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bluevelvet May 2017
i'm weak and timid,
just for you.
i'm head over heels,
just for you.
i'm already deep in,
just for you.

but who are you?
what do you like?
what do you dream of?
will that voice
send shivers all through
my body, even down
to the toes?
will that face haunt my dreams
while i think you deserve better?

oh lonely star,
when will you come?
to show i've always
been enough.
they say you'll find it when you stop looking.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
I have
Horrible memory

But my
They're good

Only for
You now
This is all
For you

And I'm
Like that
Same child,

You're not
Could you
Hate me
bluevelvet May 2017
It is round,
it is flat.
It has muscles,
it has fat.
Don't ever let
anybody make you believe
that the way you look
is reason enough
to never know
the beautiful soul
that lives inside
the most unique
place you could
ever call
bluevelvet Nov 2017
You see me standing
But it's a struggle
Addictions and never enough

You see me down
I'm always willing to help out
For those alone

Between the remembering of having had
A small guy with big dreams,
Self worth demolished
By a cousin who can't see your worth

A pasture so clean
He doesn't even know me
But that look says otherwise

A boy who tried so hard,
Used him up
To drain him dry

Have you felt the pain of
Stone on your palms,
Hitting hard and ***** acid
Infecting the bleeding cuts?

If I eat less and become more
Would I be enough?
Cool like ranch,
I live in the winter of my life

Skinny is where it's at

You too know me,
You wanted me
Maybe a friend of my brother,
Maybe a laugher in the lab

You know me
Past this cold stone
bluevelvet May 2017
I have made more mistakes
than I could possibly carry.
My words are pretty
because they're the truth,
and the truth is pain.
And there is pain in
everything with beauty.

I'll remember him
for the way he
was the first to break my faith.

I'll remember him
for the way he shaped my
belief of the little
I am worth to boys.

I'll remember him
for being the first to
break my heart.

I'll remember him
for the way he
broke my soul
in believing
there was still
good guys in the world.

I'll remember him
because he was
the only one that
ended on good terms.

I'll remember him
for being just
another *******
that walked all over me.

The truth is,
I had a part
in ruining everything
that ever starts.
The pain is,
are never enough,
And the beauty is,
I'll take everyone of them
wherever I go.
Life lessons to
Trust no one.
bluevelvet May 2017
Like the current
in the ocean,
soft spoken words
crash against
the bone tough

Like a buried treasure
one turn from being released,
you're on the verge
of opening me.

I don't know why
I let myself get this way
in such futile games
I partake in
and love to play.

If I had
longer hair,
would you ask for
my number?

If I was
a little prettier
would you be

If I was
a little thinner,
would you
stay the night?

Be careful.

Once that treasure
opens up,
the gold will float
to the top.

and gleaming
from the rays beaming
out of your
godly halo,

from the depths
of my sunken
i think it's perfectly okay to lie and say, 'im over him'.
bluevelvet May 2017
I sit and I ponder,
how can we make this last longer?
All that hate and revenge,
seeping from such a fragile body.
Was it worth it?
Do you regret it?
I can only now stay humble,
and never again mumble
to ones that pass by while I stumble.
I reach and I fumble,
the things that turned me.
into a rat.
bluevelvet Jul 2017
She told me that I am

              Kind and caring and

After I help her out some

              She tells me I'm sweet

I tell her,

                  Despite what you hear

      I try to help out however I can

          Because I know how it feels

To have no one around to help

               And how no one likes me

And talks about me

               She looks at me and says,

I love you!

        I would never talk about you

And if I did,

        It's about something funny you said

                 She tells me not to listen

To what people say about me

          'Cause she knows

              That I'm a good person,

     That I'm sweet and helpful

           I've thought recently,

                   Very, very recently,

    About confiding in her about

How much this hurts,

             And if I was brave

                  I'd cry my eyes out

   Because I've told another,

                 Got teary eyed but

      It never went further down


            Before all of this

She tells me of her cousin

          And how she worries

For him after Trump was elected

          And I'm left to wonder

How it feels to date someone

        With the same name

                                        As a cousin
But she's funny and despite what she thinks, I will always help her.

