
“We all go a little mad”
He ran the desk,
He held the keys,
He was never free,
He never blamed her,
Others tried,
But….”She couldn’t hurt a fly”
Sometimes it just went too far,
I wonder if they found the cars?
A stranger who “never meant to rude”,
Entered his den and ate his food
Slowly, he was coming to power,
I still get flashbacks in the shower!
An amazing classic,
A shocking end,
Norman was his own best friend
© B L Costello 2015
Just giving props to one of my favorite movies.  I can't believe BATES MOTEL is over!  So glad they gave more life to this classic film.
318 · Jun 2019
B L Costello Jun 2019
There is no "Anthem",
It just got “Darker”,
You were always so much smarter,
That's why I read everything you wrote,
I even bought a “Blue Raincoat”!
So inspired,
I started to write,
So began “My Secrete Life”
Together at last
Our friendship sutured,
“My Antique Song”
I saw the "Future",
Now, 'Everybody Knows",
My heart broke when I read “Anne”
But you said…’I AM YOU MAN”
So….”So Long Marianne" !
I hung your photo,
Co-workers teased,
They never read “Light As a Breeze”
I’ve learned to accept,
No offering is perfect,
You just can’t take it back,
Love the light,
Forgive the crack
©B L Costello 2019
Melancholy and missing friends.  I really think too much
318 · Jun 2022
B L Costello Jun 2022
I do not agree with the spiders you see,
They're real for you,
Not for me,
I cannot get tangled in your web,
But I will call you out when your trapped in your head,
When life is more than you can stand,
When your on the ledge,
I'll hold your hand,
I will bandage your wounds and ice your lumps,
When I cannot reach you,
I'll scream, "don't jump"!
I will do anything to keep you from harm,
But I can't take that needle out of your arm,
Even when you beg me....
I still can't see them.....I don't agree,
I am going to stay,
I will help you try,
Please succeed,
Stay alive.
316 · Jun 2018
B L Costello Jun 2018
A beautiful statue,
She is so exposed,
It almost like she’s not wearing clothes,
Her smile is brief,
It’s so hard to catch,
No resistance,
Just accept,
She really doesn't have much to do,
Still she worries,
Will he approve?
She can’t believe it’s come so far,
Does the makeup cover the scars?
Posture implies confidence,
Does she ponder consequence?
Still she wonders which is worse,
Being his lady,
Or Americas First….
© B L Costello 2017
315 · Jul 2016
B L Costello Jul 2016
The time that you spent hurting me,
Could have conquered poverty,
Healed a burn of the 3rd degree,
Even composed a symphony,
Still, you chose to take your time,
Practicing to be unkind,
You are the perfect *******,
I bow down to the master!
© B L Costello 2016
314 · Aug 2016
B L Costello Aug 2016
People you can’t remember from when,
Some you may never see again,
In a week you hear a knock at the door,
“They just stopped by…..”
You’ll wonder…“what for”?
In your car you wonder….
"Why did I go?"
"Most of those people…..I don’t even know",
And…**** it,
You came,
You saw,
And… were seen,
What the hell…
You brought baked beans!
Yet…..saying goodbye…..was sad,
And hard,
Maybe you’ll get more Christmas cards.
Without condition,
Always beautiful,
They'll see me the next wedding or funeral.
©B L Costello 2016
311 · Mar 2022
Just another day..
B L Costello Mar 2022
She is 82,
Mark the date
No family left to celebrate,
Just a son who seldom calls
"2 years he hasn't remembered at all"
"It doesn't matter, his job is hard",
Sometime this month she'll get a card,
signed with love and sealed with a kiss
It reminds her she's old,
and of the day he missed
This is one of my dearest friends. Not all children are blessings, not all birthdays are happy
311 · Jun 2017
B L Costello Jun 2017
A thing of beauty is a joy forever,
That’s what I thought when I got your letter,
Flowered stationary,
Ink dark blue,
How happy I was to hear from you,
Tearing it open as I took it inside,
Such a sweet lover!  
Who could deny?
Writing a letter!
“Just because”,
I really didn’t know what it was,
It just seemed to drown…on and on,
It started cold….
“Dear John”
A weak attempt,
How could it be?
“it’s not you…really,
It’s me!”
Am I supposed to feel better?
I would if I had written that letter,
Maybe I will send one too,
But I have only 2 words for you,
2 words….
Yeah, that’s all,
What the hell…
I think I’ll call!
