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655 · Aug 2016
Like a vanishing cloud
Betty Redd Aug 2016
Living on the edge of
the free side takes less
time than eating an ice-cream

standing firm in ones ideas
make you stressed less
general population expanding coldness
looking with glassed colored eyes
within the trending internet new

another term leaning towards
baby boomers are careful choosers
of who they seek in alliances
from life not just
running right in making instantious
Each one has learned respect is earned
not what you take from another
But what you have worked for in life.

Many today are takers all they get
moving on leaving nothing
searing hurts and flames of abuses

What happened to give and take along with
the golden rule with helping others if you
could ?
Not expecting nothing in return.
Where those folks did they all disappear
like a vanishing cloud?
619 · Jul 2016
Angie was going home
Betty Redd Jul 2016
Silence measuring pain
from the loss of my daughter at such
a young age

destruction started the year before
six month into her illness
finding life becoming undone

Doctors telling her not much time
left tears being shed
of living
not know what she could do

changes furiously made
no doubt left on what she
had to accomplish

love increased inside her soul
wanting her last wishs to be completed
before she left this world

All were completed just in time
from finding her husband
to be with her in the final hour

Little Richard was brought to her side
she knew he was there and one part of
her was able to be at rest

Last day of her life in the hospital room
leaving a short time

I went to make final preparations for her
to be at rest
When I got back still breathing for a few
I said I love you she knew my voice
just one last breath given by her
Angie was going home.
591 · Jul 2016
A hug full of love.
Betty Redd Jul 2016
Ashes bleeding from the inner chambers of her heart
shocked by his actions laughing at her marriage

arranged by his mother was a plan fora grandchild
Cadmus did not want any child even of his own.
He thought each one of them were a bunch of noisy
His heart was in fleeing this marriage he been trapped
in by his mother.
Cadmus had to stay married for a year then divorce his wife.
He planned on doing that very thing.

A marriage contract was in place warning if he wanted out after
the first year of marriage.

He would be left with nothing and no place to live.
His mother had done this when he was but a child in Baharian.

His uncle also made sure it was completely legal for his mother to
receive her dowry at her marriage to cadmus father.

A year went by Hans went up stairs to start packing his things.
His mother handed him the contract which he throughly read.
His face was furious to be put in that kind of trap.

He sat down to plan how he could continue to live this way and have money too.
I will go to work for my uncle and learn the publishing business.
Cadmus went through the steps of the business and became very good at it.

Five years later he made his own fortune and then divorced his wife.
She was better off with out him. He liked the blonde haired blue eyed woman
. He did meet one but he out and out lied to her of his love for her. All he wanted from her was trash stories. One morning she was looking at all the emails over the years from him.

Blue eyes was done with him. He was never coming to be with her in
any life time.
She totally deleted him from out of her life.
Two years later she was waiting for a cab to go to the airport.

Blue eyes had written and published her first book.
When she got on the plane there he looked twenty years older. Blue eyes just walked right past him with no notice,
When the plane landed in New York blue eyes got her things walked past him again into the airport.She bent to pick up her luggage and thats when he saw her for the first time  in person. Cadmus this time
was the one left being alone. Blue eyes looked up just in time to see her husband and daughter while giving them each a hug full of love.
589 · Aug 2016
Betty Redd Aug 2016
times getting closer listen well
end of times in nearer than one thought

being called home is no lie
soon the horizon will change
life as one knew it will forever change

death camps coming water winding down
by plan not being natural weather
got changed by man chemicals

changing the position of the
coming rain for the west

rain not coming either
trains to the death comp
are in place to depopulate

a large mass of people in these United States.
Graves already dug caskets lined up in rows
guillotines sharpened in place too.

This change is less than a year away
my words are true about Agenda 21 check
yourself on the internet.

By the way the chip is next red 666 on the arm if you refuse
no buying or selling or trading.

If you take the chip you will lose your soul and
never see God.
If you still refuse the other choice is head chopping
with the guillotines
End times
387 · Jul 2016
She was our best
Betty Redd Jul 2016
how loss is not affecting you like its a different
hat you place on your head every morning

I am shaking all over at this grief
tears just not stopping
nor will they until unmeasured
time passes

Love no longer exists from your spirit
vanished like a vapor of breath
heart of yours lost its place

stoniness is all that's left why??
emotions no longer lay inside your spirit
mine burst out bringing fresh grief
more struggling tears

I want to stay in check but I'm
not ready yet.
I am hurting and bleeding from
within my spirit
blood has exploded about ready
to come rushing out

you on the other hand say not a word
to me giving me a blank stare
with you wishing I would disappear
into thin air

a year has passed we are still here
in this empty house with silence drawn
one morning I get up to clear this mess
once and for all

You step into the kitchen with a hat
in your hand saying this silence between
us is just much

I  silently cried in the middle of the night
praying you would come to comfort me
but you never did try.

Now I understood why the silence
I walked towards him to give him my hand
we sat down and talked for hours making
our way back to the love we still had for each
other and our marriage.

We still have grief sometimes but its less
as we know our child is in heaven
and she was our best.
315 · Jul 2016
Words learning of life
Betty Redd Jul 2016
words spoken while running singing lying
or telling the truth
come in volumes lengths widths and of
a small scope

located in books on bookstore shelves
wondering or humming to see if will sell
or going to the thrift store to sell

words come love blackboards teachers
reaching up to spell a bunch on a list
for next weeks spelling test

wondering over to a museum to
watch a spelling bee
for students in grades one through three
the winner of each grade gets a brand
new dictionary and a spelling book

Words written by others in books
teach us how think see and watch
the send a book list home

for a test before the school year is out
words help us to understand what is happening
around this world  
while leaving us human beings to
step back in wonder
since our children continue to make us
wonder at the words each one learns.
303 · Jul 2016
Be of good cheer
Betty Redd Jul 2016
time skate for a vision making
wages for a living
kids at home all alone
waiting for dad and mom to come
in for the evening meal.

six comes and goes dad and mom
not yet home...
doorbell rings it grandma with a hot bowl
of stew which will have to do

here comes seven still no dad and mom
grandma says lets pray and get to eat
dishes get washed and put away.

Grandma says to the children sit down
and finish your lessons.
Comes to nine pm Grandma says up to bed
I will be there in a moment to tuck you in.

An hour later promply at ten the door bell rings
again Mrs. Bloozy your son and daughter
were hit by a drunk driver and were dead
at the scene of the accident.

She knew at a check in her spirit
it happened at nine when she told the children
up to bed.

One thought she has of her son and his wife
they went home to be with the Lord.
Those words came back to her spirit as
she went to tell the children about their
father and mother.
His words he spoke be of good cheer I have overcome the world.
270 · Jul 2016
Two light
Betty Redd Jul 2016
razing up from flight two light
guiding me down a hard inclined

rocks weeds climbed downward
towards a sweet sounding
waterfall inside a mountain stream

beauty from night time light
shimmered down the mountain stream
two light motioned for me to wait

I stopped listening sounds of birds
singing morning just beginning
Two light motioned us to go own
down ward towards the morning sun

two light stood at the bottom
waiting for me to reach the road

I suddenly looked up no
longer was two light there

now I understood two light
was the guide through the woods

— The End —