'Cause I know how it feels to have no one to help, even for the mundane and boring and annoying things.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
It's like coming up for air,
The first time in a decade
And I've felt heartbreak
When he said to not go down
That it was a black hole
And can you feel it?
Can you feel the way it comes together?

Maybe I need to learn the tricks of putting a toothbrush down my throat
Maybe I have a war in my mind and I'm crazy
Maybe I think I'm not enough sometimes
Maybe I ruin everything with the things I have said

But if this is it,
If there is nothing left,
If you didn't tell every person you met that obviously liked you that you were already getting married,
It will be greater than thousands of black holes
Rushing through my body
But I'll always be there for you.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
Golden rainbows
flow from her skull bone
Hands filled with metal
she takes a final bow
she never wants to settle
any of her scores
A thoughtless head
wavering a never ending war
That dies with his lead

Eyes drowning in mist
her hands curled in her lap
the shape of pointless fist
The strangers laugh
in unrecognized town
Funny at their low level
you're finally down
A clever devil
He makes no sound

A tired voice begins
Words she already knows
never repeated again
This time will hold

It's not what you deserve
It's what you believe
A self loving love;
Don't be deceived.
bluevelvet Jul 2017
Before you go
Write something I'd only know
Without ever braving to show

Write about the humidity
Of that day,
Write about the thickness of tongues
Holding back words too scared to say

Write about how I wanted your arm
To be around me then,
How that light somehow dwindled and dimmed

Tell the story of blue and grey,
The way we were carefree that day
And your cheeks blushed in a different kind of way
About the memories for you won't stay
And how every picture loses meaning
And like a sunset, begins to fade

Write about the way you replace this thing,
Cover the discolored paint with the beauty your new life brings

Send it disclosured to me,
I'll rub my thumb along it to help my blindness see
All the things you wished I used to be

I'll brand it on my skin,
Lace it down with ribbons the color of your eyes
And show the world every time
Placed over my treasured heart,
A feeling of sublime
bluevelvet May 2017
Bursts of blues and pinks,
swirls of silver and grays.
They crescent over hills
and barrels of wild hay,
they reflect in mirrors
and bring start to day.

Purple and orange,
yellow and fire.
They seep through
the cracks of blinds,
flood the wandering mind
of ones still awake.

Black and stormy,
violent and dreary.
They lead to a moment
passing metal,
concrete, cement.
Crane neck and shameful,
bowed heads.
Wicked smile,
vengeful bob of head.
Rises and sets,
everything once beautiful
without regret.
bluevelvet May 2017
There's beauty in all of her.
In the way she
throws her head back,
covers the half moon her
uneven lips creat.
In the way she
cries some nights,
dies a little more in others,
just to wake up and make
everyone laugh and to
make them feel wanted.
In the way she
has curves that illuminate
in time and possibility.

She craves warm hands,
cold glances cursing
her very existence.
She craves neck kisses,
tummy tickles by hands
that are long gone.
She craves to be
a final, golden chapter
in a book void
of any mistakes.
There's beauty in that too.

She yearns to be free,
a childlike innocence
in the depths of
hills and meadows
in her fickle mind.
Another beauty passing eyes
never dare find.
There's beauty in everyone. No matter who you were or who you are now, you are beautiful and deserve the best any life could bring.
bluevelvet May 2017
Time present is that
what you make of it.
Time future is the
great abundant unknown
to those that search
for a new soul.
Time pasts will always
be present in time future.

Do not dwell in
the things you will
never know.
Just look around,
take things slow.
Memories will echo,
the paths that of which
you chose to never go.

Kiss them in dreams,
turn back time in
the areas you wish
to not feel the need to bleed.
Don't lose focus,
this is but a game of
a magical circus.