Why be silent and suffering?
She always said she wanted a ring!
©B L Costello 2017
An observational piece.  Dedicated to a lovely couple I know....
310 · Nov 2016
B L Costello Nov 2016
Once I had a nightmare,
But it turned into a dream,
Wide awake,
I would  meditate that I could hear you scream,
Imagine how I suffered,
Exhaustion lasting weeks,
Guilt without sedation,
And tortured in my sleep
You....said ‘Hello’
But it made me feel sad,
Imagining that pretty smile smothered
By a gag,
Eyes that see me clearly,
Then Clouding full of tears,
Afraid to beg for mercy
Your scream is all I hear
©B L Costello 2016
Just something scary for Halloween
310 · Mar 2018
B L Costello Mar 2018
Sometimes she says the damndest things,
She’s like a bird caught in string,
You pause to wonder why,
Then the concern,
Could she strangle and die?
Sometimes I want to give her help,
But nature demands she do it herself,
You can’t deny the evidence,
She has survived the consequence
She’s had her share of trouble,
Ties that bind,
Feathers ruffled
Because she lives,
She has to try,
Even a chicken wants to fly
308 · Jun 2023
B L Costello Jun 2023
I am feeling pretty bad,
Stop picking my scab,
I am starting to fester,
Your making me mad,
What happened there,
Left me here,
Your are removed,
I am in tears,
It is better this way,
I think you were wrong,
The scar is still here,
But, I am glad you are gone.
304 · Jul 2019
B L Costello Jul 2019
Soft grass,
Momma's lap,
The perfect nap
I did not write this. A friend said it! Yes, language itself is beautiful in its most brief form. A word can break your heart, a sentence can make you cry. No wonder conversation is a art!
298 · Sep 2016
B L Costello Sep 2016
A little dull,
Not too sharp….
Her bite is weaker,
Than her bark
Silenced if she knows nothing,
She smiles when she is right,
She loves recognition,
And a thunderstorm at night,
Most of all….
She wants a stamp
That says, “She is approved”,
For now she is silenced,
And…feels a little used
She listens because she still has hope,
Not because she’s a child,
She still believes in love,
So she always will smile.
©B L Costello 2016
The name Ernest is derived from Germanic word ernst, meaning "serious".
298 · Mar 2017
B L Costello Mar 2017
When fear precedes,
The last one heard is trust,
Prejudice believes,
Our differences define us,
And now a fool commands,
Imposing his beliefs,
I don’t know how it happened…
I guess he is our chief,
Tonight…. I’m on the couch,
I guess I’ll watch the rally,
I think I’ll just keep guessing….
Why take him literally?
He doesn’t think before he speaks,
He twitters when he’s tired,
I that think he hears voices,
That’s why he thinks he’s wired.
©B L Costello 2017
297 · Oct 2017
B L Costello Oct 2017
My problems are larger,
And so is the print,
I listen more closely,
I squint,
I am much more tired at the end of the day,
Sometimes I forget……
What did you say?
I try not worry,
But I do now and then,
Starting to wonder…..
How does this end?
©B L Costello 2017
294 · Dec 2022
B L Costello Dec 2022
My father knew you.
I am glad that he did
I had everything when I was a kid,
My mother begrudged you,
She gave you, your due,
But I was always…afraid of you,
The worry,
The wonder,
How long would you last?
Always counting,
Hating the math,
I tried to be brave,
I worked to earn you,
Now…I am a slave,
Covet or loathe,
You are necessary
Broke or rich,
You are still scary!
We all have our own relationship with money. Unfortunately you have never been friends LOL
290 · Jul 2016
B L Costello Jul 2016
The evening sky hid the darkening clouds.  
The only warning was the rumble of their rolling as they smothered a once moon lite night.
Distracted by the ominous consumption,
Stars that once lit an azure glow disappeared under an indigo blanket.
How disappointing I thought it was…….
No stars,
No moonlight,
How selfish I was,
I did not to realize that she was the conquered
It was her loss,
Her rain soaked me,
Like tears it streamed down my face as I ran laughing
My jacket pulled over my head,
Her thunder like fists ponded in protest,
Perhaps she felt mocked,
Finding safety in my car,
I enjoyed the new light show that only lightening can perform.
I just wrote this last night.  I just thought of trying something different.  Please be kind.
287 · Jan 2019
B L Costello Jan 2019
