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 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Some nights
the moon throws its light
like an old man
who can't hold his liquor in
and spits blood in the morning

Someone ought to kick some sense
into me, if they did I'd hum
like the body of a fiddle

I propose we all strip down
and take a swim with my friends
the dragonflies, but no one will listen
to what I have to say when I throw my voice
like an empty bottle deep in the forest

When I think of all the dark
and swift things of my rivers,
I wonder why time the old boot -
legger hides his maps and goes
on traveling the low roads

Alone I can tell you there is so much
beside the point of the thorn of the rose
and why the moon is with me always
whenever i choose to go it alone

I drink from that blue jar of time
and breathe the breath of sweet infants

Believe you me the dead shepherd
we sent up the river in a faraway land
in a time so long ago still holds us
all by the holes in his hands

You can see the dark clouds up ahead,
my cloisters I am always walking through them
with you children of the lost dreams,
and with you fifty-something snow-headed men

We have just collided with our lost sons
on the high road of morning, we are rising
dust like the dirt on our children's graves
saying nothing to our brothers the stones.
You're trapped behind the lines
With your worst enemy...


My father is going to the hospital.
I'll be off-site a while.

I lost my mind to find my heart
I mended ways and came apart
I lost what's taught to find the truth
I had to age to find my youth
I lost my pride to find my dignity
I lost rebellion to become free
I gave up wealth to find true gold
I lost my life to gain my soul.

I lost my life to gain my soul
I gained my youth by growing old
By gaining Christ my life was sold
I lost my life to gain my soul.

Lost my flesh and found my spirit
I lent my ears just to hear it
I lost my eyes and gained my vision
I became whole by this division
Gave up the world to find such plenty
I became one to help the many
I gave up wealth to find true gold
I lost my life to gain my soul.


I am the most when I'm the least
By waging war I found true peace.


(C) 11/17/2016
Thank you for bearing with me... My father is much better! Thank you so much for your good thoughts and prayers!

Later this morning I'm putting some of my music on YouTube and SoundCloud. I will be able to put it up on the site here soon. It is Christian rap... really cool!


♡ Catherine
of wolves through their own pores,
Those who've heard the whispering
of hell behind closed doors.
Those who've tried their mettle
with a blacksmith's blows,
Those who've climbed a thorny trellis
just to find a single rose...

You may have to climb a mountain
10,000 feet tall
And even then the haters hate
and make you feel small
You may have to dig six feet
to find comfort at all...

But there's a solid surface
beneath the muck & mire,
There's a conflagration...
Yes! There is a fire!
Though all seems hopeless
Though it all seems dire
If you ache, it's yours to take
should you so desire...

Though it all seems worthless
a crust of filthy dross
He'll take your hand
You'll understand

The way of the Cross

(C) 12/29/2016
The life of a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is never easy. It is often despised. But joy comes through the mourning...

Got to sleep now. See you tomorrow  <3
White, glittery snow.
Like frosting on branches.
Hung so low.
Beneath the Winter sky of blue.
Shadows of branches
upon the white.
Like an etching upon a page
that's blank.
Blank page.
Newly fallen snow.
New tracks to be made.
In my new life that lies ahead.
I reach a field...
Blank page.
White snow.
I have the urge to run.
Snow splashes up
like cold bath powder over my feet.
As I run with joy
across the big expanse.
Making new tracks.
In newly fallen snow.
Upon a blank page.
I leave footprints so bold.
A flock of doves flies over me.
Lord, I am taking this personally.
As Your message to me.
That I am, at last,
Blank page.
White snow.
New tracks.

how did it feel,
when the Spirit of God overshadowed you?
And God within you began to grow?

how was it to know
you must raise the Son of God,
not your own flesh and blood?
Were you afraid to fail,
as so great a task before you stood?

how did you feel when you saw
Heaven opened in glorious, blinding Light,
with myriads of angels
singing in the night?
Did it fill you with fright?

Wise men...
how was it to travel
through dust storm, heat, and cold,
mile after mile,
following the Star
wherever God would lead?

how did it feel to carry the mother of God
upon your back so broad?
How did it feel to watch Him laid in a manger bed?
So humble.
So small.
So mild.

How did it feel for all of you who witnessed
His humble, yet glorious birth?
Were you filled with awe and wonder?
At the meek beauty of the King of Kings,
born in a stable?
Did you bow before Him in reverence,
and worship Him?
For He who was laid in a manger bed of wood,
will later die for you upon a Cross, so crude.

This Child you look upon
is the Saviour of everyone.
So yes....
Look upon Him.
With awe and wonder.
The Son of God in a manger.
The Son of God.
Your Saviour.
  in the
                 of space
                      the Lord
                   sets His
to move
and to
the path
         the path  
he sees
                  us groaning
                              from when
                         life begins
but when
              we have passed
             it is then
we will see
      the rivers we've
               sailed through
toward our
                     and when
           we have seen
all the deadfalls
and snares                  
we'll know He's                    
been with us        
all of our
             and once
                  we have
                           seen this
                    push come to
we'll know
His great


(C) 12/30/2016
I'm arranging for New Year's Eve.
I'm having a small party
to celebrate the new year.
I can't say that I've made any
New Year's resolutions,
but I know i want to
spend more quality time
with the Lord.
He has helped me through the
holidays, which are always
very rough for me.
I also want to be more active
on this site, and Facebook.
Spend more time with you.
Even when I was not on site
I thought of, and prayed for
you often.
As we go through the
rivers of space
we encounter some people
who've set the course of
change in our lives.
I could definitely say that
many of you have done so for me.

Thank you!
May God bless you all!
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
This Generation will be remember for..
Being The most electronically consumed mashed potato brain folk...
Ruining Mtv...Using Purell hand sanitizer because their to lazy to wash their hands...
#Yolo... SWAG....  Worst Music....(mostly)  
Talking to our phones...(They might be smarter then us by now)
Abbreviating Everything...

(Just a few Thoughts^)
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