Know all along,
you are better than
what anyone perceives
you as for so long.
Delusion is a must to live a happy life.
Grabbing at tethered ends,
it'd leave blisters on the skin.
Left alone to pop them,
wander til you find all the dreams
in a rose garden made for thee.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
You shall know
the truth and
the truth shall set
you free

And I feel like
I have died
and there isn't anything
Left in me

But somehow
Flowers and trees,
Butterflies and birds
That sing are
Replaced with new

And even though
I'm way, way past the end
And I know I will
Never see you again
You'll always be my friend

And my pain will
Wash away my dusted sins
And a new life will begin
A New Beginning.
bluevelvet Nov 2017
If you consider what was done
Anywhere different than me
I would attempt and fail
At feeling sorry for you

If you think it's what I deserved,
I'd simply ask how it's your place
To ever consider that for me
A tale as old as time,
Two wrongs do not make a right
You'll get yours too

Like I have time and time again,
By people dragging a dead horse around
The stench slows me down,
Kills me a little every time

Any line of view is better
Than the face I want to punch,
You were just like everyone else
So I'll tell you the same thing too

You're not above me,
You never were and you never will be
You were just another disappointment
In the long list of them

The equivalent of another shout out
If I ever decide to grow the backbone
It so rightfully takes
To end it all
bluevelvet Mar 2018
That's the name of the game.
Nose Go
That's how you start.
One two worded hint
Worthless ******.
The rules are simple.
There is only one rule
It's a delight to break,
Hard to forget when implanted.
You can collect dust in your room
Or spend time with your family.
You can explore,
Foot accessible form.
You can do anything.
But you can't sit around and play rewind.

Of the strob lights,
Hands in the air.
She's a queen working hard for that money.
And you sit alone,
Drink the nastiest thing to ever be created.
You go home alone to the sound of a scream.
Dear God, here.
Take it. Take the ******* pack,
My father's car.
Point me in the direction to hit restart.

But not the point of laying in his room.
Dusty and grimy,
He can't even stand the sight of you.
But when he blows smoke into your mouth,
It's the only thing you have sustainable.
So you hold on.
And you walk in the summer heat,
You lose that weight.
But he isn't there.
And your eyes twitch.
No glass table is as fragile as your reputation.
And you're sitting in your yard,
The sun's going down.
It makes a grey and blue hue.
But not the same kind.

So let's go back more.

You're fourteen and you grab your crotch.
He rolls his eyes,
It's just a front.
He ties the knot and sits down.
There's so much to learn about him.
So you get up.
You follow him to the porch.
Is the rain cold?
Is the birds chirping?
Does your weight cause the gravel to squish louder?
You don't know.

Do you not get addicted to drugs?
Do you go to college?
Do you eat healthier?
Would you have been enough?

Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.

You bite your lip as he stands up,
Illuminated by the grey and blue flooding her room.
He was a ******* God to your innocence.
But you don't follow him.
The puff of cool morning air and the rain,
It would have been bigger than his.

And now?
  *Now you walk alone
bluevelvet May 2017
This last go around it was
abundant in your voice.
You sneakily throw in my face
just one of the many pretty things
this mouth could bring to life.
You know your marks,
you know where it hurts most.
I finally tried to be better,
the one that used to make your heart sing.
But every time you come around,
just silent screaming blurs.
It isn't anyone's fault,
just the way stars cross.
Filled with regret,
I can never seem to forget
the way it used to be.
Just you and me and
the endless possibilities.
Red trucks are never that far,
just like you and the love of your life
who you claim is so mean.
I guess I deserved that.

About three years ago.
bluevelvet May 2017
I like to
make pretend
that what I do is
as long as
it's done to you.

I like to
think that
what I do
is justified
you lied.

So I
hide behind
silly disguises,
waiting for
the perfect timing.

I make
believe that
I'm hidden
in the dark
and that my
past is clean,
white stark.

But I guess
I don't know
that two wrongs
don't make a right
or that it's
not nice
to leave hole's
in heart's
of the like.
don't be nervous
bluevelvet May 2017
lays in bed
but not
in the way
you think.

breathes in
and feels
smiles bright.

In the
right position,
can feel
the hipbone
never want
to call

stops with
a quivering
want to
go any

rolls over
and stares
at a
wall that
darkest secrets.