Beautiful child
Sad and true,
I cannot write a poem about you,
I don’t know where to begin,
A victim your suffering makes me cringe,
I want to tell the world,
How she hurt that little girl,
But movies and books recorded her fate,
For her there was no escape,
This world is cruel and so obscene,
Neighbors “thought they heard a scream”,
Her torture and hell are finally done,
Why didn’t they tell anyone?
Now, I am tortured,
Haunted and disturbed,
They should have told someone
What they heard.
©B L Costello 2019
Inspired by the movie American Crime 2011 . 54 years, and it still is so horrifying!  Netflix has shaken up my muse again!
285 · Mar 2022
B L Costello Mar 2022
Safe in my car,
I felt no fear,
Until I looked in the rearview mirror,
More frightening now,
No cars in the street,
A shadowy figure was in my back seat,
I thought I was alone,
Apparently someone,
Was following home,
Without a response,
I blessed myself saying,
“My God is stronger than anyone else",
Suddenly, I felt no longer alone,
The reflection was gone, and I was at home
Happened this morning
280 · Jun 2017
B L Costello Jun 2017
People of Gotham hold their hearts
The bat signals out,
The sky is dark,
It’s very quiet
There is no escape
In the cave hangs his cape
It does not work for anyone else,
Neither does his utility belt,
There really is nothing left to steal,
No one can drive that bat mobile,
Robin flew,
He was so alone,
The Commissioner disconnected the phone
Cat Woman hissed,
The Penguin cried,
The Joker laughed,
When bat man died
©B L Costello 2017
RIP Adam West.
275 · Sep 2016
B L Costello Sep 2016
Thank you nurse,
But your sympathy stings,
Every time you say…….
“Poor THING”
The tumor is still there,
His future is uncertain,
But behind the curtain……is still a person.
©B L Costello 2016
273 · Nov 2016
B L Costello Nov 2016
No cure,
No treatment
No change,
No effect,
No signs of life,
No answer…..
©B L Costello 2016
A common English word that when used as a conjunction, is equivalent to "but" or "nevertheless". However, used as an adverb, yet defines an action's persistence in time. The word can define an action in the past, present or future:(Thanks Wikipedia)
One of the most optimistic words I've heard.
272 · Nov 2016
B L Costello Nov 2016
They say they are my friends,
I guess I work cheap,
I use a plastic bag to protect my seats,
They tell me I am boring,
They do things I never did,
They spend the night in jail cells,
For calling cops pigs,
“C’mon just one!”
“What could be the danger?”
Well…..I could **** someone,
Or wake up with a stranger,
I’m good,
For that…..
I’ve no desire
I’d love to go…..
As your designated driver
© B L Costello 2015
266 · Mar 2023
B L Costello Mar 2023
I met her when her hair was black,
Mine was covered with a cap,
As I grew,
We knew each other,
My hair has been many colors,
And now,
While she approaches night,
Still pulled back,
Her hair is now white,
The thought of her loss,
Makes me afraid,
My eyes wet,
and premature gray
263 · Jul 2016
B L Costello Jul 2016
I was blessed with this,
I know what it is,
I know no cross is heavier than his,
I suffer……
I am tired and bent,
My sacrifice,
This is my lent,
“Fail to plan,
Plan to fail”,
I expected the rain,
Not the hail,
It hurts,
My life has been cut in half,
“Man makes plans…….
  And God just laughs”
B L Costello 2016
262 · May 2023
B L Costello May 2023
I am feeling pretty bad,
Stop picking my scabs,
I am starting to fester,
Your making me mad,
What happened there,
Left me here,
You are removed,
I am in tears,
It is better this way,
I think you were wrong,
The scar is still here,
But I am glad you are gone
260 · Jul 2016
B L Costello Jul 2016
She was no victim,
Just not very smart,
Her aim was poor from the start,
All those warnings,
Like ammunition,
They told her “fire”!
But she wouldn’t listen,
A reluctant hunter,
She worried a lot,
Now she is prey,
She lost her shot,
Just to survive,
For her that was good,
Now, she may never get out of the woods
© B L Costello 2016
258 · Oct 2016
B L Costello Oct 2016
They only had eyes for him
They smiled and laughed,
As he reached to feel the new air around him,
Tears flowed,
“Oh, he is beautiful”,
And he was……like a promise,
He filled them with hope,
Like a gift his bassinet was adorned with a blue satin bows,
They could not wait to embrace him

