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BIKE feat C Sep 2015
I want to be
Here and there
So I could be

But where to first?
It's so confusing
My heart will burst
I said while crying

"I want to be here for you
But I also want to be there
I want to get what I pursue
So how can I be with you?"

*"I wanna be here and there..."
Yep, I'm creating songs XD
BIKE feat C Sep 2015
I wait for your reply
I wonder what you write
Maybe a confession that's sly
Or your problems and light

I see the dots as you polish your message word per word
I wait... I wait...
Now the dots scored
Your message was late

I saw that after a long ten minutes of a waiting act
You only said Hello, how's your day?
How do you expect me to react?
I said hey

Now I know there's something you need to say
I won't ask you but I won't ignore
I will force you if I may
But no, I want to wait until you hold back no more

Is it something bad about me?
Is it about something I lack?
I don't know but I hope you tell me--
You were going to but you held back

I wonder what made you think again or quit
I wonder what made you alter your message in pace
Maybe because I'm not meant to be told about it
If so, then why did you make me wait so long for it in the first place?
**that scored that means cut or something XD
BIKE feat C Sep 2015
To be honest, I'm quite afraid
Maybe it's because I no longer see the light of day.
Who knew I've become so blind
With my mouth yet left to bind

We're all insensitive, they say
All that's left is for us to drown in a bay
Full of tears
Full of fears

I've been saying things I never wanted
All of them left me so haunted
But don't get me wrong
I let go of singing that hateful song

They say we're terminal
And it shows on the external
At the end of the day
We all have ugly things to say

We've stopped being beautiful
And turned ourselves dreadful
Up to the point where I can no longer appreciate
Up to the point where I want myself to asphyxiate

It hurts so bad
I feel like I'm turning mad
In this generation of negative things
All we feel is the plucking of our wings
-Kachi Sagawu
BIKE feat C Sep 2015
Come to me...
Yes, slowly...
Walk towards me
For I am not your enemy

Now hold my hand
Look at the beach and the sand
Look how the sun shines
This is your last glance


Everything turned dark
You see on your hand, a mark
A mark of *death and life

Carved using a knife

I turn to you and say
"You are mine from today..."
"I am your living hell,"
"You have no one else to tell."
That turned out darker than I expected .-. XD
BIKE feat C Sep 2015
I can't think
I just can't
Maybe I got too tired
You've always been on my mind

Now I have nothing I can think of
I can't even think of what I'm writing
I don't know what to do
*Because you're gone now
BIKE feat C Sep 2015
I was going to leave you
But then I still gave you a chance
I still wanted to be with you
I just don't know if the thing you lack will enhance

I don't even know what you lack
Maybe it's just me
I just don't think you're going to be back
Maybe I'm too impatient because you didn't have enough time for me

I don't know
Am I going to leave you?
Talk to me so I'll know
I don't have a clue


Ahh, finally a word
A simple "hello" makes all doubts disappear
Now I can afford
To sleep in peace because of you, dear

You make me feel alive
You make me feel lonely
You give me hope to strive
You are my one and only
Oh yes~
Aww, I forgot the italics and bolds... but yeah XD
BIKE feat C Sep 2015
I gave you my time
I gave you my everything
But why did you leave?
Nope, I don't intend on talking about someone indirectly here... just pure poetry-writing. :P
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