Just another
will be
bluevelvet May 2017
They come in the dead of night,
seeking feast to fill their black soul.
With a fast wit and hefty might
they circle fences,
running their claws against metal,
waiting to feel whole.
They come in the form of
a cruising metal red,
black as the charcoal
they pretend to dig,
and brown the shade of eyes
that roams from bed to bed.
They leap and they growl,
tearing through fur
making crimson red blur.
The slice of skin,
the crack of bone.
'That coat will mesh nicely with
the colors in my den,'
thought the farm hand
as he holds his gun like
a killer whales fin.
bluevelvet May 2017
To tell someone,
a living, breathing,
human being
to **** themself or
belittle them without
the knowledge of
being an adult.
I truly feel
sorry for those
the most.
bluevelvet May 2017
White stands for purity.
Everything starts out this way,
even the devil.

Yellow is for life.
There is life in everything,
just take it all in.
Stop holding onto grudges,
one upping the component.

Blue is just what happens.
Everything sometimes makes you feel blue,
but it's mainly just a favorite color to some.

Pink stands for comfort.
Find comfort in everything you have.
I could wish people let that part go,
but I don't want people to feel bad anymore.

Black stands for death.
No matter how many wrongs we try to right,
no matter how many fights we win,
we all will die.

Red stands for blood.
Or roses, maybe a nice lipstick color. Possibly someone's hair, a shirt that they wear, or maybe just a shinny new hat.
Have you figured the colors out yet?
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Maybe I don't deserve to know,
Maybe I already do and I simply...
Just can't admit it to myself because
I stretch myself thin but
Not the thin guys like you like

Maybe I can't handle reality because
Everything is my fault as always
I want to play the victom but I lost it all,
From the way these hands move and
The words my mouth speak

Maybe I didn't understand the way you looked at me,
Maybe it was all just a fairytale dream
The kind where you were everything I needed
And I was somehow what you wanted

I can't let it go because you were the first.
The one I hurt most,
Not even a goodbye or a I wish you well
Line ending and so much left to say

Do you imagine it?
If I never met him and it was just us?
Would you have been strong enough?
Would I put my doubt aside and decide
To stay instead of just going?

I hope you found that peace,
I dream they give it to you
And all of your days,
I hope you remember me
And maybe wonder if I'm doing okay
bluevelvet Jun 2017
For such a good boy
You sure don't know the meaning of nice
But such is life, no?

And I most definitely get it,
I wasn't the kindest
But thankfully I'm not filled with blindness
I'll write you away one day.
bluevelvet May 2017
I push
I push
until I get what I want.
To be free
of feelings that
surround me
is only dreams
far, far away.
So listen
to what I say and
when I finally hit the spot,
you give me what I want.
A lash here,
a lash there.
No drug could compare.
These are the feelings
I don't want to fade.
They fill me up
with the knowledge
I already know.
Give me those words,
show yourself.
I don't lie
like that anymore,
but it'd be a lie
if I said that
I meant those things.
There's no
buying into it with you.
You just say the
things you feel.
but why should you believe a thing i say?
bluevelvet Jun 2017
Graceless heart,
You have met your mark
Alone in this dark,
A flame with one lonely spark

You've met your maker,
A beastly undertaker
All left for the breaker,
Everything perceived as a faker

You're dancing again,
They love your hair and the
Way your legs end
And there is no bye to bend

A fool and blind,
Wasted what has left me behind
Just a colossal joke
And now we've choked
On summer camp smoke

He gave me back
What I knew wasn't his
And I was a child
I was stupid

How does it feel now?
Does it feel bittersweet?
To finally have me see?
And does it fluff your feathers,
Smile on your face
That you are better
That you are whole now?

I'll spend my life with regret
Of never paying too much mind
To the things you'd say

And a promise was kept
That it wasn't the end
But the end for you
Is my only beginning
And I promise to you
That I see no end
I will settle but to never
Replace the things
I could have had

And I never knew
I could feel this pain
It's a difference from
Losing what you shifted
Your life for

This pain took over that
This pain took over everything
This pain is my newfound home
And your soul dashed through
The back window years ago

This is the winner
bluevelvet May 2017
A liability,
she causes destruction
with the way her hands softly
touch the skin of those
she longed to

She's a firefly.
It doesn't take much
to get to her why.