In another room,
Another time,
Another place,
He is horizontal,
His hands are folded together,
There is nothing to reach for,
Adoring family lean over him,
Tears and praise together again,
“They did a good job”,
“The flowers are beautiful”,
The dark mahogany frames him like a picture,
How they hate to let him go.
© B L Costello 2016
Trying my hands at prose.  Please be kind.
258 · Jan 2017
B L Costello Jan 2017
She fell to the devil,
And he took her heart,
That was just the start,
Terminally stricken,
Like a disease,
He stole her soul and sympathy,
Because of him,
She would know hurt,
She would never know her potential worth,
She took his name and gave her life,
He bled her like a sacrifice,
So young,
She was done,
Before her time,
And he was the last thing on her mind
©B L Costello 2016
258 · Feb 2017
B L Costello Feb 2017
The curve of her frame,
The length of her neck,
I could do nothing except,

Not an affair
Not a mission,
I commit,

A different love,
One that lingers
My blistered,
****** fingers

That tortured buzz.
Makes me a wreck,
But I negotiate her frets

The hour is brief,
It ends too soon,
I’m still awake,
She still in tune,

I shake my hands
The numbness is gone,
Change the bandage,
We play on
©B L Costello 2017
258 · Jul 2016
B L Costello Jul 2016
Her personal effects displayed on a chair,
The jewelry she hid is sitting right there,
Atop of the dresser she hated to dust,
Strangers browsing,
“Ask how much”,
A man in thick glasses watches the box,
Collecting the cash,
He records what we’ve got……
“It almost gone”,
We’ll call the truck,
Should I save something?
I don’t know what,
It been so long since I felt really sure,
All that remains is **** without her.
© B L Costello 2015
257 · Jan 2017
B L Costello Jan 2017
No one agrees,
We should be embarrassed,
The president is not meant to scare us,
I’m afraid……
There has been a mistake,
I guess the press conference has to wait…….
Our weakest link,
Proves our strength,
But only as long as there is length,
Too much distance will cause harm,
He cannot see past his arms,
His reach is poor,
His vision stinks,
He squints,
You never see him blink,
A president who is over there…….
Leaves us alone and a little scared,
Embrace us now,
Before we are bitter,
Not everyone can go to twitter.
©B L Costello 2017
Yes, he has addressed them.  This post is a little late.  God help us.
257 · Dec 2019
B L Costello Dec 2019
When black and white turn to gray,
Left and right lose their way
In the drab they lose direction,
Stalled at the intersection,
There we ponder which is best.
East, or West?
How many tolls must we pay?
Which is best?
It’s wrong to say,
Don’t ask
Don’t tell
That’s the code,
Common law,
No king of this road
Just a queen with no where to be,
Hail her royal majesty
©B L Costello 2019
256 · Jun 2018
B L Costello Jun 2018
He did what he should
He was just a kid,
That what he learned,
That’s what he did,
Because it was “right”,
It must be good,
A black and white childhood,
But sometimes thing are not that way,
Black and white does blur to gray
That can never be annulled,
Points are lost when the tips get dull
And now he engages every man’s fight,
To do as he should,
Or to do what is right
©BL Costello 2018
This was inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:11
254 · Aug 2016
B L Costello Aug 2016
I could have ran the circus,
But I guess I’m just a clown,