I let her out,
roam around,
being able to prowl.

It's a raised eyebrow,
devil smirk that
does the work.

Was it asked what
the problem was?
Was it silence?
Was it,
"Don't worry, sit tight.
You're gonna make
me a beautiful bride"?
Maybe it was,
"No sweat, no strife.
I'm gonna ruin a life."

She just likes to
fond at it lovingly.
A memory of a math book,
one word greeting.
She could tell he was
already high.
A memory of what never
could have ever been.

It's simple, honestly.
If he wants you girl,
he'd have already
given you his world.
Don't you ever forget.
bluevelvet Oct 2017
Who am I?
I am the abandoned building
along the vacant street
I am the whirlwind in a storm
of regret and intoxication
I am the calm of a hushed whisper,
The goose bumps and raised hair
I am a nurturing stigma,
The thing good enough to
Never really be enough
I am the bite of a plump lip,
The shared dreams on leather seats
I am the crying in the dead of night
because you want it to be over but
you just *know
when it's gone,
you will have nothing left
I am the drug of choice,
The brown liquid to wash it down
The shake of hands you blame on nerves
I am the elephant in the room,
Do you remember me?
Take a minute from rubbing the salt in,
Do you see me? Do you hear me?
Family,'s never been enough.
I strive to matter to someone that isn't obligated to care
I dream of bus rides and religion
While mourn the boy I made feel wasn't enough
But he was the one to say it back.
Third time's the charm,
And if it doesn't happen it wasn't meant to be
Take a minute from his busy life,
Does he remember the way I cared?
He doesn't want the best for me
No one could conceive the possibility
To ever believe that
If it wasn't meant to be,
Just know,
I will always love you
bluevelvet May 2017
He deserves the kindness,
the one to find power
in all his blindness
He deserves the one
who will stay,
the one who helps
find the way
The ins and outs of
all the wander filled days

Search and find reason
to write beauty and
the one who's worth it
The one who will be
the real truth behind those words
He's really good at what he does
He should show it off,
Be proud of those words
He already has it
deep within
No bitter or jealousy,
Just regret that stretches endlessly
bluevelvet Jun 2017
This is the story of an old man
He likes to light up city's
And disappear without a will to understand
Because he's oh, so witty

It may not seem like much
But it used to cause a fever touch
And just short of love
Maybe it would have been enough

But here's the story of how
He likes to light this up
And makes fun of a fat cow
(But I'm jumping ahead)
This is the story of us:

Once upon a time in a village it seems, there was cheer and laughter with a promise of 'next year'. It was quite dark out, hard to see. There was a peasant sitting on a bench made from tree, and the knight in shinning arm was pleasantly knelled before her feet.

In the moonlight he gripped her face, a soft thumb wiped a graceful tear off a less than perfect cheek. They blocked out the distant noise with the sound of their heartbeats.

With a quiver just above a whisper the girl said,

"I'm never gonna see you again, am I?"

The hand grabbed tighter onto her face as the knights booming and sturdy voice said,

"This is not the end!"

Try with all her might, she couldn't phantom this being right. He made her brave and carefree, made her feel a numbing pulse and shaking knees. But we all have doubts, especially the ones that believe they are never good enough.

"You don't know just how stunning you are tonight," is what the boy said.

Maybe it was beautiful or maybe it was a different verb. The peasant girl, being useless in every way, tends to not remember every word that they would say. But at least she forgives eventually.

The boy hugged her and whispered,

"I wish I could kiss you right now."

She knew she heard correctly but wanted to make sure. So she tore apart the hug and asked him to repeat what he said.

"I wish I could hug you," is what he said he had said.

"No, it's not. You said you wanted to kiss me," she defiantly stated.

He looked back up at her and said,

"That is what I said."

And that truly shocked this poor girl because never had anyone said that directly to her that she wanted to kiss back.

"You don't want to kiss me," she wanted to play difficult.

"I do want to kiss you," he said in a hurry.

She decided to be brave again. Life is too short, she reasoned.

"So why don't you?" She asked him. But her heart was going against the portrait of strength on her face.

"I don't want to mess things up," he sighed, defeated.

She was truly lost here. What could he possibly mess up? Did they not want each other?

"What are you going to mess up if you kissed me?" She pondered.

"I just want to make sure it's right. I promise I'll kiss you one day."

And so he decided that he was done with conversation and she wasn't very rhythmic. So he left her there on that bench.

He left her there in every single way.

Over the years, she had made plenty of mistakes. And she figures he has kissed plenty to this day. Anyone can find her traveling that short distance to the same spot.

He found better, the thing that's most definitely right. Now she writes in the early hours of morning. She gets angry at herself and at him, sometimes the world and how he truly knows how to show you life isn't fair.

But she goes and although she no longer is a peasant and he is a different knight in shinning armor, she lets her soul and imagination run free. Goes back in time, finds the strength to kiss him instead.
I'd say 'The End' but we haven't got to where she's a fat cow just yet! (That's the best part!)
bluevelvet May 2017
The lucky ones that have fallen in love will understand.

Love isn't fate,
it's chance.
So when you have that chance
dont waste a minute taking a
second glance.
Love is laying
in a twin size bed,
pouring sweat.
His smells like vanilla,
mine smells like death.
Love is standing
in front of a mirror,
shaving together
and admiring
the way his round face
is shaped.
Love is laughing
at the silly faces
that only he can make.
Love is swinging
beside him and momentarily
forgetting the mistakes
we both made.
Love is how
he knew something
was wrong just by
a simple sigh.
Love is the
soft kiss he'd
give while between
my thighs.
Love is when
he'd f**k me
so hard i'd fall
off the bed.
Love is being
comfortable with him
and his curly head.
Love is sunshine
that would illuminate
our intertwined hands.
Love is listening
when he tells me to go slower.
(I'll remember this even
when i'm much older.)
Love is still
waking up and reaching over
only to find an empty space,
even all these years later.
Love is knowing
the difference between
a poem and
i will always miss you
bluevelvet May 2017
Fragments fade into
oblivion grey.
Time heals all wounds,
that's what they say.
Why does it trickle by
in the darkest shades of gloom?
From first love to the last,
everything is cherished from the past.
Unfortunately with time, everyone distorts what a memory was into what they want to remember.
bluevelvet May 2017
never trust boys with
long perfect hair and
constant red and stary eyed.
just trust me,
they laugh when you
have cried.
is this a haiku? either way, i made it just for you.
bluevelvet May 2017
Years to make this moment,
brought down by some
not so unwitting as perceived.

If you'd like,
we could buckle this belt
in a nice forming circle.

Find me in my section.
My soulless feet
find contentment in
the ones with blues and purples.

Don't be daft, mister.
And tell my kin-folk
to not be mean to a sister.
Taking advantage of things
seems to run in this family.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
You come and you go,
You leave yourself so peacefully
And I had a sun once
A sun that I let burn out
I had a way once
A way that was lost
In the never ending maze
And I never understood
How you could have felt that
I never thought I was
Worth keeping those promises
So I forgot them,
I had forgotten your silly faces
And the pictures we took
I forgot the ham
And the way you bent
To align with my sight
I forgot how you sang to me
And the way you always
Had the time for me
And so I moved on
I let go and found something else
Something that I thought
Was completely right
And you had been there all along
And this maze,
This cryptic riddle is near the end
Because this is the end for me
I was missing something
And I could never put my finger on it
And when I saw you,
I felt something that felt funny and familiar
And it may be too late,
I'm always too late
But I hope you know
I hope you can feel this
Feel how I would spend my life
Reaching for suns to put on your back
To memorize every face you make,
And every line old age would break,
I will listen to you sing and
Always wish that it was still for me,
And I will enjoy anything,
Even sandwiches, because...
I had the chance to know you
I had the chance to mean something to you
I had the chance to view your world
And now you will always
Have my love,
Even if it's no longer returned
You have broken and shaped
My life to a mere plot of
One of your favorite movies
And no matter the outcome,
No matter if it kills me or not,
I would never change a thing
bluevelvet May 2017
I wish I could
creat art like
the art people creat
out of a thought
formed by me.