I may have loved the wire,
But the height kept me down,

Intrigued I swallowed fire,
It hurt and I was burned,

If I could have stood the smell,
I would have the pick the pachyderms!
©B L Costello 2015
Sometimes my life is just a four ring circus!
253 · Sep 2016
B L Costello Sep 2016
It takes such courage to believe what you know,
Courage can be a frightening blow,
So far….
I’ve been right,
I wish I could hide,
I would love to be wrong….
At least surprised
©B L Costello 2016
Knowing is all, but do we really need it "ALL"?
The truth is not always kind, comfortable, or convenient.
252 · Feb 2019
B L Costello Feb 2019
Such pride she brought,
Their only daughter,
Their joy!
She walked on water,
Their pride and joy,
She gave them wings,
Without doing anything,
There was nothing to expect,
Baby girl was perfect,
They kept her safe,
Choices made,
She loved her swing and gilded cage,
No friends,
No callers,
Not even a knock,
So pretty she never noticed the lock
©B L Costello 2019
246 · Oct 2017
B L Costello Oct 2017
I go to bed anxious,
What is there to do?
What will tomorrow do to you?
I close my eyes,
I wake up afraid…
My god,
The bed is not even made,
And I have just gone thru so much,
Laying here wondering “what”
How can I ever fathom “why”?
I can’t even open my eyes,
I am sure,
I will become unglued,
If I can’t stay next to you,
But money is evil,
And we love sin,
So… the week begins
©B L Costello 2017
243 · Oct 2017
B L Costello Oct 2017
You should have worn gloves,

There is blood on you coat

You’re pretty when you smile,

Pass the soap

©B L Costello 2017
A little more Halloween Fun.  Just playing with structure for expression.
It's a conversation after the fact......
242 · Oct 2019
B L Costello Oct 2019
I don’t like climbing ladders,
Perhaps I am afraid of heights
I have sat in very high places,
It never really seemed right,
I guess I feel much safer,
Keeping my feet on the ground,
I have no fear of falling,
I hate looking down,
When you’re in high places,
It seems that’s all that you do
From a distance,
Everything looks small from an aerial view
I do not believe that distance gains me any respect,
How could I be respected by such tiny specks!
©B L Costello 2019
240 · Mar 2017
B L Costello Mar 2017
Submit or succumb,
What the hell did I do?
Give into desire,
Or give into you?
Questions like ghosts,
Persist like a want,
Lighting a smoke,
I engage the haunt,
Searching myself,
I forget what I had,
Taking another drag.
The alarm goes off,
I extinguish the ****,
“Good morning baby,
It’s time to get up”
©B L Costello 2017
Succumb: To yield to an overpowering force or overwhelming desire.
Submit To yield or give way to another.
237 · May 2017
B L Costello May 2017
I swallowed my pride with such induction,
I feared a bleed,
Or spontaneous combustion,
So intense…..
I could not speak,
I raised my cheeks……
While clinching my teeth,
Shaking my head,
Composed…but riled,
How pleased he looked,
He thought I had smiled,
How wrong he was,
Someone spoke…….
……too soon,
My remains splattered all over the room
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