I wish someone
would fill me
with beautiful art,
like I did with those
who found no use in it.

I wish I could
be some form
of a magical art,
the kind that brightens
even the coldest
of ugly hearts.
bluevelvet Aug 2017
Circle tap tap

The best thing my time never had

The past is where it's at

And I would love to go back,

Feel that electric lightning zap

But I'll save a space for his timeless laugh

Tap circle tap

I acted like a total brat

But he loved that I was fat

Gave my stomach many pats

I wish I never wasted his time

Tap tap circle

What I did was quite brutal

And my apologies would be futile

I wished he'd better himself

And now I see it wasn't too late for him

Just in time*

Tap tap tap circle

This world is ****** up

But I'll learn to be enough

Maybe if I had two holes in each ear

I would learn how to correctly hear

The st-st-stutter

And the way I was never good at being

The queen of Chevron

Innocence was lost when I couldn't breathe

In the hues of red hills

And I can't hide the way I can't deal

With never mending burnt bridges and heal

With the mistakes I breathe life into

The bigger picture isn't on any wall,

I spend my time looking back and stall

You can't change what you destroyed

So pick better people to surround yourself with

And the voices fill my head with filth

Just love myself and find that

Tap tap tap circle circle
bluevelvet May 2017
I lick my
finger tips
to get boys attention.
Or maybe
I'm just getting
a pesky hair out of
my smoke field mouth.
Why go so fast?
Living fast
dying young.
It's okay.
I don't care about
what you've heard
or what you'll try
to do.
Would you rather hear
about what this mouth has done
and maybe
where these hands have gone,
I can tell you stories
about what these eyes
have seen
and I could recite all
the pretty words these
ears have believed.
But those aren't
the ones you want to hear.
And unfortunately,
those aren't the ones
my mouth will ever bare
to snakes like you,
who think they have
already won.
bluevelvet May 2017
You may find
that everything is partial sublime.
It's not that I'm not alright
or that I'm not fine.
You put on a good show.
I guess you learned
from the best about 5 years ago.
I don't not feel anything for you,
unlike the way you do.
I don't blame you for not forgiving me.
I don't blame you for wanting to get back at me.
So between these lines
you can clearly understand,
I won't forget the good times
because I wasn't the only one
that had to pay for past crimes.
I hate to see you got so bitter,
But I only have hope that you get better.
I hope a lot for you.
But I dunno,
That's just something people
with big hearts that learn forgiveness
tend to do.
This one isn't so jumbled up.
bluevelvet Aug 2017
I was supposed to get him a two liter
And his favorite candy cake
But all I can do is cry in rough filters
And seem to hallucinate
He didn't want me to smoke
But he condescendingly rolls fat ones to ****
And I was self conscious about my weight
But he told me to stop and planned our special date
I was childish and said no
But now I have to look back and never know
And when you learn your lessons a day too late,
That's when tomorrow never came with fate
Wrote something similar I do believe. But this one sticks.
Everything sticks when you ******* for once finally learn.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
You loved me unconditionally
Taught me loyally
Showed me faithfully

Bolted every door
Never needed more
All I longed for

Glossy ****** sight
Erased every trace in the night
Kept at bay all my fright

Drak filled with bright
Hearts shined with light
Your hold was never too tight

All I'll ever know
How you raised me from below
Your tender love always bestowed
But I thought we believed in and endless love?
bluevelvet Jun 2017
In a land forever more,
It's you that I adore.
Don't run away,
I've memorized your name.
Take my hand,
We can dance and sway.
In this rebirth,
We can lay.
Enjoy our time,
Endless summer days.
Come forth and shine,
Always yours, forever mine.
Blue eyes of ice
You appear so nice
Too late to think twice
I already rolled the dice
Blue lightning is the price
bluevelvet May 2017
You can't teach an old dog
new tricks,
is what they say.

But I wouldn't want to
teach my old dog anything
close to new anyway.

I'm not a fan of most dogs,
but mine's the cutest.
Loyal and guarding,
barks at only threatening animals
in the night.

We play catch and keep up,
walk along rocky boarders.

My best friend
knows how to close doors,
shake your hand
and sit like a good girl.

Been there for me,
heartbreak and tears.
Put head in lap,
role on back
and smile,
act like a cat.

She's the best.
Since it was daylight she mistook you for a human and not a threat.
bluevelvet Jul 2017
How do you know the pain is real?

He trampled over my life and had to be reminded to make sure I was alright.

He walked all over me and I, all over him.

And one day I decided I was much better. A black hole, let him roam life degrading different souls.

I came to realize this was not true pain.

When I found your face, there was a pin prickle wave from my feet to my brain. I swear I almost threw up from flashbacks hitting my conscious like an 18-wheeler.

And a hollow cry that broght tears I thought I thought were dry when I realized I can never have those promises kept.

A hollowness that reopened old cracks that pushed further until they reached the core of matter.

You were the only good thing in my life and I have changed my mind one ******* million times but I took full blame for the way you will never want to see me stay true to my promises ending in the intended way.

True pain is realizing that it was supposed to always be you.

True pain is thinking I no longer have a heart because it was broken, but then realizing from the very start my heart was in your hand. Finding you again gave me my real heart back, not the one I handmade after we said bye that day.

True pain is breaking my heart that you gave back because I realized I ******* everything up.

True pain is him coming back to do everything he could possibly do, but it would never be enough because it's not you. I know you're long gone, but I hope someday you will find the truth in my words.

True pain is clearing everything, clearing everyone out and filling myself with nothing but you. When it's too late.
bluevelvet May 2017
Crying over words
a boy never said
Pick yourself up
and drag your feet to bed.

You're a disaster
a horrid distaste
You're a laughing matter
a being of the aftertaste

Choke on words that
burned down paths
Lay around and never eat
I'm sure you'll lose that fat.

Don't treat lighty
always look back
If anyone wanted
where are they at?

You're a knowledge
of a lost coward
You would have
already ended it
if you had the power
y o u
bluevelvet May 2017
Why think
one side is
different from the other?
Aren't they
one in the same?
reading into promotional ads.
bluevelvet May 2017
set up,
pairs of three.
gonna do
when the
world stops
around you?
I'm still
into you-r
band, but
that's 'cause
you're a good
who am
I already
But since
you think
you do
watcha still
gonna do?
my guess
is only
as good
as yours.
but don't
sweat it,
if that
doctor carrer
doesn't work
out, try
bluevelvet Dec 2017
I don't know you
And I never will
Maybe I'm crazy
And I look for the worst,
Maybe I expect nothing
But you were the last
To see me for who I am
And I can't start over,
I'd give anything to
But I have learned I
Am reckless just enough
I am unstable to make you walk away,
To give up on me
But you knew me just right,
To be caring enough
Wear your hoodie to review,
Everyone finds so much better
I am decayed
But I wish I could start over with you
bluevelvet Jul 2017
It wasn't a willow tree,

                     It wasn't pine,

      Definitely not a place to hide a form of dime

             Defended your high honor,

               Talked endlessly for days

         Where embrace took breath away

     Promises to always stay

               But things don't go as plan,

            And I'm no longer your most admired fan

       Under that big tree no longer stands

            The wood curved to host,

    Mocking tree with wood,

           A cruel joke

      Under tree, I'm a fish out of water,

           Breathing becomes harder

    I shake from the cold,

Even though sun shines in pure gold?

          Dirt sticks to crimson stained skin

      Bare like the tableless tree,

   Heart mourns to the akin

Of the disjointed promises to be free

             And the never knowing

     Taste of thee
I don't see a light.
Just the place we carved memories into time that was tore apart,
Like a dream.
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